年度 | 學期別 | 標 題 | 學生姓名 | 指導教授 | 連結 |
113 | 1131 | “Mending Wall” and Breaking Walls: The Border, Megamachine, and the Uncertain Universe in Liu Cixin’s Remembrance of Earth’s Past | 李采恒 | 白瑞梅 | link |
113 | 1131 | The Representation of Colonialism in The Piano Tuner | 趙佳寧 | 游靜 | link |
112 | 1122 | Hamlet: The Epicurean Revenger | 潘修平 | 吳育慶 | link |
112 | 1122 | Anti-Prophet: The Aesthetical-Political Engagement in Hua-cheng Huang’s Bluestone and The Prophet | 王浚仰 | 林建廷 | link |
113 | 1131 | Integration into the War Machine: Race, Sexuality, and Militarized Labor in “A Rose in June” and “The Young Widow” | 徐佳佳 | 林建廷 | link |
112 | 1121 | Nietzsche as Educator in Lars von Trier’s Movies | Ahmet Cagri Ugurlu | David Barton | link |
112 | 1121 | A Translation of Chapters Three and Four of Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale | 吳巧綾 | 丁乃非 | link |
111 | 1111 | “A Discourse of Acts”: A Translation Thesis of Female Masculinity | 高敏壹 | 黃道明、丁乃非 | link |
111 | 1111 | American Orientalism: The Western Gaze in Avatar: The Last Airbender | 黃育敏 | 戴芃儀 | link |
111 | 1111 | Social Criticism in Huang Hsin-Yao’s The Great Buddha + | 江淑英 | 林文淇 | link |
111 | 1111 | FICTION: Finding Insightful Connection Through Imagination Of Narratives | 林鈺庭 | 柏伶 | link |
111 | 1111 | An Aesthetic of Social Photography | 樓瑄 | 柏伶 | link |
110 | 1102 | Gatsby as a “Dream-Seeker” in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby | 林姵岑 | 郭章瑞、邱剛彥 | link |
110 | 1102 | Identity and Self-Fulfillment in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women | 林怡廷 | 郭章瑞 | link |
109 | 1092 | The Politics of “Blank Aesthetic”: Rethinking the Cultural Imaginary of the East and Techno Utopia in The Three-Body Problem | 何冠儀 | 林建廷 | link |
109 | 1092 | 灰色地帶: 解讀印尼脈絡中恐怖主義的社會建構 In the Middle of Two: The Social Construction of Terrorism in Indonesia | 唐于文 | 丁乃非 | link |
109 | 1091 | 伊藤潤二富江之恐怖探究:詭奇與賤斥 Horror in Junji Ito’s Tomie: the Uncanny and the Abject | 徐子堯 | 易鵬 | link |
108 | 1082 | Gender Politics and/in Visual Representations | 曾柏竣 | 丁乃非 | link |
108 | 1082 | 在現實中追求夢想:費滋傑羅《大亨小傳》之研究 In Search of Greatness amid the Brutal Reality: A Study of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby | 熊若芸 | 郭章瑞 | link |
108 | 1082 | 瑪麗·雪萊《科學怪人》中弗蘭肯斯坦和怪物之研究 A Critical Study of Frankenstein and the Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein | 黃思捷 | 郭章瑞 | link |
108 | 1081 | LGBT Non-Governmental Organizations’ Advocacies in the United Nations LGBT非政府組織的聯合國倡導 | 李雪 | 丁乃非 | link |
108 | 1081 | Enlightenment of Terror: Cold War Futurities Revamped in the Television Series 11. 22. 63 恐怖的啓蒙:電視影集11. 22. 63所改寫的冷戰未來 | 李育享 | 白瑞梅 | link |
107 | 1072 | 新科技、商品化及女性:烏蘇拉.胡斯論消費勞動 New Technology, Commodification, and Women: Ursula Huws on the Labor of Consumption | 鄭桂蘭 | 丁乃非 | link |
107 | 1072 | Narratives of Identity, Racialization, and Imperialist Configuration 身分、種族、與帝國主義整編敘事 | 李佳穎 | 吳慧娟 | link |
107 | 1072 | Surrogacy in Coupling: Reading Divisive Forces and Imaginary Intimacies in The Lobster 單身動物園: 強制性伴侶的代理分裂力量與親密想像 | 葉瑄德 | 林建廷 | link |
106 | 1062 | World of Warcraft: Neoliberalism in a Virtual World | 吳宜蓁 | 白瑞梅 | link |
106 | 1062 | Reconstructed Value of Sherlock Holmes in Sally Lockhart Mysteries with Nostalgia | 林宜萱 | 白大維 | link |
106 | 1062 | Narratives of Intimacy and (Neo)liberal Governance | 譚永昕 | 白瑞梅 | link |
106 | 1062 | An Examination of Narcissism Discourses in Contemporary Taiwan: A Rethinking from the 2014 Taipei Metro Attack Event | 曾心民 | 易鵬 | link |
105 | 1052 | Studies of Domestic Labour and Family in the Making of Taiwan: from 1996 to 2006 | 戚育瑄 | 丁乃非 | link |
105 | 1052 | Major Social Values in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations | 林宛萱 | 郭章瑞 | link |
105 | 1051 | A Study of Nature and God in Coleridge’s Poetry | 溫庭儀 | 郭章瑞 | link |
105 | 1051 | Isabel Archer as a “Fortune-Hunter” in The Portrait of a Lady | 林季蓉 | 郭章瑞 | link |
105 | 1051 | Nabokov’s Uncanny:The Transformation of Psychoanalysis in Pale Fire | 鄒文亭 | 易鵬 | link |
104 | 1042 | The True Attraction of “Marvels of Motion” | 黃寶金 | 李振亞 | link |
104 | 1042 | Zola’s Paris Triology | 蔡佩妤 | David Barton | link |
104 | 1042 | Taiwanization: Affective Politics in Post-Martial Law Taiwan | 陳思瑀 | 何春蕤 | link |
104 | 1042 | The Flâneur in Literature: Walter Benjamin Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle | 劉若璇 | David Barton | link |
104 | 1042 | Gender Equity and School Governance: “Friendly Campus,” Child Protectionism and the Politics of Reticence | 賴麗芳 | 黃道明 | link |
104 | 1042 | Building Castles in the Air: A Study of the Reforms Proposed by Thoreau in Walden | 曾培蕙 | 郭章瑞 | link |
104 | 1041 | 以真愛之名:2010年代的台灣家庭觀 In The Name of True Love: Home-state Family Values in 2010s Taiwan | 劉盈孜 | 白瑞梅 | link |
104 | 1041 | Intersections of Gender,Power and Culture in Relationships of Mother-Daughter and Husband-Wife in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club | 鄞士傑 | 蔡芬芳、白大維 | link |
104 | 1041 | Commercial Exchange and Social Exchange in Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyre and The Merchant of Venice | 林欣儒 | 林錥鋕 | link |
104 | 1041 | 擺盪於理想與現實之間: 羅伯特‧布朗寧詩選之研究 Oscillation between Ideals and Realities: A Study of Robert Browning’s Selected Poems | 陳靚娜 | 郭章瑞 | link |
104 | 1041 | 關係作為貨幣:《威尼斯商人》與 《雅典的泰門》中的社會資本 Relationships as Currency: Social Capital in The Merchant of Venice and Timon of Athens | 葉芷華 | 林錥鋕 | link |
104 | 1041 | Rabelais and Changes in Renaissance Medicine | Todd Neave | 林錥鋕 | link |
103 | 1032 | Not a Simple Life: Representations of Female Domestic Servant in Silver Sister and A Simple Life | 陳俐瑋 | 丁乃非 | link |
103 | 1032 | Women Trapped: Ann Hui’s Narrative Strategy and Social Critique in Summer Snow, Goddess of Mercy, and The Postmodern Life of My Aunt | 吳若綺 | 林文淇 | link |
103 | 1032 | 柯勒律治詩作研究:愛的概念體現 (A Study of the Concept of Love in Coleridge’s Poetry) | 許筱翎 | 郭章瑞 | link |
103 | 1032 | 好萊塢電影的佛學轉向: 《駭客任務》、《隔離島》與《全面啟動》中的佛學空性智慧 | 何然平 | 劉婉俐、易鵬 | link |
103 | 1032 | Drags and Gender Play in Pili Budaixi | 陳威任 | 林錥鋕 | link |
103 | 1032 | Staging Gender: Intercultural Theatre in Taiwan, 1990s- | 黃意玲 | 周慧玲 | link |
103 | 1032 | Suicide Prevention as Governance: Suicide Discourses in Post-Martial Law Taiwan | 黃意函 | 何春蕤 | link |
103 | 1031 | 舞動社會:邵氏一九六零年代國語歌舞片 | 梁雨歆 | 林文淇 | link |
103 | 1031 | Tragic View of Life in Thomas Hardy’s Three Novels | 吳彥臻 | 郭章瑞 | link |
102 | 1022 | 智鬥電影審查制度:威瑪德國酷兒電影之風格典範、拍攝技巧及敘事策略 | 陳源材 | 李振亞 | link |
102 | 1022 | 保家衛國的吸血鬼:《幕光之城》小說系列中的後九一一美國國家主義與反恐保護主義敘事 | 何向蓉 | 白瑞梅 | link |
102 | 1021 | A Study of Conventionality and Unconventionality in Jane Eyre 《簡愛》中的傳統與革新之研究 | 黃斐生 | 郭章瑞 | link |
102 | 1021 | Balancing Romanticism and Calvinism in Herman Meliville’s Moby-Dick 《白鯨記》中浪漫主義與喀爾文教義之調和 | 陳瑞芬 | 郭章瑞 | link |
102 | 1021 | From Crisis to Trauma: Modernist Spectre in The Turn of the Screw 從危機到創傷:『碧廬冤孽』中現代主義者的鬼魂 | 王怡惠 | 易鵬 | link |
101 | 1012 | Politics of Ambiguous Bodies— Troping Monstrous Motherhood in Boy’s Love and Slash | 黃瑜惠 | 丁乃非 | link |
101 | 1012 | Living on the Periphery: Place and Space in the Poetry of Philip Larkin | 廖保羅 | 柏艾格 | link |
101 | 1012 | The “Barbaric Yawp”: Nature, Fraternity and Universality in Walt Whitman’s Works | 胡妙羽 | 郭章瑞 | link |
100 | 1002 | Re-Configuring _Waiwenxi_ in Taiwan, 1960s to 1970s | 劉羿宏 | 丁乃非 | link |
100 | 1002 | Through the Valley of the Shadow of Typecasting: Julie Andrews and Hollywood, 1964-1982 茱莉安德魯斯與類型選角 | 王鈺婷 | 司徒尉 | link |
100 | 1002 | The Theater of Pain and Community-Making in William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus and Coriolanus | 王寶國 | 林錥鋕 | link |
100 | 1002 | Three Characters in Search for a Burial: Revising American Cultural Fantasies in Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada | 洪健倫 | 司徒尉 | link |
100 | 1002 | Mobile Taiwan— Ying-Zhen Chen and Taiwan Leftist Literary Historiography 流動的臺灣— 陳映真與臺灣左翼文學史觀 | 李季鴻 | 丁乃非 | link |
100 | 1002 | Field of Nightmares and Memories of Shame: The Cultural Representations of Baseball Scandals in Taiwan | 陳柏旭 | 王智明、白瑞梅 | link |
100 | 1002 | A painful body without organs : becoming-tortured-skin and agency in the writing of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s DICTEE | 黃郁文 | 白大維 | link |
100 | 1001 | The Spiritual Life on Indonesia Migrant Workers in Taiwan (2009-2011) | 于麗娜 | 丁乃非 | link |
100 | 1001 | Entangled Emotions in Zhang Yi-Xuan’s The Broken Hours and The Best Hours | 張瑜玶 | 丁乃非 | link |
100 | 1001 | The Fantasy of Self-mastery in Edgar Allan Poe “William Wilson” and James Lasdun’s The Horned Man | 蔡長沛 | 白瑞梅 | link |
100 | 1001 | Consumption as a Quest for Identity: Becky Bloomwood’s Self-Realization as a Social and Interpersonal Process | 劉懿婕 | 林錥鋕 | link |
99 | 992 | Nostalgia and Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Urban Film Aesthetics: Dust in the Wind, Goodbye South, Goodbye, and Millennium Mambo | 曾芷筠 | 林文淇 | link |
99 | 992 | A Fetishistic Reading (out) of Gradiva: A Historiographical | 林運增 | 易鵬 | link |
99 | 992 | Misrecognition and the Crisis of Publicity in Three Nineteenth Century American Texts | 詹悅湘 | 司徒尉 | link |
99 | 992 | Ambivalence and Dilemma, Queer Spaces Made: Queer Reading of the Spaces in Giovanni’s Room | 鍾震亞 | 白瑞梅 | link |
99 | 992 | Liberal Aesthetics in Oscar Wilde’s Works | 唐麟 | 郭章瑞 | link |
99 | 991 | Weltinnenraum and Fantastic Destructiveness in Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit | 崔香蘭 | 謝莉莉 | link |
99 | 991 | The Uses of ”Men who have Sex with Men” in Taiwan’s Official AIDS Discourse | 李佳霖 | 黃道明 | link |
99 | 991 | The Representation of the Fit body: Food advertising in Modern Taiwan | 劉欣如 | 林錥鋕 | link |
98 | 982 | Time to Sleep and Time Not to Sleep: The Making of the Polite and Productive Body in Modern Taiwan | 陳佳瑜 | 林錥鋕 | link |
98 | 982 | The Melancholic Mother/Daughter Relationship in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrio | 謝宜玲 | 謝莉莉 | link |
98 | 982 | Affective Ruptures, Queer (Op)positionalities: Sex and Intimacy in Contemporary Taiwanese Literary Representations on Ecstasy | 張永靖 | 丁乃非、黃道明 | link |
98 | 982 | Imagining the Contour: Japanese-ness in the Fiction of Haruki Murakami and Kazuo Ishiguro | 蕭煜倫 | 謝莉莉 | link |
98 | 982 | In and Out of the Spoken Word: The Stand-up Poetry of Denise Duhamel | 謝筱琳 | 柏艾格 | link |
98 | 982 | From the Bawdy Barnyard to the Suburban Backyard: The Social Transformation of Disney’s Mickey | 詹雅智 | 柏艾格 | link |
98 | 982 | Manufacturing Poverty: The Social Construction of Poverty in Taiwanese Media in the 2000s | 王英倩 | 何春蕤 | link |
98 | 982 | Mary Shelley and Her Progeny: Retrieving the Literary Status of Frankenstein | 沈文 | 郭章瑞 | link |
98 | 981 | Schizophrenia and Consumer Society in Fight Club and American Psycho | 陳映廷 | 林文淇 | link |
98 | 981 | The Visible and The Invisible: The Ambiguity of Nature’s Ontological Status in Contemporary Ecocritical Discourses | 陳琳婷 | 白瑞梅 | link |
98 | 981 | A Rewriting of Feminine Gothic: The “Thick Love” of Motherhood and Womanhood in Toni Morrison’s Beloved | 張函婷 | 白瑞梅 | link |
98 | 981 | Romance in Motion: The Narrative and Individualism in Qiong Yao Cinema | 林譽如 | 林文淇 | link |
98 | 981 | Trust and Trustworthiness in Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge | 蘇有慶 | 郭章瑞 | link |
97 | 972 | “Gathering Paradise”: Emily Dickinson’s Pursuit of Heaven | 林語倩 | 白瑞梅 | link |
97 | 972 | The Pleasure of the Work–Making Senses of Hsia Yü’s Poetry | 鄒怡平 | 柏艾格 | link |
97 | 972 | Envisoning a Society of Shelleyan Love: Ideals and Realities in Shelley’s Works | 林漢昕 | 郭章瑞 | link |
97 | 972 | A Critique of The Anti-Human Trafficking Industry in Taiwan from 2003~2009 | 鄭亘良 | 丁乃非 | link |
97 | 972 | The Production of Homeless by Choice in Taiwan: Inoperative Community | 范姜松伶 | 何春蕤 | link |
97 | 972 | Projecting Taiwan’s Urbanization: Class, Gender, and History in Wan Jen’s Films | 陳平浩 | 林文淇 | link |
97 | 971 | “Bad Habits”: Bisexual Practices in Taiwan as Tactics of Sexual Politics | 沈慧婷 | 丁乃非 | link |
96 | 962 | Ghostly Bodies of Knowledge: Authorship, History Writing and Visual Language in Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 松超文 | 林錥鋕、白瑞梅 | link |
96 | 962 | Emerson’s Transcendental Vision of Nature and Society | 謝和親 | 郭章瑞 | link |
96 | 962 | Narrating Body in Taiwan’s Little Theater,1986-1999 | 吳瓊枝 | 周慧玲 | link |
96 | 962 | A Theatre of Operation: The Reincarnation of St. Orlan (1990-1993)–Reifying Transgression and Integration in Identity Making | 楊芳嬋 | 周慧玲 | link |
96 | 962 | Nowhere Home: The Fantastic as the Literature of Desiring in Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere | 謝佳宏 | 易鵬、白瑞梅 | link |
96 | 962 | Gay Rave Culture and HIV Prevention: A Subcultural Intervention in Public Policy | 洪啟明 | 丁乃非 | link |
96 | 962 | Visuality, Genre, and Narrative in The Matrix | 徐宏文 | 林文淇 | link |
96 | 962 | No Shame in the Game of Love: On Killing Husband and Osmanthus Alley | 吳育璘 | 丁乃非 | link |
96 | 961 | Remembering the Past, Revising the Future: Trauma and Memory in Saving Private Ryan and Beloved | 林昱璇 | 白瑞梅、司徒尉 | link |
96 | 961 | Theater Representation of Sexual Plurality in Taiwan (1990-99) | 陳亮君 | 周慧玲 | link |
95 | 952 | A History Refusing to be Enclosed: Mau Mau Historiography, Ngugi wa Thiong”o”s A Grain of Wheat, and M.G. Vassanji”s The In-Between World of Vikram Lall | 吳純嫻 | 白瑞梅、柏逸嘉 | link |
95 | 952 | Textual Politics of Minor Queers: Reading Lolita, Our Lady of the Flowers and Tian Ho Liao Luan | 徐國文 | 白瑞梅、丁乃非 | link |
95 | 952 | Dreaming, Writing and Confessing: A Psychoanalytical Study of Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater | 陳綉玉 | 易鵬 | link |
95 | 952 | L.T.K. Commune in Context: A Critical Re-evaluation | 毛雅芬 | 林文淇 | link |
95 | 951 | Blondes and the Horror Genre: the Subversion of Gender and Genre in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel | 林良至 | 白瑞梅 | link |
95 | 951 | Stein’s Lesbian World:Sensations of Visuality, Sound, and Touch in “Lifting Belly” | 張鳳玲 | 白瑞梅 | link |
94 | 942 | Embodying Voice: Women Writers and Fairy Tales | 王如欣 | 柏艾格 | link |
94 | 942 | Between Pleasure and Reality: Fantasy/Phantasy in Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu Movies | 秦詩怡 | 易鵬 | link |
94 | 942 | Early Modern Formation of Motherhood: The Decline of the Wet-nurse and the Rise of the New Mother | 潘崇立 | 林錥鋕 | link |
94 | 941 | “What Every Woman Should Know”: the Appearance and Reality of Sex Education in the Taiwan Public Primary Schools, a Case Study | 陳錦誼 | 柏艾格 | link |
94 | 941 | The Neglected Ones: Subaltern Characters in Michelle Cliff’s Novels | 劉純瑀 | 白瑞梅 | link |
93 | 932 | Melody beyond Words: Whitman’s Transcendental Vision in His Poetry | 吳宗樺 | 郭章瑞 | link |
93 | 932 | Moving Upward and Downward: Thoreau’s Ideals and Realities | 曾敏芳 | 郭章瑞 | link |
93 | 932 | A Body That Matters: The Evolution of Jackie Chan’s Star Persona | 王念英 | 李振亞 | link |
93 | 931 | Judging a Book By/Buy Its Cover: (Re)Producing or (Re)Presenting the Orient in Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter | 黃柏源 | 易鵬 | link |
93 | 931 | Double Writing in Three Asian American Women’s Texts: Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter, Patti Kim’s A Cab Called Reliable, and Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meats | 吳慧娟 | 丁乃非 | link |
93 | 931 | Sin and Sympathy in Hawthorne’s Fictions | 田培蓮 | 郭章瑞 | link |
93 | 931 | Divining the Garden—Secularization and the Novels of Francis Hodgson Burnett and L. M. Montgomery | 鍾翔宇 | 柏艾格 | link |
93 | 931 | From Sympathy to Introspection: American Reform Fiction in the 19th Century | 張藝鐘 | 白瑞梅 | link |
92 | 922 | The Time Machine: Degeneration and Its Discontents | 黃俊榮 | 易鵬 | link |
92 | 922 | Sporting Gays and the Gay Movement: The Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Sports Groups in Taiwan | 蔡國成 | 白瑞梅 | link |
92 | 922 | Selling Picture Books Without Picture Book Culture: The Case of Taiwan | 何儀 | 柏艾格 | link |
92 | 922 | Translating Nie Zi (1983) into Crystal Boys (2003) | 李佳軒 | 丁乃非 | link |
92 | 922 | Waving Genitals and Manuscripts”: Whitman, Ginsberg and the Homoerotic | 李秉彥 | 白大維 | link |
92 | 922 | Shadow, Penumbra and Female Empowerment in Mrs. Dalloway | 郭家珍 | 白瑞梅 | link |
92 | 921 | Body, Image and the Visaul Technology: Disappearance of the Human Body in Cinematic Representations | 馬文漪 | 李振亞 | link |
92 | 921 | Disguise: An Alternative Process of Identity-Fashioning in Shakespeare | 湯嘉瑩 | 林錥鋕 | link |
91 | 912 | Belittling Little Theatre, Belittling Self: Wei Ying-chuan’s Recent Works and the Post-Little Theatre Movement | 蘇培凱 | 周慧玲 | link |
91 | 912 | Rebel Postures: Outlaw Couple Films and the Critique of the Sixties’ Counterculture | 宋怡德 | 白瑞梅 | link |
91 | 912 | Radical Feminists on Motherhood: Adrienne Rich and Shulamith Firestone Reconsidered | 張玉芬 | 丁乃非 | link |
90 | 902 | Rimbaud, Kafka, Borges: Three Different Qualities of Melancholy | 劉燈 | 白大維 | link |
90 | 902 | The Frame of the Critic: Poe, Borges, and the Detective Story | 王蓉婷 | 易鵬 | link |
90 | 902 | From Sex Objects to Sensual/Sexual Subjects: The Neo-Body Politics in the Spa Trend | 吳曉琪 | 易鵬 | link |
90 | 902 | “Return Fair Eve”: The Reclamation of Eve in Paradise Lost | 俞振舟 | 林錥鋕 | link |
90 | 902 | “Witch Craze” and the Quest for the Female Subject | 金宜蓁 | 何春蕤 | link |
90 | 902 | “In Passing”: Breton, Bataille, and the Body in the Modern City | 李迺澔 | 白大維 | link |
90 | 902 | “Life in the Interstices”: Tongue-loss in Measure for Measure and Titus Andronicus | 林佩蓉 | 林錥鋕 | link |
90 | 902 | Spa Space, Steamy Stage: Individualization of Homosexual “Private” Sex/Erotic Acts in “Public” Hot Spring Space | 何書豪 | 周慧玲 | link |
90 | 902 | The Lomo Way of Taking Pictures: Snapshot Photography and Culture Industry | 陳采瑛 | 易鵬 | link |
90 | 902 | Naked Lunch: The Naked Arena of Hauntological / Addiction | 洪婉玲 | 白大維 | link |
90 | 902 | Subject Speaking or Speaking Subjugation: A Foucauldian Analysis of Sex and the City | 沈聿德 | 丁乃非 | link |
90 | 902 | A Question of Representations: Reading the Intellectual and the Subaltern in No Telephone to Heaven | 佘佳玲 | 丁乃非 | link |
90 | 901 | The Female Body and the Male Order of Things in The Duchess of Malfi and The Revengre’s Tragedy | 郭美玉 | 林錥鋕 | link |
90 | 901 | Filming Taiwan Alternatively: A Study of the Boundaries Blurred by the Cinematic Representations in Floating Islands | 陳德齡 | 周慧玲 | link |
89 | 892 | Perverse Penumbrae in Exile: Multiple Technologies of Sexual Policing and Discipline in Crystal Boys | 葉德宣 | 丁乃非、白瑞梅 | link |
89 | 892 | It’s all about being foolish: Reading Henry Fool | 唐嘉悅 | 白大維 | link |
89 | 892 | The Question of A Feminist Subject in Li Ang | 涂懿美 | 丁乃非 | link |
89 | 892 | Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Critique of Feminine Domesticity: The Yellow Wallpaper and Herland | 李靜雯 | 白瑞梅、丁乃非 | link |
89 | 892 | Crash: Technological Desire for the Body in the Twentieth Century | 廖怡玲 | 白大維 | link |
89 | 892 | Remarking on Taiwanese Fin-de-Siecle Literature: In an Era Overrun with Pseudo-Knowledge, Abject Species Yearn for an Elsewhere | 賴佳琦 | 白大維 | link |
89 | 892 | Chinese America through Its Own Lens: A Study of Wayne Wang’s Chan Is Missing and Eat a Bowl of Tea | 蔡中蓓 | 林文淇、馮品佳 | link |
89 | 892 | Desire for Technology: Rereading Science Fiction and Beyond | 施弘尉 | 易鵬 | link |
87 | 872 | Concealing the Body and Picturing the Soul in “Tintern Abbey” | 黃文瑜 | 白大維 | |
87 | 872 | Zola, Taine, Bakunin, and Darwin in Germinal | 陳宗偉 | 白大維 | |
87 | 872 | The Making of a Radical Lesbian–in Monique Wittig’s The Lesbian Body | 袁正玉 | 丁乃非 | |
86 | 862 | Envisioning the other:Othello, Oroonoko, and The Tempest | 李慧玲 | 白大維 | |
86 | 862 | Between Man and Woman: Orphaned Characters’ Thwarted Love in Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby and Jazz | 徐鳳霙 | 陳東榮 | |
86 | 862 | Figuring the Homosexual Struggle : From social regulation to family ties | 陳耀民 | 何春蕤 | |
86 | 862 | In-Between “Authenticities” : Chinese American Lesbian/Gay Identifications | 黃珍吾 | 丁乃非 | |
86 | 862 | Reading Nobody’s Story: Storytelling and Wuthering Heights | 林奇諭 | 丁乃非 | |
86 | 862 | The “Reel” Self and Performative Reality in Woody Allen’s Zelig and The Purple Rose of Cairo | 馬丙杰 | 林文淇 | |
85 | 852 | The Changeling and Its Critics | 段馨君 | 倪安娜 | |
85 | 852 | Revisioning the English Gothic Melodrama | 郭貞伶 | 倪安娜 | |
85 | 852 | Class Conflict in Mary Barton and The Long Strike | 倪銘鋒 | 倪安娜 | |
85 | 852 | The Mirror of Royal Spectacle in The Duchess of Malfi and Life Is a Dream | 林靜淑 | 林錥鋕 | |
85 | 852 | Three Theories of Textual Body & Eighteenth -Century Bourgeois Enlightnement | 黃淑敏 | 白大維 | |
85 | 852 | Black Sexuality in Toni Morrison’s Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Tar Baby | 胡瑜倩 | 丁乃非 | |
85 | 852 | The Narrative & Motif Foci of Three Bunun Legends | 賴宗賢 | 白大維 | |
85 | 852 | “Self”-Deconstruction : the cyborgs in robocop,blade runner,and terminator 2 | 張凱滿 | 林文淇 |