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課 號









English Studies 1




□必修  ■選修

□全學年  ■半學年



■是(■全英語 □部份英語)    










Attend the first class or contact the instructor if you wish to take the course. Priorities are reserved for Sophomore and up.

密 碼 卡

□不使用    ■部份使用(條件外加選用)    □全部使用(加、退選皆須使用)





In the course, students will expect to: 



Develop a basic understanding of the formations of Englishness in the early periods. 


Examine literary and cultural texts via the lens of cultural, religious, and political successions


Cultivate the basic skill set for literary and cultural studies via in-class activities and take-home assignment  



In this course we will read a cluster of key texts that shape the contour of the English literary canon against the backdrop of the rise of the British Empire in the early periods. We will cover some of the most prominent literary genres informed by the linguistic transformation from Old English to Early Modern English, such as epic, romance, frame narrative, drama, sonnet, metaphysical poetry, etc. By reading these texts, students are expected to not only gain a more diverse, comprehensive understanding of the changing nature of “Englishness,” but also develop a critical sense of individual texts pertaining to their historical backgrounds and contexts.



There will be NO physical course reader. All of our course readings will be provided by the instructor in Open Source after the first day of class via google document (in pdf files). Students can determine if they want to have the texts printed out; however, whatever they choose, students MUST bring the text to class every single week: either you carry the print-out, or you bring the laptop/ electronic reader (your phone NOT included). No text, no attendance


Primary Texts



Beowulf. Translated by Seamus Heaney. London: Faber and Faber, 1999.


Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Clayton, DE: Prestwick House, 2009.


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Translated by Brian Stone. London: Penguin Books, 1959.


Selective English Sonnets


William Shakespeare. Twelfth Night. London: Penguin Books, 2015.


Selective Metaphysical Poems


John Milton. Paradise Lost. Edited by John Leonard. London: Penguin Books, 2003.


Secondary Sources

Balanchandra Rajan and Elizabeth Sauer (eds.) Milton and the Imperial Vision. Pittsburgh: Duquesne UP, 1999. 

David Quint. Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to Milton. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993. 

John Drakakis (ed.) Alternative Shakespeares. Second edition. New York and London: Routledge, 2002.

Jonathan Dollimore, Alan Sinfield (eds.) Political Shakespeare: Essays in Cultural Materialism. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1994.

Linda Colley. Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992.

Martin Green. Dreams of Adventure, Deeds of Empire. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

Stephen Jay Greenblatt. Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture. London and New York: Routledge, 1990. 

Willy Maley. Nation, State and Empire in English Renaissance Literature : Shakespeare to Milton. London: Palgrave Macmillan Limited, 2002.


授課方式: ■講授 ■研討(分組討論) □實習/實驗 □個別指導 □其他                 



Grades will be calculated based on the following criteria:





In-class Presentation


Midterm Response Journal


Final Term Paper



Attendance (10%)

Attendance-wise, the instructor will take attendance every week (Yes, I will!). Each student is allowed up to 3 absences throughout the semester. You don’t need to provide any proof; however, we do recommend that you reserve at least one absence for unexpected sick leave. Starting from the fourth absence, permission from the instructor is needed in advance, or else it will lead to an automatic fail (below 60).


Participation (20%)

Participation-wise, please finish the assigned reading every week before coming to class. If deemed necessary, pop quizzes pertaining to the assigned reading will take place. While the instructor will lecture from time to time, most our class time will be devoted to student-oriented discussions. Therefore, student’s participation is extremely important. Being quiet in class will reflect negatively on the final grade. 


Midterm Response Journal (15%)

One response journal is due on the midterm week. Students will write a brief journal in response to the texts covered before midterm (e.g. a theme/character/episode that interests you). The journal must be 2+ pages in length and in compliance with the MLA style. Late submission (within a week) will result in the lowering of grade of individual assignment. Overdue submission (more than a week) will be rejected, unless permitted. Please use your discretion and time-manage accordingly. More information/instruction regarding this assignment will be given in class.


In-class Creative Response Presentation (30%)

All participants are required to sign up for a group presentation after the first day of class. Each group will agree on one topic pertaining to their chosen text and conduct a “creative response.” This course is interested in cultivating your critical scope other than essay-writing. Every group can decide on which format they wish to take that creates an intimate dialogue with the text, such as a musical number, a game show, a product-launching press conference, board games, or a theatrical monologue. The presentation will take place at the beginning of each class followed by Q&A from the audience. The presentation must contain the following components:



A major theme/ topic pertaining to the reading


Content that demonstrates modern readership (a modern perspective)


A creative medium


Interaction (with the audience)




If you’re not sure about what to do, please come talk to me at your earliest convenience. Remember, the nature of this assignment is to free you from literary boxes. Be as creative as you can. The rewards—visible and invisible—will be all yours. Do keep the cardinal rule of “group work” in mind.


Term Paper (25%)

A 4+ page term paper is due on the week of the final exam. Students are encouraged to schedule a brief individual conference with the instructor and discuss some possible topics as early as possible. The paper will be typed, double-spaced, and in compliance with MLA style. Late submission will be rejected. Please use your discretion and time-manage accordingly.




Week 1

Orientation/ Course Intro

Week 2

Keywords: the history of the English language, Roman occupation, Anglo-Saxon invasion

Week 3

The Canterbury Tales: the General Prologue
Keywords: the Norman Conquest, frame narrative, Italian humanism, Bakhtinian heteroglossia

Week 4

The Canterbury Tales: The Knight’s Tale
Keywords: European feudalism, the rhetoric of courtly love 

Week 5

The Canterbury Tales: The Miller’s Tale
Keywords: the death of feudalism, the emergence of city-state, the dialectic of marriage   

Week 6

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1
Keywords: Romance as the Secular Scripture, Arthurian legends, knight errantry  

Week 7

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2

Keywords: Christian hospitality, the allegory of animals, medieval fin-de-siecle literature  

Week 8

Midterm Week

Week 9

English Sonnets

Keywords: Petrarchism, Tudor politics, Shakespeare and his contemporaries    

Week 10

Twelfth Night part 1

Keywords: Shakespeare and the Renaissance theatre, Protestant optimism

Week 11

Twelfth Night part 2

Keywords: Elizabethan comedy, cross-dressing in comedy, gender in theater   

Week 12

Twelfth Night part 3

Keywords: the Protestant joke, the end of the Tudors

Week 13

Metaphysical Poetry 1

Keywords: John Donne, the holy sonnet, the issue of spirit and matter

Week 14

Metaphysical Poetry 2

Keywords: metaphysical wit, argumentation in poetry, satirical imagery

Week 15

Paradise Lost 1

Keywords: English Puritanism, epic in blank verse

Week 16

Paradise Lost 2

Keywords: Milton’s satanic verses

Week 17

Paradise Lost 3

Keywords: radical theology and emancipation   

Week 18

Final Exam

課程所屬學制: ■學士班  □碩士班  □博士班  □碩博同修


















advanced English critical reading and analytical writing








□口頭報告/口試(Presentation/Oral Exam)

□專題研究報告(書面)(Research Report(printed on paper))



□學習檔案評量(Portfolios Assessment)

□自我評量/同儕互評(Self Assessment/ Peer Assessment)

□作品/創作展演(Products/Creative Performance)


□無(No assessment)

knowledge of literatures and cultures








■口頭報告/口試(Presentation/Oral Exam)

□專題研究報告(書面)(Research Report(printed on paper))



□學習檔案評量(Portfolios Assessment)

■自我評量/同儕互評(Self Assessment/ Peer Assessment)

□作品/創作展演(Products/Creative Performance)

□無(No assessment)

interdisciplinary textual analysis








□口頭報告/口試(Presentation/Oral Exam)

□專題研究報告(書面)(Research Report(printed on paper))



■學習檔案評量(Portfolios Assessment)

□自我評量/同儕互評(Self Assessment/ Peer Assessment)

□作品/創作展演(Products/Creative Performance)
□無(No assessment)

literature search, synthesis, and critical analysis








□口頭報告/口試(Presentation/Oral Exam)

■專題研究報告(書面)(Research Report(printed on paper))



□學習檔案評量(Portfolios Assessment)

□自我評量/同儕互評(Self Assessment/ Peer Assessment)
□作品/創作展演(Products/Creative Performance)
□無(No assessment)

humanities visions and social intervention








□口頭報告/口試(Presentation/Oral Exam)

□專題研究報告(書面)(Research Report(printed on paper))



□學習檔案評量(Portfolios Assessment)

■自我評量/同儕互評(Self Assessment/ Peer Assessment)
□作品/創作展演(Products/Creative Performance)
□無(No assessment)



Carmelo Esterrich


Professor of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Columbia College Chicago

Office / 
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33217
Email / cesterrich25@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


Ph.D. The University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 1994


專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Cinema and Media Studies, Latin American Studies, Postcolonial Studies

經歷 / Experience


  • Fulbright Foundation Visiting Professor in English, National Central University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2025 Spring semester
  • 1998-present Professor, School of Communication and Culture, Columbia College Chicago
  • 1994-1998 Assistant Professor, Modern Languages, Denison University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

專書 Books

  • Café Tacvba’s Re.London: Bloomsbury Press. (Part of the 33 1/3 music series).  Forthcoming in 2025. 
  • Star Wars Multiverse.New Brunswick, NJ/London, UK: Rutgers University Press, 2021. (Part of the series Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture). 160 pp. 
  • Concrete and Countryside: The Urban and the Rural in 1950s Puerto Rican Culture Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. (Part of the series ‘Illuminations: Cultural Formations of the Americas’). 184 pp. 

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • “Maternidades heroicas en Roma, de Alfonso Cuarón.” Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación(Universidad de Palermo–Buenos Aires, Argentina) Vol. 91 (2020-2021): 211-218.
  • “Singing the City, Documenting Modernization: Cortijo y su combo and the Insertion of the Urban in 1950s Puerto Rican Culture.” Book Chapter in Song and Social Change in Latin America. Lauren Shaw, ed. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. 9-26. 
  • “Rock with Punk with Pop with Folklore: Transformations and Renewal in Aterciopelados and Café Tacuba” (2001) in White Riot: Punk Rock and the Politics of Race. Stephen Duncombe and Maxwell Tremblay, eds. London: Verso, 2011. 
  • “Para desbaratar a mamá: el último cine de Arturo Ripstein y Paz Alicia Garciadiego” Objeto visual(Caracas, Venezuela) 13.11 (June 2005): 54-79. 
  • “Mecánicas groseras: Travestismo y retórica en la novela de Servero Sarduy” Revista Iberoamericana(Center for Latin American Studies, Pittsburgh, PA) No. 204 (JulySeptember 2003): 597-611. 
  • “Filtros de nostalgia y colonización: el retorno en el cine de Raúl Ruiz” Cinemais(Brazil) 24 (2001): 111-126. 
  • “Home and the Ruins of Language: The Nuyorican Poetry of Víctor Hernández Cruz and Miguel Algarín” MELUS: Journal of The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States3 (Fall 1998): 43-56. 


  • JAN 2023
    • “Boricua Wookies: Puerto Rican Bodies and the Ambivalent, Posthuman Gesture of Cosplay”(Modern Language Association)San Francisco, CA
  • MAY 2019
    • “The Persistence of the Countryside: Urban Horror and Political Terror in Neighboring Sounds”LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference Boston, MA
  • OCT 2018
    • “Negotiating Multifarious Puerto Ricannesses in RuPaul’s Drag Race” Puerto Rican Studies Association National Conference Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ
  • SEPT 2017
    • “‘This is the Prison of Miguel:’ Revisiting Traditional Masculinities in Ana Tipa’s Preso” Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London London, England, UK
  • MAY 2016
    • “Live-Action Queens, Animated: The Gender Politics of Beauty Pageants in Reinas” LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference New York, New York
  • MAR 2015
    • “Marrying ‘Roaches:’ Power, Sexuality and Religious Liminality in Aracelis Santanta’s Blattángelus” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference Montréal, Québec, CANADA
  • MAY 2013
    • “Filming Remembering Forgetting: The Spectacle of Erasure in Cuchillo de palo/108” LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Washington, D.C.
  • OCT 2012     
    • “La Vida and the New Life: Pedro Juan Soto and José Luis González Take on Oscar Lewis’s La Vida”  Puerto Rican Studies Association Conference Albany, NY
  • JAN 2011
    • “Revolution, Euphoria and the Ungovernable Strategies of Memories of Underdevelopment” MLA (Modern Language Association) Convention Los Angeles, CA
  • OCT 2008
    • “La escritura contrapastoral de José Luis González” PRSA Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • DEC 2007      

常開課程 /


  • Interdisciplinary Humanities, Cultural Studies, Latin American Cultures and Literatures

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

2021 First Prize, Columbia College Chicago Excellence in Teaching Award