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    4. 97學年(含)前入學的學生適用     (1) EL1060影像分析寫作, EL1063英文作文可抵EL2035英文作文IA, EL2037英文作文IB     (2) EL2075申論寫作可以抵EL3043英文作文IIA     (3) EL1064英文口語訓練可以抵EL1033英文口語訓練IA     (4) EL2076演說與溝通I, EL2077演說與溝通II 可以抵EL2041英文口語訓練IIA     (5) EL3096 專業溝通技巧可以抵EL3077 英文口語訓練IIIA
    5. EL3101專業寫作 可抵 EL4032商用英文與寫作
    6. EL2078 文學分析寫作開放抵修 EL2075申論寫作
    7. EL4080 作者專題研究I 可抵EL4011 文學批評I
  • 專業學科類的課程
    • 三四年級課程中同課程的II可以抵I
    • EL2070文藝復興戲劇選讀, EL4007莎士比亞I, EL4008 莎士比亞II 可以抵EL4086莎士比亞
    • EL4088文化與媒體研究可以抵EL4049文化研究入門
    • EL3099英國文學IV, EL3100美國文學III, EL3087現代英美文學II 可以抵免EL3086現代英美文學I
    • 研究所的EL5003文化研究概論可以抵EL4049文化研究入門
    • EL4069語言學專題I 可抵 EL4071英語教學專題I
備    註 英文系歷年課程資料表


Carmelo Esterrich


Professor of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Columbia College Chicago

Office / 
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33217
Email / cesterrich25@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


Ph.D. The University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 1994


專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Cinema and Media Studies, Latin American Studies, Postcolonial Studies

經歷 / Experience


  • Fulbright Foundation Visiting Professor in English, National Central University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2025 Spring semester
  • 1998-present Professor, School of Communication and Culture, Columbia College Chicago
  • 1994-1998 Assistant Professor, Modern Languages, Denison University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

專書 Books

  • Café Tacvba’s Re.London: Bloomsbury Press. (Part of the 33 1/3 music series).  Forthcoming in 2025. 
  • Star Wars Multiverse.New Brunswick, NJ/London, UK: Rutgers University Press, 2021. (Part of the series Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture). 160 pp. 
  • Concrete and Countryside: The Urban and the Rural in 1950s Puerto Rican Culture Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. (Part of the series ‘Illuminations: Cultural Formations of the Americas’). 184 pp. 

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • “Maternidades heroicas en Roma, de Alfonso Cuarón.” Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación(Universidad de Palermo–Buenos Aires, Argentina) Vol. 91 (2020-2021): 211-218.
  • “Singing the City, Documenting Modernization: Cortijo y su combo and the Insertion of the Urban in 1950s Puerto Rican Culture.” Book Chapter in Song and Social Change in Latin America. Lauren Shaw, ed. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. 9-26. 
  • “Rock with Punk with Pop with Folklore: Transformations and Renewal in Aterciopelados and Café Tacuba” (2001) in White Riot: Punk Rock and the Politics of Race. Stephen Duncombe and Maxwell Tremblay, eds. London: Verso, 2011. 
  • “Para desbaratar a mamá: el último cine de Arturo Ripstein y Paz Alicia Garciadiego” Objeto visual(Caracas, Venezuela) 13.11 (June 2005): 54-79. 
  • “Mecánicas groseras: Travestismo y retórica en la novela de Servero Sarduy” Revista Iberoamericana(Center for Latin American Studies, Pittsburgh, PA) No. 204 (JulySeptember 2003): 597-611. 
  • “Filtros de nostalgia y colonización: el retorno en el cine de Raúl Ruiz” Cinemais(Brazil) 24 (2001): 111-126. 
  • “Home and the Ruins of Language: The Nuyorican Poetry of Víctor Hernández Cruz and Miguel Algarín” MELUS: Journal of The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States3 (Fall 1998): 43-56. 


  • JAN 2023
    • “Boricua Wookies: Puerto Rican Bodies and the Ambivalent, Posthuman Gesture of Cosplay”(Modern Language Association)San Francisco, CA
  • MAY 2019
    • “The Persistence of the Countryside: Urban Horror and Political Terror in Neighboring Sounds”LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference Boston, MA
  • OCT 2018
    • “Negotiating Multifarious Puerto Ricannesses in RuPaul’s Drag Race” Puerto Rican Studies Association National Conference Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ
  • SEPT 2017
    • “‘This is the Prison of Miguel:’ Revisiting Traditional Masculinities in Ana Tipa’s Preso” Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London London, England, UK
  • MAY 2016
    • “Live-Action Queens, Animated: The Gender Politics of Beauty Pageants in Reinas” LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference New York, New York
  • MAR 2015
    • “Marrying ‘Roaches:’ Power, Sexuality and Religious Liminality in Aracelis Santanta’s Blattángelus” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference Montréal, Québec, CANADA
  • MAY 2013
    • “Filming Remembering Forgetting: The Spectacle of Erasure in Cuchillo de palo/108” LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Washington, D.C.
  • OCT 2012     
    • “La Vida and the New Life: Pedro Juan Soto and José Luis González Take on Oscar Lewis’s La Vida”  Puerto Rican Studies Association Conference Albany, NY
  • JAN 2011
    • “Revolution, Euphoria and the Ungovernable Strategies of Memories of Underdevelopment” MLA (Modern Language Association) Convention Los Angeles, CA
  • OCT 2008
    • “La escritura contrapastoral de José Luis González” PRSA Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • DEC 2007      

常開課程 /


  • Interdisciplinary Humanities, Cultural Studies, Latin American Cultures and Literatures

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

2021 First Prize, Columbia College Chicago Excellence in Teaching Award