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Jonathan Yeh
中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授兼系主任
Associate Professor and Chair, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN
Office / 文學院二館 C2-445
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33226
Email /
學歷 / Education
2006-2009 The Johns Hopkins University
Degree: PhD in English
“Sentimentality Under Erasure: The Dialectic of Melancholia from Thackeray to Woolf,” Ph.D. Dissertation
2003-2006 The Johns Hopkins University
Degree: MA in English
1997-2001 National Central University, Chungli
Degree: M.A., Department of English
“Perverse Penumbrae in Exile: Multiple Technologies of Sexual Policing and Discipline in Crystal Boys,” M.A. Thesis
1991-1997 National Taiwan University, Taipei
Degree: B. A., Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
Nineteenth-Century English Literature、Literary and Cultural Theory、Gender Studies、Affect Studies
經歷 / Experience
2017- Associate Professor, National Taiwan Central University
2013-2017 Assistant Professor, National Central University
2009-2013 Assistant Professor, National Chengchi University
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
期刊論文 Journal articles
研討會論文 Conference Paper
專書論文 Book chapter
書評 Book Review
翻譯 Translation
期刊評論 Journal Reviews
常開課程 /
研究所課程Graduate Courses
大學部課程 Undergraduate Courses
榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors
Hans Tao-Ming Huang
中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN
英國 Sussex 大學媒體研究博士
Dept of Media Studies, Graduate Research Centre in Culture and Communication,
University of Sussex
Office / 文學院一館 A-214
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33224
Email /
學歷 / Education
01/1997 – 07/2002 英國 Sussex 大學媒體研究博士
10/1995 – 09/1996 英國 Sussex 大學英國文學碩士
09/1990 – 06/1994 國立清華大學外語系學士
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
經歷 / Experience
08/2021 – 迄今 中央大學英美語文學系系主任
08/2019 – 迄今 國立中央大學英文系教授
08/2011 – 07/2019 國立中央大學英文系副教授
08/2007 – 07/2011 中央大學英美語文學系 助理教授
01/2007 – 07/2007 中央大學英美語文學研究所 博士後研究員
02/2003 – 12/2006 自由翻譯 文字翻譯工作者
02/1997 – 08/1998 《新新聞》雜誌駐英新聞單位 記者
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
期刊論文 Journal articles
研討會論文 Conference Paper
專書 Books
專書論文 Book chapter
常開課程 /
榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors
Amie Parry
中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN
Office / 文學院一館 A-218
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33215
個人網頁 /
Email /
學歷 / Education
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego Literature Department 1996
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
Literary modernisms, critical comparative poetics, cultural studies, sexuality studies, colonial discourse and postcolonial studies, speculative fiction.
經歷 / Experience
2007-present Professor, English Department, National Central University
2001-2007 Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University
1996-2001 Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
專書 Books
期刊論文 Journal articles
特邀講座 Invited Lectures
研討會論文 Conference Papers
其他著作 Other
常開課程 /
Graduate Courses
Undergraduate Courses
榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors
8/2019-8/2020 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient
8/2018-8/2019 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient
8/2017-7/2018 Research Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University
8/2015-7/2018 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient
8/2014-7/2015 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient
1/2013-12/2015 Distinguished Professor Award
8/2012-7/2014 National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
1/2010-12/2013 Distinguished Professor Award
8/2009-7-2012 National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
2009 2007 Book Award in Literary Studies, Association for Asian American Studies, for Interventions into Modernist Cultures: Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen
1/2008-12/2008 Outstanding Academic Research Award
Naifei (Fifi) Ding
中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN
Ph.D. in Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley
Office / 文學院一館 A-204
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33230
Email /
學歷 / Education
Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US
B.A., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
Sex/Gender Studies, Inter-Asia Feminisms, Cultural Studies
經歷 / Experience
2016 Senior Research Visiting Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore (Feb-Apr)
2001 Visiting Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2000 Professor, English Department, National Central University
1991-99 Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University
1994-95 Visiting Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, USA
1989-90 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, National Sun Yat-sun University,
Kao-hsiung, Taiwan
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
期刊論文 Journal articles
2020 〈成者為妻、敗者妾/妓:轉型婚姻與女權演化〉,《中外文學》「中介」專號,(forthcoming)
2015 “In the Eye of International Feminism: Cold Sex Wars in Taiwan,” Review of Women’s Studies Special Issue, Economic and Political Weekly (, April 25, 2015.
2011 〈置疑婚姻.轉譯家庭〉,收錄於《置疑婚姻家庭連續體》,台北:蜃樓出版社 (“Querying Family, Translating Marriage” in Querying Family-Marriage Continuum, Taipei: Shen Lou Press)
2010 “Imagined Concubinage” in positions: east asia cultures critique, Volume 18 Number 2 (2010), Duke University Press (NSC 95-2411-H-008-014-MY3)
2007 “Wife-in-Monogamy and ‘The Exaltation of the Concubine’” in Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Routledge) vol. 9 no. 2, 2007 (NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH)
2005 〈家庭主婦的影子下:《露西》與「地下情」〉國科會外文學門86-90年度研究成果發表會論文集 (NSC 92-2411-H-008-007-BH) (“In the Shadow of the Housewife: Lucy and “an underground affair,” in the National Science Council Foreign Languages and Literature 1997-2001 Research Project Reports Compendium)
2005 “Reticent Poetics, Queer Politics” in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Volume 6 Number 1, 2005, pp. 30-55 (NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B)
專書 Book
2022 Feminism and Concubinage (manuscript in preparation)
2011 《置疑婚姻家庭連續體》,丁乃非、劉人鵬編,台北:蜃樓出版社 (Querying Marriage-Family Continuum, Ding Naifei & Liu Jen-peng, Taipei: Shen Lou Press)
2007 《罔兩問景:酷兒閱讀攻略》,劉人鵬、白瑞梅、丁乃非編著,性/別研究叢書, 2007年6月
(NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B)(Penumbra Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics, Liu Ren-peng, Amie Parry, Ding Naifei, Center for the Study of Sexualities)
2002 Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei, Duke University Press,
專書論文 Book chapter
翻譯 Translation
1985 with Kuan-Hsing Chen. Jean Baudrillard, “The Year 2000 Will Not Come to Pass,” in Arthur and Marilouise Kroker (eds.), Body Invaders: Panic Sex in America, Montreal: New World Perspectives, pp. 35-44, from Jean Baudrillard, “l’an 2000 ne passera pas,” Traverses (Paris), no. 33/34, pp. 8-16
研討會論文 Conference Papers & Presentations
其他 Affiliations
常開課程 Courses
Topics in Feminism
First-Year Writing
Introduction to Literature I
Chien-Ting Lin
中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授
Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN
Office / 文學院二館 C2-422
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33216
Email /
學歷 / Education
2008-2014 University of California, San Diego. Ph.D in Literature/Cultural Studies
2002-2006 National Chiao Tung University, Taichung. M.A. in Literature/Cultural Studies
1998-2002 Tamkang University, Taipei. B.A. in English
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
Medical Modernity and Biopolitics、Inter-Asia Cultural Studies、Transpacific (Post) Cold War Studies、Studies of Empires, Militarism and Neo-colonialism、Critical Race and Gender/Sexuality Studies
經歷 / Experience
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
專書 Books
Work in Progress Fugitive Subjects of Secret Doctors: Politics of Life and Labor in Taiwan’s Medical Modernity
2024 Transpacific Undisciplined, co-edited with Lily Wong and Christopher Patterson
期刊論文 Journal articles
2022 “Love of Empire by Dissociations.” American Quarterly Vol. 74, No. 3 (2022, September): 700-708.
2020 “Taiwan’s Transpacific Medical Modernity: Race and Disability in Buddha Bless America.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Vol 6.1 (2020):198-224.
2018 “Fixing the Severed Fingers: The Militarization of Injured Nationalism and Racialized Cold War Liberal Humanism”(等待醫治的斷指:冷戰自由人文主義的國╱種族殘缺敘事)in a special issue entitled “Cultural Politics of a Non-Progressivist Left”(左翼不進步專題)in Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies no. 109 (2018): 5-35.
2018 Co-authored with Naifei Ding and Hans Huang, Forward of “Cultural Politics of a Non-Progressivist Left.” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies no. 109 (2018): 1-4.
2016 “Re-signifying ‘Asia’ in the Transnational Turn of Asian/American Studies.” In a special issue entitled Constellating Americas edited by Giorgio Mariani in Review of International American Studies Vol 9.2 (2016): 27-44. (The IASA Emory Elliott Award)
2015 “Governing ‘Secrecy’ in Medical Modernity: Knowledge Power and the Mi-Yi Outlaws.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Vol 16.2 (2015): 227-243
專書論文 Book chapter
研討會論文 Conference Papers
2022 〈帝國「愛」的解離〉。「新冠肺炎的文化想像與社會衝擊之人文反思」。線上會議室。
2022 〈台灣比較文學的現狀與未來〉。第四十四屆全國比較文學會議。國立台灣師範大學,台北,台灣。
2019 “Fugitive Subjects: Surrogate Labor in Secrecy and the Cold War Science/Signs.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Hawaii, USA. Nov. 7-10.
“(Para)sites of Practices in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Movement.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines. Aug. 1-3.
“‘Barefoot’ in U.S.-Taiwan Mediation: China and Medical Utopia” (〈台/美介面中的「赤腳」─中國與醫療烏托邦想像〉). Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China (《中華民國比較文學年會》). National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Jun. 22.
2018 “1970s Barefoot/China.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 8-11, 2018. Atlanta, USA.
“Race, Inter-Asia, and the Parallax of Transpacific Medical Modernity.” The 2018 Research Institute on Interdisciplinary Medical Humanities. Nov. 2-4, 2018. Tainan, Taiwan.
“Cold War-Mediated Transnational Cultural Politics of Barefoot Doctors” The 26th International Conference of the English and American Literature Association. Oct. 27, 2018. Taitung, Taiwan.
2017 “Intimacies in Ruins: “Barefoot Doctors” and the Socialist Revolutionary Medicine under Cold War Divisions.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 9-12, 2017. Chicago, USA.
“Inter-Asia Migrant Narratives, Surrogate Intimacies, and the Third World.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. July 28-30, 2017. Seoul, South Korea.
“Surrogate Intimacies of Neoliberal Racialization and Asian/American Studies in the Age of Trump.” Asian American Studies in East Asia. April 28, 2017. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
2016 “Buddha Bless America: Cold War Liberalism, Medical Humanism and the Displacements of Race and Disability.” the Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 17-20, 2016. Denver, USA.
“Buddha Does Not Bless: the Progressive Imagination in Scientific Humanism” (佛祖不保佑: 科學與人文主義的「進步」想像) in a panel titled The Left that is Not Progressive: Colonial and Modern Sufferings (「左翼」不「進步」:殖民與現代「苦難」)2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Social Studies (台灣社會研究學會年會)Oct. 15-16, 2016, Taiwan.
2015 “Neoliberal Cold War Biomedicalization of Human(ity) and Terror.” the Annual Meeting of American Studies Association. Oct. 8-11, 2015. Toronto, Canada.
“Re-signifying Asia in the Transnational Turn of Asian/American Studies.” International American Studies Association Conference. Aug. 17-19, 2015. Seoul, South Korea.
“From Cold War Secrecy to the Queer Intimacies of (Un)likely Illegal Alliances: Zhao Nandong and Our Stories.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference. Aug. 7-9, 2015. Surabaya: Airlangga University.
“Cold War Knowledge Production of Science and Medicine.” Invited presentation at 2015 Summer Institute in Asian American Studies. July 16-18, 2015. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
2014 “The Hidden History of the ‘Mi-yi’: Shame and Secrecy of the Cold War Taiwan Medical Modernity,” in a panel organized by Weihsin Gui, and Peter Kalliney on Decolonization, Anti-Colonialism, and the Cold War. American Comparative Literature Association Meeting. Mar. 20-23, 2014. New York: New York University.
2013 “Fleeing Care: Secret Doctors, Runaway Migrant Workers, and the Cold War,” in a panel convened by Lisa Lowe, with Lisa Yoneyama, Jesook Song, Amie Parry, and Josen Diaz on Beyond the Debt of U.S. Cold War “Liberation”: Rethinking Transnational Circuits of Labor in the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea. 2013 America Studies Association Annual Meeting. Nov. 21-24, 2013. Washington D.C.
“Fugitive Subjects of ‘Mi-Yi’: History, Knowledge, and Medical Modernity.” 2013 Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting. Jan. 5-6, 2013. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. (in Chinese)
2012 “The Threshold Figure of ‘Mi-Yi’: Medical Governance of the Body, Labor and Morality.” Illness and Health in Culture Conference. Dec. 21, 2012. Taipei: Taipei Medical University.
“Human Rights, Democracy, and the Feminisms: Transnational Politics of Labor and Migration in Taiwan.” 10th Annual Meeting of Cultural Studies Association March 29-31, 2012. La Jolla: UCSD.
2011 “Impossible Subjects of ‘Mi-Yi’: Politics of Life and Labor in Taiwan’s Medical Modernity.” 2011 Inter-Asia Society Cultural Studies Conference. Dec. 17-18, 2011. Dhaka: BRAC University.
書評 Book Review
2021〈跨太平洋的華美知識生產/翻譯〉,《英美文學評論》39 (2021):頁113-116。
翻譯 Translation
2011 Chien-ting Lin, translator.〈《重慶森林》:帶著慾望的地圖徒步於全球城市的幻景中〉(“Chungking Express: Walking with a Map of Desire in the Mirage of the Global City by Tsung-yi Huang). (In) Sight:Visual Culture and Aeshetics. By Pin-chia Feng and Shun-liang Chao. Taipei: Bookman Bookstore, 2011. (English to Chinese)
演講 /
受邀演講 Invited Talks and Lectures
2020 〈跨太平洋冷戰與醫療現代性:從台灣「密醫」的系譜談起〉。台灣 大學地理系。台北,台灣。8月12日。
2019 〈重思中國「醫療/革命」的情感與政治:電影《春苗》的一個政治性閱讀〉。清華大學中文系。新竹,台灣。5月29日。
〈台/美介面中的「赤腳」與「密醫」——醫療烏托邦與革命現代性想像〉。成功大學醫學院醫學科技與社會研究中心。台南,台灣。 5月17日。
2018 “Taiwan’s Transpacific Medical Modernity: Race and Disability in Wu Nien-Jen’s Buddha Bless America (1996),” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Nov. 8.
“Transpacific Cold War Liberalism and the Remains of Empire,” National Chiao Tung University, the 8th Flying University of Transnational Humanities, Hsin-chu, Taiwan. July 9.
“Race and the Cold War: Transpacific and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies,” National Taiwan University, the 40th Annual Meeting of Comparative Literature of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2018.
“Challenges and Prospects for Studies of English and American Literature and Culture,” Ministry of Science and Technology and National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. August 2018.
2017 “Cold War and Inter-Asia Narratives,” National Taiwan University, Department of Geography, Taipei, Taiwan. January 5.
2016 “Literary and Cultural Studies of Science and Medicine.” National Chiao Tung University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Hsin-chu, Taiwan. May 23.
“Secret Doctor Narratives, Colonial Shame and Cold War Biopolitics.” Academia Sinica, Institute of Ethnology, Taipei, Taiwan. March 2016.
“Colonial/Cold War Medical Modernity,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Winter Camp. National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-chu, January 2016.
2015 “Biopolitics and Modern Medicine,” National Central University, Department of French, Zhongli, Taiwan. December 2015.
2011 “State Violence and Medical Hierarchies of Labor and Social Practice: Taiwan ‘Mi-Yi’ as an Example,” National Chung Cheng University, Institute of Taiwanese Literature, Chia-yi, Taiwan. September.
“Colonial Medicine and Modernity in Taiwan,” Taiwanese American Conference, La Jolla, USA. July.
回應人 Invited Respondent/Discussant
2020 科技部人文沙龍講座回應人。「麻瘋/風:艱於言說的人、病、史」。劉紹華主講。新竹,台灣。5月20日。
2018 Paper Discussant for “文本與現實之間的裂隙:「憂鬱症」的反轉與危機” (洪苑真), Annual Meeting of Cultural Studies Association, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. March 10-11.
2017 Panel Discussant for Conflict, Justice and Decolonization I: The Legacies of Pax Americana and the Remnants of American Colonial-Empire (by Takashi Fujitani, Lisa Yoneyama, and Hideto Tsuboi), National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan. May 12.
2016 Panel Discussant for the 2nd Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Annual Gathering, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan. May 20.
2020 Panel Moderator for the Asian American Studies in the Twenty-First Century conference, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan.
2015 Gender/Sexuality: the First 20 Years International Conference,
Taipei. May 16-17.
常開課程 /
Upper Division
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Journalistic English
Cultural Studies of Science and Medicine
Lower Division
Approaches to Literature
Reading Cultural Literacy
Writing About Literature
English Oral Training
Transnational Asian/American Studies
Intimacies of Empire in Ruins
Transpacific Cold War Modernities
榮譽 / Grants and Academic Honors
2021 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellent Award(中央大學英文系教學獎)
2020 Recipient, Wu Ta-You Memorial Award, Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部109年度吳大猷先生紀念獎)
2019 Recipient, University Outstanding Research Award, NCU(108學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
2018 Recipient, University Outstanding Research Award, NCU(107學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
2018 Recipient, College Outstanding Teaching Award of NCU(中央大學院教學優良獎)
2018 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2017 Recipient, University Outstanding Teaching Award of NCU(中央大學校教學優良獎)
Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)
2017 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2017 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2016 Recipient, the 2016 Yasuo Sakakibara Prize(美國研究年會2016榊原胖夫國際學者論文獎)
Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)
2016 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2016 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2015 Recipient, UCSD Award for Outstanding Service for Students with Disabilities(美國加州大學教學服務貢獻獎)
Recipient, the Emory Elliott Award of International American Studies Association(美國研究學會年輕學者論文獎)
Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)
Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
2015 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
2015 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)
2013-2014 Recipient, CCK Dissertation Fellowship, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
2013 Recipient, Annette K. Baxter Travel Grant, American Studies Association
2012-2013 Recipient, Visiting Scholar Program, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Recipient, Dissertation Fellowship, Literature Department, UCSD
2012 Recipient, Summer Research Award, Literature Department, UCSD
2012 Fall Recipient, Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Taiwan. (Declined)
Recipient, Mid-Year Research Award, Literature Department, UCSD
2011 Recipient, Summer Research Travel Grant, Literature Department, UCSD
2009-2011 Recipient, MOE Study Abroad Scholarship, Taiwan Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Peng-yi Tai
中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授
Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN
Office / 文學院二館 C2-410
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33212
Email /
學歷 / Education
PhD, Visual Studies, University of California, Irvine.
MFA, Animation, Tainan National University of the Arts.
BA, English, National Sun Yat-sen University.
專長領域 / Fields of Specialty
Animation, Film and Media Studies, Critical Theory, Critical Production Studies
經歷 / Experience
著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations
期刊論文 Journal articles
研討會論文 Conference Papers
其他著作 Others