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Jonathan Yeh

Associate Professor and Chair

Nineteenth-Century English Literature、Literary and Cultural Theory、Gender Studies、Affect Studies


Hans Tao-Ming Huang


Cultural Studies、Gender/Sexuality Studies、HIV/AIDS Studies、Queer Leftism


Amie Parry


Literary modernisms, critical comparative poetics, cultural studies, sexuality studies, colonial discourse and postcolonial studies, speculative fiction.


Naifei (Fifi) Ding


Sex/Gender Studies, Inter-Asia Feminisms, Cultural Studies


Chien-Ting Lin

Associate Professor

Medical Modernity and Biopolitics、Inter-Asia Cultural Studies、Transpacific (Post) Cold War Studies、Studies of Empires, Militarism and Neo-colonialism、Critical Race and Gender/Sexuality Studies 



Peng-yi Tai

Associate Professor

Animation, Film and Media Studies, Critical Theory, Critical Production Studies


David Barton


Avant Garde、Art Criticism、Comparative Literature、Satire、Money Culture、Cultural Studies



Mei-Ya Liang


Socio-cognitive Linguistics、Computer-mediated Communication、Intercultural Discourse Studies、Multimodal Narrative Analysis 



Laura Pérez León

Associate Professor

Philosophy of Perception、Social Ontology、Aesthetics 



Grace Hui-chuan Wu

Associate Professor

Literary Journalism, Migrant Worker Narratives, Transpacific Literature, Asian American Literature


Josephine Ho

Chair Professor/Professor Emeritus

Cultural Studies、Theories of Modernity、Sex/Gender Studies、Thesis Writing


Katherine ,Hui-ling, Chou


Theatre Historioagraphy, Cultural Policy & Performing Arts, Gender Performance and Performativity, Histories of Chinese Films and Modern Theater, Performanc Studies, Theater Composition and Directing


Yau Ching


Creative writing、Media production、Gender/Sexuality、Film and Media Studies、Cultural Studies、Hong Kong、Sex work、Literature and colonial modernity


Yu-Ching (Louis) Wu

Assistant Professor

Medieval and Renaissance English Literature、Chaucer、The History of Emotions 



Yi Peng

Professor Emeritus

Edmund Spenser, sixteenth-century and seventeenth-century English literature, Freudian psychoanalysis, manuscript study of modernist writers, modern manuscript study, genetic criticism


David M. Stewart

Professor emeritus

Literary and Cultural History of the United States; Theory and Culture of Criticism; History of the Book; Education; Affect 


Wenchi Lin


Film Studies, Taiwan Cinema, Chinese-English Translation, English Teaching


Claudio Sansone

Assistant Professor

Ancient Literature (Greco-Roman, Indian, Mesopotamian); 19th-20th c. Literatures (Anglophone, European); Labor; Marxism; Philology; Affect Theory; Myth; Reception Studies


Lee, Wan-Hsin

Assistant Professor

Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis


Jonathan Yeh

中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授兼系主任

Associate Professor and Chair, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館 C2-445
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33226
Email / tehsuan@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


2006-2009     The Johns Hopkins University

Degree: PhD in English 

“Sentimentality Under Erasure: The Dialectic of Melancholia from Thackeray to Woolf,” Ph.D. Dissertation

2003-2006     The Johns Hopkins University

Degree: MA in English

1997-2001     National Central University, Chungli

Degree: M.A., Department of English

“Perverse Penumbrae in Exile: Multiple Technologies of Sexual Policing and Discipline in Crystal Boys,” M.A. Thesis 

1991-1997     National Taiwan University, Taipei

Degree: B. A., Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Nineteenth-Century English Literature、Literary and Cultural Theory、Gender Studies、Affect Studies

經歷 / Experience


2017- Associate Professor, National Taiwan Central University

2013-2017 Assistant Professor, National Central University

2009-2013 Assistant Professor, National Chengchi University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • “Theatricality and Periperformativity: The Aesthetic Form of Shame in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady and Its Dialectic of Individualism.”(〈戲劇性與周圍操演性:詹姆斯《仕女圖》的恥感形式與個人主義辯證〉)Chung-wai Literary Quarterly (《中外文學》) 48.3 (2019): 45-88. (In Chinese)
  • “Muscles That Know No Future: The Cruel Optimism of Bodybuilding.” (〈不識未來的肌肉:健身的殘酷樂觀〉) Chung-wai Literary Quarterly(《中外文學》)46.1(2017):77-110. (In Chinese)
  • “Foreword: Affective Perspectives from East Asia.” The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 9.2 (2016): i-v.
  • “Shame and Absorbed Theatricality: Sympathy’s Lines of Escape in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” (〈恥感與內斂戲劇性:瑪麗‧雪萊《科學怪人》中的同情脫逃術〉) Review of English and American Literature (《英美文學評論》)26 (2015): 27-50. (In Chinese)
  • “The ‘Inevitable’ Patrilineal Identification: A Critical Response to Tseng Hsiu-ping’s Alienated Courtiers, Impious Sons, and Taipei Ren.” (〈「不得不然」的父系認同:評曾秀萍《孤臣、孽子、台北人》〉) Cultural Studies Monthly (《文化研究月報》)(Aug 2005): Internet download.  (In Chinese)
  • “When Aggrandized Parental Authority Joins Forces with a Fallen Feminism.” (〈膨脹的家長權威與墮落的女性主義〉)Cultural Studies Monthly (《文化研究月報》)(Aug 2003): Internet download.  (In Chinese)
  • “From Familial Decoration to Police Interrogation: Bodily Discipline by the Patrilineal Nation.” ” (〈從家庭授勳到警局問訊—孽子中的父系國/家身體規訓地景〉) Chung-wai Literary Monthly (《中外文學》)30.2 (June 2001): 124-154.    (In Chinese)
  • “Go Camping: Gender Crossing Performances in ‘Yung-yuan te Yin Hsueh-yen’ and Nieh-tzu.” (〈兩種露營/淫的方法:〈永遠的尹雪豔〉與《孽子》中的性別越界演出〉)Chung-wai Literary Monthly (《中外文學》)26.12 (May 1998): 67-89.  (In Chinese)

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • “Ressentiment as an East Asian Affect: a Symptomatic Reading of “The Golden Cangue,” (〈「怨」作為一種東亞情感:從〈金鎖記〉的創傷結構談起〉) presented at the Humanities and Social Sciences Forum for Scholars from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Chinese Society and the Areas in Its Vicinity: The Area Influence of Contemporary Chinese Culture, Society, and Economy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 October 2016. (In Chinese) 
  • “Penumbra Panic Over Gay Anonymous Hookups,” (〈男同志匿名交誼的罔兩恐慌〉),Trajectories of Gender/Sexuality Politics in Taiwan,” (當代台灣性/別政治軌跡:性/別與科技人才培育營)National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, 9 September 2015. (In Chinese) 
  • “Epistemological Pitfalls of Discourses on Drug Abuse,” (〈毒品濫用的認識謬誤〉) Trajectories of Gender/Sexuality Politics in Taiwan,” (當代台灣性/別政治軌跡:性/別與科技人才培育營)National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, 8 September 2015. (In Chinese) 
  • “Shame and Absorbed Theatricality: Sympathy’s Disappearing Act in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,” (〈恥感與內斂戲劇性:瑪麗‧雪萊《科學怪人》中的同情脫逃術〉)presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of English and American Literature Association, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1 Nov 2014. (In Chinese) 
  • “The Politics of Individuality: A Comparative Study of Eileen Chang’s and Mary Shelley’s Melancholy Writings II-I,” presented at the poster session of the Symposium on NSC Research Projects: Foreign Literature 2010-2011, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan, 23 March 2013.
  • “Chineseness as a Liminal Form of Being: Psychoanalysis and Eileen Chang’s ‘Red Rose and White Rose,” presented at the International Conference on “Global Sinophonia,” Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 Dec 2012. 
  • “The Interminable Ecriture Fatale: Eileen Chang’s Ghostly Return in Crystal Boys,” presented at the Cross-Strait Conference on Gender-Sexuality Deployment, Chungli, 6 Dec 2009.  (In Chinese)

專書論文 Book chapter

  • “Yuan as an East Asian Affect: The Traumatic Structure of “The Golden Cangue.” (〈「怨」作為一種東亞情感:從〈金鎖記〉的創傷結構談起〉)The Area Influences of Contemporary Chinese Culture, Society and Economy(《當代華人文化、社會、經濟的區域影響》). Taipei, National Taiwan University, 2018. 175-96。
  • “Defacing Shame.” Perverse Taiwan: From the Gender and Sexual Peripheries of Postcolonial Belonging. Ed. Howard Chiang and Yin Wang. London: Routledge, 2017. 183-209. 
  • “Chineseness as a Liminal Form of Being: Psychoanalysis and Eileen Chang’s ‘Red Rose and White Rose.” The Reception and Rendition of Freud in China: China’s Freudian Slip. Ed. Tao Jiang and Philip J. Ivanhoe. London: Routledge, 2013. 136-65.

書評 Book Review

  • “In Search of Lost Erotic Time: A Review of Xu Weixian’s From Amorous Histories to Sexual Histories: Tongzhi Writings and the Construction of Masculinities in Late Qing and Modern China (追憶綺豔年華:評許維賢《從豔史到性史:同志書寫與近現代中國的男性建構》)Chung-wai Literary Quarterly (《中外文學》) 45.2 (2016): 191-196.

翻譯 Translation

  • Chinese Translation of “The Antisocial Logic of Style” and “From Style from Virtuosity,” two lectures on Fellini delivered at National Central University by Prof. D. A. Miller, University of California, Berkeley. 
  • Chinese Translation of “Narcissism and a Catechism: Flashing Objects in Contemporary Music Culture,” presented by author Prof. Amie Parry at the Super-Slim Conference on an Alternative Interrogations into Female                      (Sexual) Subjectivities, Taipei, 26 November 2000.
  • Chinese Translation of Introduction to the Special Issue of Chung-wai Literary Monthly on “Poetry on Translation and the Poet as Translator” by author Prof. Steve Bradbury.  Chung-wai Literary Monthly 29.1 (June 2000): 7-42.
  • Chinese Translation of “A Search for the Lost Dialectics of the Invisible Po: Chen Xue’s Anti-Realism and Anti-Reticence,” presented by author Prof. Amie Parry at the Third International Super-Slim Conference on Politics of Gender/Sexuality, Chungli, 27 November 1999.

期刊評論 Journal Reviews

  • GLQ, Anthropological Quarterly, Journal of Women’s and Gender Studies, NTU Studies in Language and Literature, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Sciences, Fiction and Drama, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies

常開課程 /

研究所課程Graduate Courses

  • Queer Theory
  • Melancholia and Literary Modernity
  • Affect Studies

大學部課程 Undergraduate Courses

  • Comparative Literature
  • American Literature II & III
  • Translation

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2014-2015 Research Grant for NCU Junior Faculty (國立中央大學102學年度新進教研人員補助)


Hans Tao-Ming Huang

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

英國 Sussex 大學媒體研究博士

Dept of Media Studies, Graduate Research Centre in Culture and Communication, 

University of Sussex

Office / 文學院一館 A-214
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33224
Email / hans@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


01/1997 – 07/2002 英國 Sussex 大學媒體研究博士
10/1995 – 09/1996 英國 Sussex 大學英國文學碩士
09/1990 – 06/1994 國立清華大學外語系學士

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



經歷 / Experience


08/2021 – 迄今 中央大學英美語文學系系主任
08/2019 – 迄今  國立中央大學英文系教授
08/2011 – 07/2019 國立中央大學英文系副教授
08/2007 – 07/2011 中央大學英美語文學系 助理教授
01/2007 – 07/2007 中央大學英美語文學研究所 博士後研究員
02/2003 – 12/2006 自由翻譯 文字翻譯工作者
02/1997 – 08/1998 《新新聞》雜誌駐英新聞單位 記者

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 〈「盡忠追尋過去,大步走向醉生夢死,期待重生」:田啟元的愛滋生命與左翼酷兒劇場初探〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第109期 (2018年4月),頁73-116。(TSSCI)
  • (與丁乃非,林建廷合著),〈左翼不進步〉專輯引言,《台灣社會研究季刊》第109期,2018年4月,頁1-4。(TSSCI)
  • 〈列管制度下的醫療治理:「人類免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例」與新道德威權〉,收錄於黃道明(編),《法律、防治與愉悅的政治》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2014年12月,頁115-169。(註:原發表於《台灣社會研究季刊》第94期,2014年3月,頁107-145。)(TSSCI)
  • 〈台灣國家愛滋教育之國族身體形構與情感政治:以世界愛滋病日為線索〉,《文化研究》,15期(2012年8月)頁9-42。(TSSCI)
  • 〈哀悼無色青春:反娼女性主義之濫情政治與哀傷現代「性」〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,85期(2011年12月):5-50。(TSSCI)
  • ‘From Glass Clique to Tongzhi Nation: Crystal Boys, Identity Formation and Politics of Sexual Shame’, Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 18.2 (Autumn 2010): 373-398. (A&HCI)
  • 〈良家婦女的性變態想像:劉毓秀與台灣國家女性主義的文明教化〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,75期 (2009年9月):45-83。(TSSCI)。收錄於黃盈盈、潘綏銘(編),《中國性研究》,No. 2 ( 2007),高雄:萬有出版社,頁77-102。
  • ‘Modernising Gender, Civilising Sex: Perverse Imaginary in the State Feminist Politics of Liu Yu-hsiu’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 8.4 (December 2007): 540-558. (SSCI)
  • 〈從玻璃圈到同志國:認同型塑與羞恥的性/別政治─一個《孽子》的連結〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,62期 (2006年6月):1-36。(TSSCI)。收錄於朱偉誠(編),《批判的性政治:台社性/別與同志讀本》,台北:唐山出版社,2008,頁307-337。
  • ‘State Power, Prostitution and Sexual Order in Taiwan: Towards a Genealogical Critique of “Virtuous Custom”’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 5.2 (August 2004): 237-262. (SSCI). In Kuan-hsing Chen and Chua Beng Huat (eds.), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader (London: Routledge, 2007), pp. 364-394.

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • ‘Queer Left against Queer Liberalism: a Critique of Neocoloniality in Post-Martial Law Taiwan’, paper presented at ‘Queering Memories: 2019 ALMS Conference’, Berlin, July 4-6, 2019.
  • 〈台灣酷兒的左翼傳承與新殖民批判:以田啟元的劇場為例〉,發表於「第七屆中國性研究國際研討會」,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所與哈爾濱醫科大學公共衛生學院,2019年8月28-30日。
  • ‘Chemsex Care as Social Hygiene: A Critical Comparativism of Gay Public Health Governance in the UK and Taiwan’, 2018 ASSHH (Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV) Conference, Amsterdam, July 22-24, 2018. (MOST 104-2410-H-008 -041 –MY4)
  • 〈盡忠追尋過去,大步邁向醉生夢死:田啟元的愛滋生命與左翼劇場實踐〉,發表於第六屆中國 “性” 研討會,2017年7月2日-5日,哈爾濱:中國人民大學性研究所。(MOST 103-2628-H-008 -001 -MY3)
  • ‘We Are Our Own Demons: Tian Qiyuan, AIDS, and Theatre of the Queer :Left’, paper presented at ‘Queer Asia: Desire, Decolonisation, Decriminalisation’, SOAS, University of London, June 16-18, 2017.(MOST 103-2628-H-008 -001 -MY3)
  • 〈誠實劇場:田啟元的左翼實踐與文化政治〉,發表於科技部101─103年度外文學門專題計畫研究成果發表會,2016年年11月25日,國立中興大學外文系。
  • 〈愛滋列管產業與「性」病毒的保安政略〉,發表於「性/別二十年」學術研討會,台北:中央大學性/別研究室,2015年5月16、17日。(註:本論文為科技部專題103年度研究計畫「後冷戰台灣的愛滋例外操作:生命政治與道德公民權」(MOST 103-2628-H-008 -001 -MY3))
  • ‘Trauma and Stigma: Therapeutic Violence and the Sequestration of HIV in Neoliberal Taiwan’, paper presented at ‘Philosophy, Knowledge and Feminist Practices’ conference, International Association of Women Philosophers, Alcala de Henares, Spain, June 24-27, 2014. (註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • 〈慢性病的檢疫隔離與與道德重整:醫療治理、治療公民權與台灣愛滋列管產業〉,發表於「新自由主義下的新道德」國際研討會,香港:嶺南大學,2014年5月24-25日。(註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • ‘Beyond the Gated Community of Benevolence: HIV Governance and the Sequestration of Viral Sex’, paper presented at ‘Frontiers of Transqueer Studies: Issues, Challenges, Directions’ Conference, University of Sydney, Feb 13-14, 2014. (註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • ‘Harm Reduction as Social Rehabilitation: HIV Governance and Therapeutic Citizenship’, paper presented at ‘2nd International HIV Social Sciences and Humanities Conference, Paris, 7-10 July, 2013. (註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • 〈列管制度下的治療支配與人權:「人體免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例」與新威權治理〉,發表於「愛滋治理與在地行動II:法律、防治與愉悅的政治」學術會議,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2013年6月30日。(註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • 〈傳染控制與社會排斥:威權體制與醫療道德下的愛滋污名〉,發表於「新道德主義:道德進步主義與道德保守主義」學術會議,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2012年10月6-7日。(註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • ‘HIV, Disposability and the Politics of Anonymity: AIDS Organising in 1990s Taiwan’, paper presented at The 9th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, July 2-6, 2012.(註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • 〈國家道德主權與卑污芻狗:《韓森的愛滋歲月》裡的結社與哀悼政治〉,發表於「愛滋治理與在地行動」學術研討會,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2012年6月10日。(註:本論文為國科會100年度專題研究計畫「情感治理-污名疾病的情感治理:愛滋NGO流變與羞恥的文化政治」(NSC 100-2410-H-008-065-MY3))
  • 〈紅絲帶主流化:紅絲帶主流化:台灣愛滋NGO防治文化與性治理〉,發表於「第三屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術會議,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2011 年 9月24-25日。(註:本論文為國科會99年度專題研究計畫「紅絲帶主流化:愛滋非政府組織治理與性/別佈局」之研究成果發表(99-2410-H-008-050))
  • ‘Mainstreaming the Red Ribbon: AIDS NGO Governance and the Deployment of Sexualities in Taiwan’, paper to be presented at ‘Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality’ Conference, International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), Madrid, July 6-9, 2011. (註:本論文為國科會99年度專題研究計畫「紅絲帶主流化:愛滋非政府組織治理與性/別佈局」之研究成果發表(99-2410-H-008-050))
  • 〈愛滋情感公眾文化:身體、空間與記憶政治〉,發表於「第二屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術會議,中壢:中央大學「性/別研究室」,2010 年 9月10-11日。(註:本論文為國科會98年度專題研究計畫「愛滋病與國民:關懷「安全性」教育與記憶的政治」之研究成果發表(98-2410-H-008-048-))
  • ‘AIDS Feeling Public and the Politics of Remembrance in Taiwan’, paper presented at ‘Dissident Citizenship: Queer Postcolonial Belonging’, Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence and School of English, University of Sussex, UK, June 10-11, 2010.(註:本論文為國科會98年度專題研究計畫「愛滋病與國民:關懷「安全性」教育與記憶的政治」之研究成果發表(98-2410-H-008-048-))
  • 〈反娼女性主義之濫情政治〉,發表於「兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術研討會,中壢:國立中央大學性/別研究室,2009年12月5-6日。(註:本論文為教育部5年500億「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」補助之「兩岸三地轉變中的性/別政治柢價」總計畫內分項計畫4:性工作、國家文化與性政治]之執行成果)
  • ‘Gender Equity and the Promise of Sexual Happiness: ‘Prostitution and Conjugal Sentimentality in Mainstream Taiwanese Feminist Culture’, paper presented at ‘Feminist Transitions: The 22nd Feminist and Women’s Studies Association Conference, Edge Hill University, Liverpool, June 19-21, 2009. (註:本論文為教育部5年500億「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」補助之「兩岸三地轉變中的性/別政治柢價」總計畫內分項計畫4:性工作、國家文化與性政治]之執行成果)
  • ‘Mourning the Monogamous Ideal: State Feminist Good and the Formation of Melancholic Sexual Modernity in 21st Century Taiwan,’ 發表於第二屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇:「典範的移轉」學術研討會。中壢:國立中央大學,2007年11月18日。
  • ‘Mourning the Monogamous Ideal: State Feminist Good and the Formation of Melancholic Sexual Modernity in 21st Century Taiwan,’ paper presented at ‘Melancholic States: an International Conference’, Institute for Women’s Studies, Lancaster University, UK, Sept 27-29, 2007. (國科會出國會議補助)
  • 〈良家婦女的性變態想像:劉毓秀與台灣國家女性主義之文明教化〉。發表於「中國性革命研討會」。北京:中國人民大學,2007年6月18-20日。(註:本論文為教育部5年500億「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」補助之「現代情感及其形構與政治」分項計畫六:「『良家婦女』女性主義主體位置及其感情形構」執行成果)
  • ‘Modernising Gender, Civilising Sex: Perverse Imagination in the State Femin(in)ist Discourse of Liu Yu-hsiu’, paper presented at ‘Global Queers, Local Theories’, ‘Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Taipei Workshop’ (part of the Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association, January 6-7, 2007).
  • 〈從玻璃圈到同志國:認同型塑與羞恥的性/別政治─一個《孽子》的連結〉,發表於「第2屆國際青年學者漢學會議: 思想、身體與文化」,新竹:清華大學,2004年11月12-14日。再度發表於「去國,汶化,華文祭:2005年華文文化研究會議」,新竹:交通大學,2005年1月8-9日。
  • (Re)-Articulating Niezi: Identity, Politics of Sex and the Meaning of Male Homosexuality’, paper presented at ‘Queer Matters Conference’, King’s College, London, UK, May 28-30, 2004.
  • ‘Policing Sex: State Power, Prostitution and the Establishment of the Sexual Order under the Police Offence Law in Postwar Taiwan – Towards a Genealogical Critique of “Virtuous Custom”’, 發表於「靠文化 By Culture:2003年文化研究學會年會」,台北:東吳大學,2004年1月3-4日。
  • 〈召喚同性戀主體:渾名、污名與台灣男同性戀文化的表意〉,1970-1990發表於「第三屆性教育、性學、性別研究暨同性戀研究國際學術研討會」,中壢:中央大學,1998年4月24-26日。

專書 Books

  • 《當慾望碰上公衛:愛滋防治的解放政治》(編),中壢,台聯大文化研究國際中心出版系列,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2016年12月出版(ISBN:978-986-05-1037-9)。
  • 《愛滋防治、法律與愉悅的政治》(編),中壢,台聯大文化研究國際中心出版系列,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2014年12月出版。(ISBN:978-986-04-3507-8)。
  • 《愛滋治理與在地行動》(編),中壢,台聯大文化研究國際中心出版系列,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2012年11月出版(ISBN:978-986-03-4238-3)。
  • 《酷兒政治與台灣現代「性」》,中壢:中大出版中心與香港大學出版社聯合出版,2012年11月出版(ISBN:978-986-87-9449-8)。
  • Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011.(ISBN:978-988-8083-08-4)

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 〈艾滋污名与烂逼政治〉,(黄盈盈、潘绥铭主编),《积淀与反思:2016-2017中国”性”研究(上册)》(简体),1908有限公司,香港,2018年5月,頁219-228。
  • ‘HIV Care as Social Rehabilitation: Medical Governance, the AIDS Surveillance Industry, and Therapeutic Citizenship in Neoliberal Taiwan’. In David Halperin and Trevor Hoppe (eds.), The War on Sex (Duke University Press, 2017), pp. 378-406.
  • 〈「性」病毒的保安政略:愛滋列管產業與治療公民權〉,收錄於何春蕤(編),《性/別二十》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2016年11月,頁153-184。
  • 〈列管制度下的醫療治理:「人類免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例」與新道德威權〉,收錄於黃道明(編),《法律、防治與愉悅的政治》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2014年12月,頁115-169。(註:原發表於《台灣社會研究季刊》第94期,2014年3月,頁107-145。)(TSSCI)
  • 〈紅絲帶主流化:台灣愛滋NGO防治文化與性治理〉,收於黃道明(編),《愛滋治理與在地行動》,中壢,台聯大文化研究國際中心出版系列,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2012年12月,頁85-136.
  • 〈國家道德主權與卑污芻狗:《韓森的愛滋歲月》裡的結社、哀悼與匿名政治〉,收於黃道明(編),《愛滋治理與在地行動》,中壢,台聯大文化研究國際中心出版系列,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2012年12月,頁1-51.
  • 〈召喚同性戀主體:污名、渾名與台灣男同性戀文化的表意,1970-1990〉,收於何春蕤(編),《性別政治與主體形構》,台北:麥田出版社,2000,頁111-130.
  • ‘Taiwan’, in George Haggerty E (ed.). Gay Histories and Cultures (New York: Garland, 2000), 861-2.

常開課程 /


  • 影像分析與寫作

  • 演說與溝通

  • 媒體閱讀

  • 性/別研究概論

  • 閱讀與文化常識

  • 文化研究概論


  • 性/別研究專題

  • 愛滋文化研究

  • 酷兒理論

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 108年度中央大學特聘教授
  • 107年度中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 106年度中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 105年度中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 104年度中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 103年度科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎
  • 103學年度中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 103學年度中央大學文學院教學優良獎
  • 中華民國頂尖大學策略聯盟選派優秀人才赴英國帝國學院訪問,2012/12月7日至2013年7月31日
  • 101學年度中央大學文學院教學優良獎
  • 99學年度中央大學文學院教學優良獎
  • 99學年度中央大學研究傑出獎


Amie Parry

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院一館 A-218
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33215
個人網頁 / http://sex.ncu.edu.tw/members/Parry/
Email / aparry@g.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


Ph.D. University of California, San Diego Literature Department 1996

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Literary modernisms, critical comparative poetics, cultural studies, sexuality studies, colonial discourse and postcolonial studies, speculative fiction.

經歷 / Experience


2007-present Professor, English Department, National Central University
2001-2007 Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University
1996-2001 Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

專書 Books

  • Interventions into Modernist Cultures: Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen. Durham and London: Duke University Press, April 2007. Book Award in Literary Studies, Association for Asian American Studies, 2009.
  • 丁乃非、劉人鵬與白瑞梅。《罔兩問景:性/別的閱讀政治》,丁乃非、劉人鵬合著,中壢:中央大學性別研究室,2007。Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics. Jointly authored with Jen-peng Liu and Naifei Ding. Chungli, Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, June 2007. In Chinese.

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 白瑞梅。張竣昱譯。幻設轉向──「千禧年」之「喻」〉 。即將出版於《中外文學》48.4 (2019), 19-51.。〈“The Speculative Turn: Parables for the Millennium.” Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 48.4 (December 2019) 19-51.
  • “Exemplary Affect: Corruption and Transparency in Popular Cultures.” The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 9.2 (June 2016) 39-71. Special issue, “Affective Perspectives from East Asia.” Edited by De-Hsuan Yeh.
  • “Inter-Asian Migratory Roads: The Gamble of Time in Our Stories.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 13.2 (June 2012) 176-188. Special issue, “Asian American Studies in Asia.” Edited by Chih-ming Wang.
  • “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence and Queer Cultural Critique in Lucifer Hung’s Science Fiction.” Co-authored with Liu Jen-peng. Positions 18:2 (Fall 2010) 351-372. Special issue, “Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnational Chinese Queer Politics Today.” Edited by Lisa Rofel and Petrus Liu.

特邀講座 Invited Lectures

  • “Fantastic Transparencies.” Plenary lecture. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. August 3, 2019.
  • “Fantastic Transparencies: Corruption as Political Thought in Speculative Fiction.” Invited Speaker, Asia/Pacific Studies Institute Spring 2018 Speaker Series. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. February 12. 2018.
  • “‘What’s Your Story, Bastard?’: The Song of Ice and Fire and the Illiberality of the West.” National Chiao Tung University. May 26, 2015.
  • “Thinking through Transparency: Cuteness, Corruption and an Anaphylactic Freedom.” The Oldenborg Center for Modern Languages and International Relations, Pomona College, California. Sponsored by the Asian Studies Program and the Department of History. November 7, 2014.
  • “Science Fiction, Literature, and Gender.” The Production of Knowledge in the Natural and Social Sciences (Interdisciplinary Seminar). Co-hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Studies, IISc, and the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society. CCS Seminar Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. October 2, 2010.

研討會論文 Conference Papers

  • “’All forward-looking people’: Narrating the Right in The Remains of the Day.” American Studies Annual Conference. Honolulu, Hawai’i. November 10, 2019.
  • “The Speculative Turn: Parables for the Millennium.” Redirections: The 26th International Conference of the English and American Literature Association. National Taitung University, October 27, 2018.
  • 白瑞梅。“Necessary Gifts.” 2018海峽兩岸暨香港人文社會科學論壇“融合與蛻變:中國傳統文化的現代轉型.”南京大學. 9月14-15號.
  • “‘Barefoot Septons’ against Lawful Containments: Envisioning Non-liberal Knowledge Dissemination and Practices of Care.” American Studies Association Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. November 12, 2017.
  • “Speculative Pasts and Futures of Cold War Capitalist Illiberalism.” Presented on the panel, “Neoliberal Reproduction of the Cold War Miseries.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. October 9, 2015.
  • “Cuteness and Corruption in Popular Culture.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. August 7-9, 2015.
  • “‘What holds the realm together? Our Marriage’: SFF and the Illiberality of the West.” Presented on the panel, “Speculative Archives: Imagining the Unthinkable in Tension with Neoliberalism in the Post-American Century.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California, USA. November 8, 2014.
  • “’You’re the one I’ve been waiting for since historical times!’: Freedom, Discipline and Risk from the Cold War to Paprika.” Panel: Cultural Imaginaries of Cold War Neoliberalism. Fifteenth International Association of Women Philosopher’s Symposium: Philosophy, Knowledge and Feminist Practices. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. June 24-27, 2014.
  • “Abandoned Closures: Sexuality and Innovative Cultural Narrative.” ASA Program Committee Panel: “Beyond the ‘Debt’ of U.S. Cold War ‘Liberation’: Rethinking Transnational Circuits of Labor in the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting: Beyond the Logic of Debt, Toward an Ethics of Collective Dissent. Washington DC, USA. November 22, 2013.

其他著作 Other

  • “’There Is No Such Thing as a True Tale’”: Preface to the Chinese translation of The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Trans. Xiujun Li. Taipei: Muse Press, 2007 (8-13)

常開課程 /


Graduate Courses

  • Survey of Literary and Cultural Theories
  • Literature of the Fantastic
  • Neoliberalism and Sexuality
  • Thesis Writing and Methodology

Undergraduate Courses

  • Literary Criticism I
  • Seminar on an Author: Tolkien and the Representation of the West
  • World Literature in English
  • American Literature I and II
  • Topics in Anglo-American Literature: Poetry and Sexuality
  • Poetry and the City
  • Themes in Western Civilization: The Sea Voyage Novel
  • Research Writing
  • Writing about Literature
  • Journalistic Writing: The Profile
  • Freshman Composition
  • Presentation and Communication
  • Oral Training

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 8/2019-8/2020 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient

  • 8/2018-8/2019 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient

  • 8/2017-7/2018 Research Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University

  • 8/2015-7/2018 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient

  • 8/2014-7/2015 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient

  • 1/2013-12/2015 Distinguished Professor Award

  • 8/2012-7/2014 National Science Council Research Grant Recipient 

  • 1/2010-12/2013 Distinguished Professor Award

  • 8/2009-7-2012 National Science Council Research Grant Recipient

  • 2009 2007 Book Award in Literary Studies, Association for Asian American Studies, for Interventions into Modernist Cultures: Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen

  • 1/2008-12/2008  Outstanding Academic Research Award


Naifei (Fifi) Ding

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN



Ph.D. in Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley

Office / 文學院一館 A-204
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33230
Email / dingnf@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US

B.A., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Sex/Gender Studies, Inter-Asia Feminisms, Cultural Studies

經歷 / Experience


2016 Senior Research Visiting Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore (Feb-Apr) 

2001 Visiting Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

2000 Professor, English Department, National Central University

1991-99 Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University

1994-95 Visiting Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, USA

1989-90 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, National Sun Yat-sun University, 

Kao-hsiung, Taiwan

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2020 〈成者為妻、敗者妾/妓:轉型婚姻與女權演化〉,《中外文學》「中介」專號,(forthcoming)

  • 丁乃非,劉人鵬,黃詠光。〈專輯弁言:中介及其不可化約之剩餘〉,《中外文學》中介專題,49卷4期
  • 2015 “In the Eye of International Feminism: Cold Sex Wars in Taiwan,” Review of Women’s Studies Special Issue, Economic and Political Weekly (http://www.epw.in), April 25, 2015.

  • 2011       〈置疑婚姻.轉譯家庭〉,收錄於《置疑婚姻家庭連續體》,台北:蜃樓出版社 (“Querying Family, Translating Marriage” in Querying Family-Marriage Continuum, Taipei: Shen Lou Press)

  • 2010   “Imagined Concubinage” in positions: east asia cultures critique, Volume 18 Number 2 (2010), Duke University Press (NSC 95-2411-H-008-014-MY3)

  • 2007 “Wife-in-Monogamy and ‘The Exaltation of the Concubine’” in Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Routledge) vol. 9 no. 2, 2007 (NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH)

  • 2005         〈家庭主婦的影子下:《露西》與「地下情」〉國科會外文學門86-90年度研究成果發表會論文集  (NSC 92-2411-H-008-007-BH) (“In the Shadow of the Housewife: Lucy and “an underground affair,” in the National Science Council Foreign Languages and Literature 1997-2001 Research Project Reports Compendium)

  • 2005 “Reticent Poetics, Queer Politics” in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Volume 6 Number 1, 2005, pp. 30-55 (NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B)

專書 Book

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 2015 “Parasites and Prostitutes in the House of State Feminism” in Genealogies of the Asian Present: Situating Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Tejaswini Niranjana with Wang Xiaoming, eds (Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2015).
  • 2010 〈看/不見疊影──家務與性工作的婢妾身影〉,收錄於《超克「現代」:台社後/殖民讀本》,陳光興編,台北市:台灣社會研究出版,唐山發行 (“Seeing Double, or Domestic and Sex Work in the Shade of the Bondmaid-concubine” in Overcoming “Modernity”: Taiwan, A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies Postcolonial Reader)
  • 2007 “Reticent Poetics, Queer Politics” in the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader, Chen Kuan-Hsing and Chua Beng Huat, eds, Routledge: 2007, pp. 395-424
  • 2005 “Very Close to Yinfu and Enu, or, How Prefaces Matter for JPM (1695) and Enu Shu (Taipei, 1995)”, in Internationalizing Cultural Studies, Ackbar Abbas and John Nguyet Erni, eds, Blackwell: 2005, pp. 210-224
  • 2003 〈娼妓、寄生蟲、與國家女性主義之「家」〉,〈位移與游動:菁英女性主義「家國」裡的貓狗蒼蠅〉,頁373-420,收錄於何春蕤主編《性工作研究》,中壢:性/別研究室
  • 1999 劉人鵬、丁乃非〈良家婦女走火入魔:新台灣人是不「習於淫行」的女人?〉,頁438-443,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別研究  第五、六期合刊「性侵害、性騷擾之性解放專號」》,中壢:性/別研究室
  • 1998 劉人鵬、丁乃非〈罔兩問景:含蓄美學與酷兒政略〉,頁109-155,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別研究  第三/四期合刊「酷兒理論與政治」》中壢:性/別研究室
  • 1998 〈貓兒噤聲的媽媽國:《她鄉》的白種女性禁慾想像〉,頁324-343,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別研究  第三/四期合刊「酷兒理論與政治」》中壢:性/別研究室。
  • 1999 丁乃非、何春蕤〈20世紀影響台灣最深的「女」人〉,頁46-47,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別教育通訊第五期》,中壢:性/別研究室
  • 1998/2001〈性工作與警察〉,頁169-172,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別研究第一、二期合刊「性工作:妓權觀點」,中壢:性/別研究室;台北:巨流圖書公司
  • 1998/2001王蘋、丁乃非,〈優勢婦運與弱勢女性: 從公娼到代孕者〉,頁205-208,收錄於何春蕤主編《性/別研究第一、二期合刊「性工作:妓權觀點」,中壢:性/別研究室;台北:巨流圖書公司

翻譯 Translation

  • 1985 with Kuan-Hsing Chen.  Jean Baudrillard, “The Year 2000 Will Not Come to Pass,” in Arthur and Marilouise Kroker (eds.), Body Invaders: Panic Sex in America, Montreal: New World Perspectives, pp. 35-44, from Jean Baudrillard, “l’an 2000 ne passera pas,” Traverses (Paris), no. 33/34, pp. 8-16

研討會論文 Conference Papers & Presentations

  • 2021, 12/24 「《相愛相親》中「子宮家庭」的「家庭主婦(化)」“‘Uterine family’ and ‘housewifization’ inter(re)ference in Love Education,” invited talk at Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu
  • 2021, 11/11 「兩門課的故事:細節與脈絡」“A story of two classes: details and contexts,” invited talk at Shi-Hsin University, Taipei
  • 2020, 10/15-16, “Marriage Transfomation and Women’s Rights Evolution: Winner Takes All?” at the “Cold War Knowledge Formations” Workshop, National Central University
  • 2020, 5/22.23, “Household and Bureaucracies in Covid 19 Reportage” at the “Intimacies in Asia in a Time of Pandemics” Zoom online roundtable hosted by the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, Sydney University, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpSTLCw1etU&t=27s)
  • 2019, 11/7-10, “Marriage as mediation” at the American Studies Association 2019 Annual Meeting: “Build As We Fight”, Honolulu, Hawai’i
  • 2019, 7/28-8/05, “Mediating Love and Exploitation” (invited), IACS Society Conference, Siliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines
  • 2019, 5/6-7, “On a marriage spectrum: monogamy, prostitution, and adultery” (invited), Inter-Asia/Inter-Korea Constellations: Trajectories and Future, Korean National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2019, 5/4-5, “Mother Power” (invited) at Workshop on Gender and Sexuality after #MeToo, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  • 2019, 3/25-29,「性冷戰:愛與剝削的故事」(invited) at the Gendered Dimensions of Welfare in China and the Nordic Region – Feminist transformations, visions and recommendations workshop, Beijing, China
  • 2018, 9/7-8, 「愛與剝削」,重新認識傳統海峽兩岸學術研討會,廈門海滄
  • 2018, 9.14-15. “Love and Exploitation,” Invited Keynote at The Humanities Research Center Launch Event, “The Future of the Humanities,” at Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center (https://sites.duke.edu/dkuhumanities/projects/humanities-research-center-launch-event/)
  • 2018, 7/9-13, Invited speaker at 2018 July ICCS_IICS_FUTH Summer School: Toward Decolonizing Cold War Knowledge: Facing Contemporary Border Politics
  • 2017, 11.12 “On Public Kitchens and Sex,” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Chicago
  • 2017, 6.29, 「女『性』主義及其不滿」,第八届人大性社会学研讨班—「性研究的理论与实践」特辑,中国人民大学性社会学研究所、哈尔滨医科大学性健康研究与教育中心主辦,哈爾濱6.28-7.2
  • 2016, 11.20 「女性主義的性政治與性歷史方法分斷」,性別研究的範式轉移工作坊,中央大學性/別研究室主辦
  • 2016, 6.29, Gender/Sexuality Roundtable, IACS Summer School, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  • 2016, 6.19, “Monga Woman on a prostitute/sex worker, concubine/mistress, wife/in monogamy continuum,” Asia in Motion: Horizons of Hope, The Association for Asian Studies, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
  • 2016, 3.29, “Im/possible feminisms,” ARI Seminar, National Singapore University, Singapore
  • 2016, 1.12, “Feminisms Otherwise” at the 2016 TEEP: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Global Network Winter Camp, “Decoding the Cold War and Facing Contemporary Societies” at National Chiao-Tung University & National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • 2015, 10.09, Toronto, “feminist knots – beyond cold sex wars” at the American Studies Association Annual Conference
  • 2014, 7.12-13, Hsinchu, “Inter-national feminism and sexual politics” at the 2014 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society (IACS) Summer School Workshop
  • 2014, 5.24-25, Hong Kong, “’Already historiography’ – sex work (and) feminism” at the “Neomoralism and Neoliberalism” Conference, Lingnan University
  • 2014, 3.21-22, Hong Kong, “Two Classrooms in Taiwan” at the “Teaching Between Languages: Bilingual Pedagogy in the Age of Globalization” Workshop, Lingnan University
  • 2014, 2. 13-14, Sydney, “Cold Sex Wars: A Feminist Re-education” at the Frontiers of Transqueer Studies International Conference, University of Sydney
  • 2013, 10.18-19, Tainan, <斗室星空:「家」的社會田野>與<撒古流2:十五年後>, 發表於成功大學台灣文學系主辦「台灣文學研究的界線視線與戰線」國際學術研討會
  • 2013, 10.6-7, Zhongli, <性冷戰之女性主義再教育>,發表於<小心公民社會> ,第八屆性/別政治超薄型國際學術研討會 
  • 2012, 10.6-7, Zhongli, “Cold Sex Wars,” at “The New Moralism Conference: Moral Progressivism and Moral Conservatism,” Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University
  • 2012, 8.13-16, Bangalore, “The Asian Edge – Relocating Cultural Studies: Science, Technology and Society in Asia,” August 9, Salon with Firdous Azim, and “Technology, Culture, and the Body” Optional Course, CSCS
  • 2011, 12.17-18, Dhaka, “Cold Sex Wars and Migrant Work” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, “Bangladesh Cultural Transformations: Development Initiatives and Social Movements,” BRAC University
  • 2011, 4.16, Hong Kong, “Cold War Feminism” at the “Gender/Sexual Conference: Gender/Sexual Politics in Hong Kong,” Chinese University of Hong Kong .「盤根錯節:冷戰.激進.女性主義」香港中文大學《性別政治與本土起義國際研討會》
  • 2010, 7.8, Seoul, “Sexuality and Feminism” at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Summer School, with Professor LIU Jen-Peng
  • 2010, 6.19-21, Liverpool, “Concubinage as Anti-Marriage” at the 22nd Feminist and Women’s Studies Association Conference, Edge Hill University
  • 2008, 12.12-13, Hong Kong, “’Travelling marriage’ and silent intimacies” at “Gender and Family in East Asia International Conference” 2008, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2008, 11.29, Hong Kong, “Bondmaids and Concubines: Feminism, Gender, and Sex,” Xuyan Bookstore. <婢妾:女性主義的性別與性>,香港序言書室
  • 2008, 9.7, Beijing, “Feminist Politics of Family and Marriage” at the Feminist Salon, Fengrusong Bookstore.  <家庭與婚姻的女「性」主義政治>,北京風入松書店女性主義沙龍
  • 2007, 9.21-10.1, Lancaster, “Melancholic States International conference,” Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies of Lancaster University
  • 2007, 6.19-23, Shanghai,  “Penumbra Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics,” with Professor LIU Jen-peng, Chinese Cultural Studies Summer Workshop, Shanghai University.<罔兩問景:酷兒閱讀政略>華文文化研究暑期研討班,上海大學
  • 2007, May.  “Wife-in-Monogamy and ‘The Exaltation of Concubines’” at the Workshop on “Peace, Women, and the Everyday: Across Borders, Beyond War, and For Change”, May 26-27, Lingnan University, Hong Kong NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH
  • 2006, December.  “Ghosts in the Heart” at “A World in Transition: New Challenges for Gender Justice” International Conference, CWDS, December 13-15, 2006, Delhi NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH
  • 2006, April.  “Concubinage: Status Shame and Stigmatic Sex” at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, April 6-9, 2006, San Francisco, USA.  NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH
  • 2005, November.  “Concubinage: Non-Fictional and Fictional Representations” at the Methodologies of Comparative Literature Studies in East Asia Conference, Comparative Literature Studies Association, Taipei, November 26, 2005.  NSC 94-2411-H-008-002-BH
  • 2005, July.  Naifei Ding, Liu Jen-peng, and Amie Parry, “Faking Gender: Violence and Baseness in 70’s Taiwan Lesbian Pulp Fiction” at the Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia:1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, July 7-9  NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B
  • 2005, April.  “Imagining Sex: Concubinage and Universal Chastity” at Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnationalism and Queer Chinese Politics, U.C. Berkeley, USA, April 29-30 NSC 93-2411-H-008-004-BH
  • 2005, April.  “Sex and Sex Work in the Shadow of Concubinage” at International Forum of WFFS (Women’s Film Festival Seoul), Seoul Korea, April 12 
  • 2005, February.  「女性再現與妾侍想像」,發表於『女性再現與精神分析』講座,Taiwan Center for the Development of Psychoanalysis,February 19,Westin Hotel Taipei.
  • 2004, December.  “Concubinage and Feminist Imaginaries.” Sixth International Super-Slim Conference on Politics of Gender/Sexuality, 27 December, Chung-li.  NSC 93-2411-H-008-004-BH
  • 2004, September.  “Concubinage and Feminist Imaginaries” at the Asian Women’s/Gender and Education Practice in the New Millenium Conference, Dalian, China  September 21-24, 2004   NSC 93-2411-H-008-004-BH
  • 2004, June.  “Faking Gender: Violence and Baseness in 70’s Taiwan Lesbian Pulp Fiction” Ding Naifei, Liu Jen-Peng and Amie Parry at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2004 Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B
  • 2004, May.  <女性主義家庭主婦元配主體位置及其想像之外>,National Dong-Hwa University, Hua-lien  NSC 93-2411-H-008-004-BH
  • 2003, December.  with Liu Jen-Peng and Amie Parry, “Realism’s Fantasy Structures and Fantasy’s Realist Effects: Rereading T/P Narratives,” Fifth International Super-Slim Conference on Politics of Gender/Sexuality, 13 December, Chung-li.  NSC 91-2411-H-008-002-B
  • 2003, November.  “In the Shadow of the Housewife: ‘A Secret Affair’”, The Second Conference on Social Exclusion and Marginality in Chinese Societies: Rethinking and Recasting Citizenship, 21-22 November, Hong Kong.
  • 2003, October.  “Lucy and the Shadow of the Housewife,” presented at the NSC Foreign Literature Program Projects Conferece, Taichung.  NSC 92-2411-H-008-007-BH
  • 2003, January.  with Josephine Ho and Karl Ning, Workshop on Politics of Gender/Sexuality in Guangzhou, China.
  • 2002, December.  “Seeing Double, or Shades of the Bondmaid-Concubine in Sex and Domestic Work,” keynote presentation at the Cultural Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 2002, November.  「性工作與家務勞動的『前現代』聲影」,Graduate School for Social Transformation Studies, Shih Hsin University, Taipei.
  • 2002, June.  “Bird-Animals and Crocodiles” at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Tampere, Finland.
  • 2002, May.  「女性主義.結」交通大學新興文化研究中心
  • 2001, October.  “Feminist Knots: Bondmaid-Concubines, Sex Workers, Migrant Maids” at the Workshop on Feminisms in Asia, Bangalore, India.
  • 2001, May.  “Feminist Knots: Bondmaid-Concubines, Sex Workers, and Foreign Female Domestics” at the Project for Critical Asian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle.
  • 2000, June.  “Penumbrae Ask Shadow II: Crocodile Skin, Lesbian Stuffing, Half-Man Half-Horse Qiu Miaojin” presented at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Birmingham, UK.
  • 2000, March.  “Unfilial Subjects or Three Readings of Jin Ping Mei” presented at the Association for Asian Studies 52nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, US.
  • 2000, February.  “Reticent Poetics Queer Politics I”, presented at the Human Sciences and the Asian Experience Conference, Center for Cultural Studies, Hyderabad, India.
  • 1999, December.  “Shifting Grounds, Shadow Subjects: Cats and Flies in Some Feminist Classrooms,” paper presented at the International Conference on Building Asian Women’s Studies Curriculum, National Tsing-hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • 1999, November.  “Penumbrae Ask Shadow II: Crocodile Skin, Lesbian Stuffing, Half-Man Half-Horse Qiu Miaojin” (罔兩問景II:鱷魚皮、拉子餡、半人半馬邱妙津), paper co-written and co-presented with Professor Liu Jen-peng, at the Third Super-Slim International Conference on the Politics of Gender/Sexuality, National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan.
  • 1999, October. “Cats, Dogs, Bondmaids and Feminist Intellectuals,” preliminary report presented at the “Alternative Questions on Female Subjects” Mini-Conference, Center for the Study of Sexualities, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1998, October.  Co-written and presented with Professor Liu Jen-Peng, “Reticent Poetics Queer Politics” (罔兩問景︰含蓄美學與酷兒政略), at the Second Super-Slim Conference on the Politics of Gender/Sexuality, National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan.
  • 1998, July.  “Parasites and Prostitutes in the House of State Feminism.”  Paper given at the Problematising Asia – Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1998, June.  “Shades and Shadows in a Chung-li Classroom.”  Talk given at the Second FLLD Cultural Studies Development Symposium, Tung-hai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 1998, June.  “The Formation of Jin Ping Mei.”  Paper presented at the International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Tampere, Finland.
  • 1997, December. “A Land Where Cats Do Not Sing,” talk given at the Tien Foundation, “The Sexual Politics of Feminist Utopias” Super-Slim Conference,  Center for the Study of Sexuality and Difference, National Central University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1997, June. “Very Close to Yinfu and Enu; or How to Read Jin Ping Mei (1695) and Enu Shu (1995),” talks given at the English Department Faculty Colloquium, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, and at the Chinese Department Faculty Reading Group, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1997, May. “Metastases of Desire, A Cure for Melancholy: Yuan Hongdao and the Qifa (the Seven Stimuli),” paper presented at the Cultural Construction of Gender: Gender, Text and Body Politics–An International Conference, National Tsing-hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • 1997, March. “Very Close to Yinfu and Enu; or How to Read Jin Ping Mei (1695) and Enu Shu (1995),” paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies 49th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, US.
  • 1996, April. “Jin Shengtan’s Primer for Male Heirs to the Empire,” paper presented a the 48th Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Honolulu Hawaii, US.
  • 1996, April. “Obscene Texts, Lascivious Women, Female Ejecta: Whose Pleasure and What Politics of Reading?” talk given at the “Remapping Desire in Literature, Culture and Sexual Preferences” Symposium at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1995, May. “Situated Readings,” talk given at the “Workshop on Woman, Culture and Difference,” University of Washington at Seattle, US.
  • 1995, April. “Tears of Ressentiment: Reading Zhang Zhupo Reading Jin Ping Mei,” paper presented at the 47th Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Washington D.C., US.
  • 1994, October. “Of Cats, Dogs and Death: Politics of the Obscene in Jin Ping Mei,” paper given at the “Desire, Sexuality and the Body in Late Imperial and Modern China Symposium,” Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, US.
  • 1994, May. “Masochistic Loves: Reading Chiung Yao Soap Operas,” talk given at the Tien Cultural Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1994, June. “Violence and Seduction: Where Shui Hu Zhuan Interfaces Jin Ping Mei,” paper given at the Fourth International Conference of the American Association of Chinese Comparative Literature (AACCL), Princeton University, US.
  • 1993, May. “Who’s Afraid of Pan Jin Lian?,” talk given at the National Normal University, English Department, Graduate Student Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1992, May. “Jin Ping Mei and the Uses of Female Ejecta,” paper given at the National Comparative Literature Conference, National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan.

其他 Affiliations

  • 1991-95 Editorial Collective, Isle Margin Journal(島嶼邊緣), Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1991-97 Board of Directors, Awakening Foundation <婦女新知基金會>, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1995- Center for the Study of Sexuality and Difference, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
  • 1996- Editorial Board, <台灣社會研究> Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1998- Editorial Board, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, Ehwa Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
  • 1999- Editorial Collective, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Routledge
  • 1999-2005  Editorial Board, Feminist Media Studies, Routledge
  • 1999- Board, Gender/Sexuality Rights Association, Taiwan
  • 2003-2014    Editorial Collective, Traces: A Multilingual Series of Cultural Theory and Translation, Ithaca, New York
  • 2005-2015 Editorial Board, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Duke University Press
  • 2016-2018 Steering Committee Head, Consortium of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutions

常開課程 Courses

  • Topics in Feminism

  • First-Year Writing

  • Introduction to Literature I


Chien-Ting Lin

中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館 C2-422
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33216
Email / ctlin@ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


2008-2014 University of California, San Diego. Ph.D in Literature/Cultural Studies

2002-2006 National Chiao Tung University, Taichung. M.A. in Literature/Cultural Studies

1998-2002 Tamkang University, Taipei. B.A. in English

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Medical Modernity and Biopolitics、Inter-Asia Cultural Studies、Transpacific (Post) Cold War Studies、Studies of Empires, Militarism and Neo-colonialism、Critical Race and Gender/Sexuality Studies

經歷 / Experience


  • Aug. 2019-present Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, Taiwan
  • 2015-Jul. 2019 Assistant Professor, Department of English, National Central University, Taiwan
  • Sep. 2014-Jan. 2015 Lecturer, Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • 2012-2013 Research Assistant to Prof. Larissa Heinrich, Literature Department, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • 2011-2012 Instructor, Muir College Writing Program, Muir College, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • 2008-2011 Teaching Assistant, Chinese Studies Program, History Department, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • 2010 Research Assistant to Prof. Ping-hui Liao, Literature Department, University of California, San Diego, USA

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

專書 Books

  • Work in Progress Fugitive Subjects of Secret Doctors: Politics of Life and Labor in Taiwan’s Medical Modernity 

  • 2024 Transpacific Undisciplined, co-edited with Lily Wong and Christopher Patterson

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2022 “Love of Empire by Dissociations.” American Quarterly Vol. 74, No. 3 (2022, September): 700-708.

  • 2020 “In Times of War and Love.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Vol. 21, No. 4 (2020): 575-586.
  • 2020 “Taiwan’s Transpacific Medical Modernity: Race and Disability in Buddha Bless America.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Vol 6.1 (2020):198-224.

  • 2018 “Fixing the Severed Fingers: The Militarization of Injured Nationalism and Racialized Cold War Liberal Humanism”(等待醫治的斷指:冷戰自由人文主義的國╱種族殘缺敘事)in a special issue entitled “Cultural Politics of a Non-Progressivist Left”(左翼不進步專題)in Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies no. 109 (2018): 5-35.

  • 2018 Co-authored with Naifei Ding and Hans Huang, Forward of “Cultural Politics of a Non-Progressivist Left.” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies no. 109 (2018): 1-4.

  • 2016 “Re-signifying ‘Asia’ in the Transnational Turn of Asian/American Studies.” In a special issue entitled Constellating Americas edited by Giorgio Mariani in Review of International American Studies Vol 9.2 (2016): 27-44. (The IASA Emory Elliott Award)

  • 2015 “Governing ‘Secrecy’ in Medical Modernity: Knowledge Power and the Mi-Yi Outlaws.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Vol 16.2 (2015): 227-243

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 2024“Transpacific, Undisciplined: Intimating Current(s).” Transpacific, Undisciplined. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2024. (Co-authored with Lily Wong and Christopher Patterson)
  • 2022 〈等待醫治的斷指:冷戰自由人文主義的國/種族殘缺敘事〉。《罔兩問景II:中間物》。新竹:國立陽明交通大學出版社,2022。207-230。
  • 2011 “Revisiting Cultural Politics of Techno Music in Taiwan and Beyond.” (In)Sight: Visual Culture and Aesthetics. Eds. Pin-Chia Feng and Shun-Liang Chao. Taipei: Bookman, 2011. 119-145. (in Chinese)

研討會論文 Conference Papers

  • 2023 “Care, Relations and Decolonial Imaginary.” 圓桌論壇,第十三屆國際比較文學會議。淡江大學,台北,台灣。
  • 2023 “Black Liberation and Mutulu Shakur’s Socialist Vision of Care.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Biennial Conference Ahmedabad-2023. Ahmedabad University, Gujarat, India.
  • 2022 〈革命醫療烏托邦:《春苗》與社會主義照護關係之重構〉。「後/冷戰文化影子下之亞際知識解殖II」學術研討會。國立中央大學,中壢,台灣。
  • 2022 〈帝國「愛」的解離〉。「新冠肺炎的文化想像與社會衝擊之人文反思」。線上會議室。

  • 2022 〈台灣比較文學的現狀與未來〉。第四十四屆全國比較文學會議。國立台灣師範大學,台北,台灣。

  •  2022 ”In Times of War and Love, Part II.” ACLA 2022. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2022 〈我們與Covid/愛的距離〉。「親密敵人:愛與戰『疫』中的家園與世界」。國立中央大學,中壢,台灣。
  • 2021 〈戰爭與愛的年代〉。台灣社會研究學會年會。線上會議室。
  • 2021 “Transpacific Undisciplined.” Association for Asian American Studies 2021 Virtual Conference.
  • 2021〈重思社會主義的照護政治:電影《春苗》的一個政治性閱讀〉。以文淑世:醫療人文學術研習營。高雄師範大學文學院。高雄,台灣。
  • 2020 〈密醫與晦澀的冷戰知識對象物〉。後/冷戰文化影子下之亞際知識解殖工作坊。國立中央大學,中壢,台灣。
  • 2019 “Fugitive Subjects: Surrogate Labor in Secrecy and the Cold War Science/Signs.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Hawaii, USA. Nov. 7-10. 

    “(Para)sites of Practices in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Movement.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines. Aug. 1-3.

    “‘Barefoot’ in U.S.-Taiwan Mediation: China and Medical Utopia” (〈台/美介面中的「赤腳」─中國與醫療烏托邦想像〉). Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China (《中華民國比較文學年會》). National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Jun. 22.

  • 2018 “1970s Barefoot/China.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 8-11, 2018. Atlanta, USA. 

    “Race, Inter-Asia, and the Parallax of Transpacific Medical Modernity.” The 2018 Research Institute on Interdisciplinary Medical Humanities. Nov. 2-4, 2018. Tainan, Taiwan. 

    “Cold War-Mediated Transnational Cultural Politics of Barefoot Doctors” The 26th International Conference of the English and American Literature Association. Oct. 27, 2018. Taitung, Taiwan.

  • 2017 “Intimacies in Ruins: “Barefoot Doctors” and the Socialist Revolutionary Medicine under Cold War Divisions.” The Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 9-12, 2017. Chicago, USA.

    “Inter-Asia Migrant Narratives, Surrogate Intimacies, and the Third World.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. July 28-30, 2017. Seoul, South Korea.

    “Surrogate Intimacies of Neoliberal Racialization and Asian/American Studies in the Age of Trump.” Asian American Studies in East Asia. April 28, 2017. Academia Sinica, Taipei.

  • 2016 “Buddha Bless America: Cold War Liberalism, Medical Humanism and the Displacements of Race and Disability.” the Annual Meeting of American Studies. Nov. 17-20, 2016. Denver, USA.

    “Buddha Does Not Bless: the Progressive Imagination in Scientific Humanism” (佛祖不保佑: 科學與人文主義的「進步」想像) in a panel titled The Left that is Not Progressive: Colonial and Modern Sufferings (「左翼」不「進步」:殖民與現代「苦難」)2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Social Studies (台灣社會研究學會年會)Oct. 15-16, 2016, Taiwan.

  • 2015 “Neoliberal Cold War Biomedicalization of Human(ity) and Terror.” the Annual Meeting of American Studies Association. Oct. 8-11, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

    “Re-signifying Asia in the Transnational Turn of Asian/American Studies.” International American Studies Association Conference. Aug. 17-19, 2015. Seoul, South Korea.

    “From Cold War Secrecy to the Queer Intimacies of (Un)likely Illegal Alliances: Zhao Nandong and Our Stories.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference. Aug. 7-9, 2015. Surabaya: Airlangga University.

    “Cold War Knowledge Production of Science and Medicine.” Invited presentation at 2015 Summer Institute in Asian American Studies. July 16-18, 2015. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.

  • 2014 “The Hidden History of the ‘Mi-yi’: Shame and Secrecy of the Cold War Taiwan Medical Modernity,” in a panel organized by Weihsin Gui, and Peter Kalliney on Decolonization, Anti-Colonialism, and the Cold War. American Comparative Literature Association Meeting. Mar. 20-23, 2014. New York: New York University.

  • 2013 “Fleeing Care: Secret Doctors, Runaway Migrant Workers, and the Cold War,” in a panel convened by Lisa Lowe, with Lisa Yoneyama, Jesook Song, Amie Parry, and Josen Diaz on Beyond the Debt of U.S. Cold War “Liberation”: Rethinking Transnational Circuits of Labor in the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea. 2013 America Studies Association Annual Meeting. Nov. 21-24, 2013. Washington D.C.

    “Fugitive Subjects of ‘Mi-Yi’: History, Knowledge, and Medical Modernity.” 2013 Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting. Jan. 5-6, 2013. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. (in Chinese)

  • 2012 “The Threshold Figure of ‘Mi-Yi’: Medical Governance of the Body, Labor and Morality.” Illness and Health in Culture Conference. Dec. 21, 2012. Taipei: Taipei Medical University.

    “Human Rights, Democracy, and the Feminisms: Transnational Politics of Labor and Migration in Taiwan.” 10th Annual Meeting of Cultural Studies Association March 29-31, 2012. La Jolla: UCSD.

  • 2011 “Impossible Subjects of ‘Mi-Yi’: Politics of Life and Labor in Taiwan’s Medical Modernity.” 2011 Inter-Asia Society Cultural Studies Conference. Dec. 17-18, 2011. Dhaka: BRAC University.

書評 Book Review

  • 2021〈跨太平洋的華美知識生產/翻譯〉,《英美文學評論》39 (2021):頁113-116。

翻譯 Translation

  • 2011 Chien-ting Lin, translator.〈《重慶森林》:帶著慾望的地圖徒步於全球城市的幻景中〉(“Chungking Express: Walking with a Map of Desire in the Mirage of the Global City by Tsung-yi Huang). (In) Sight:Visual Culture and Aeshetics. By Pin-chia Feng and Shun-liang Chao. Taipei: Bookman Bookstore, 2011. (English to Chinese)

演講 /


受邀演講 Invited Talks and Lectures

  • 2023 〈照護、解殖與戰線之間:批判性種族研究的幾點思考〉。國立東華大學多元文化教育研究所。花蓮,台灣。
  • 2023 〈Care and Warfare: Some Observations from the Decolonial Revolution〉。Jindal Global Law School。Haryana,印度。
  •  2023 〈Governing ‘Secrecy’ in Medical Modernity〉。國立中央大學英文系課堂演講。中壢,台灣。
  • 2022 〈Dope is Death: 醫療現代性、種族主義與(照護)正義〉。國立中央大學文學院學士班演講。中壢,台灣。
  •  2022 〈醫療現代性與批判人文研究〉。國立中央大學107周年校慶講座。中壢,台灣。
  •  2022 〈「針灸戒毒」:社會主義醫療革命與黑人解放政治運動〉。國立台北大學犯罪學研究所。台北,台灣。
  •  2021 〈〈傾聽死亡系列〉無法解封的污名:疫情如何溺死下海的人?〉。大眾葬文化行動祭。台北。台灣。
  • 2021 〈逃逸中的「密醫」主體與非正式照護勞動之歷史諜影〉。國立台灣大學社會科學院亞洲社會比較研究中心。台北,台灣。
  • 2020 〈In time of pandemic/war and love〉。世新大學性別研究所。台北,台灣。
  • 2020 〈跨太平洋冷戰與醫療現代性:從台灣「密醫」的系譜談起〉。台灣 大學地理系。台北,台灣。8月12日。

  •  2019 〈重思中國「醫療/革命」的情感與政治:電影《春苗》的一個政治性閱讀〉。清華大學中文系。新竹,台灣。5月29日。

    〈台/美介面中的「赤腳」與「密醫」——醫療烏托邦與革命現代性想像〉。成功大學醫學院醫學科技與社會研究中心。台南,台灣。 5月17日。 

  •  2018 “Taiwan’s Transpacific Medical Modernity: Race and Disability in Wu Nien-Jen’s Buddha Bless America (1996),” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Nov. 8. 

    “Transpacific Cold War Liberalism and the Remains of Empire,” National Chiao Tung University, the 8th Flying University of Transnational Humanities, Hsin-chu, Taiwan. July 9. 

    “Race and the Cold War: Transpacific and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies,” National Taiwan University, the 40th Annual Meeting of Comparative Literature of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2018.

    “Challenges and Prospects for Studies of English and American Literature and Culture,” Ministry of Science and Technology and National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. August 2018.


  •  2017 “Cold War and Inter-Asia Narratives,” National Taiwan University, Department of Geography, Taipei, Taiwan. January 5.

  •  2016 “Literary and Cultural Studies of Science and Medicine.” National Chiao Tung University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Hsin-chu, Taiwan. May 23. 

    “Secret Doctor Narratives, Colonial Shame and Cold War Biopolitics.” Academia Sinica, Institute of Ethnology, Taipei, Taiwan. March 2016.

    “Colonial/Cold War Medical Modernity,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Winter Camp. National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-chu, January 2016.

  •  2015 “Biopolitics and Modern Medicine,” National Central University, Department of French, Zhongli, Taiwan. December 2015.

  •  2011 “State Violence and Medical Hierarchies of Labor and Social Practice: Taiwan ‘Mi-Yi’ as an Example,” National Chung Cheng University, Institute of Taiwanese Literature, Chia-yi, Taiwan. September.

    “Colonial Medicine and Modernity in Taiwan,” Taiwanese American Conference, La Jolla, USA. July.

回應人 Invited Respondent/Discussant

  • 2023  擔任論壇回應人。「障礙、種族/性與照護:新冠疫情批判之中與之外」。線上論壇。
  • 2023 擔任論文評論人。〈醫師的吶喊:當代台灣醫師傳記研究〉(楊恩豪、楊仕哲),韌/任性:2023文化研究年會暨國際學術研討會。國立中興大學,台中,台灣。
  •  2022 擔任主持人及評論人。批判與實踐碩博士論文分享,2022年台灣社會研究學會年會「再見「帝國」與「諸眾」:歷史與社會的批判性重訪」。線上會議室。
  • 2022 擔任論壇回應人。「親密敵人:愛與戰『疫』中的家園與世界」。地點:狐狸野餐、中央大學。
  • 2021 擔任與談人,「閉幕圓桌論壇 社會之疫,批判之苗:疫情下的批判知識轉向與社會介入」,魏玓主持。2021 台灣社會研究學會年會。線上會議室。
  • 2021 擔任論文評論人, 〈無人翻譯的黑人小說:從賴特看後殖民台灣〉(王遠洋),2021文化研究年會,國立臺灣藝術大學,板橋,台灣。
  • 2020 科技部人文沙龍講座回應人。「麻瘋/風:艱於言說的人、病、史」。劉紹華主講。新竹,台灣。5月20日。

  •  2018    Paper Discussant for “文本與現實之間的裂隙:「憂鬱症」的反轉與危機” (洪苑真), Annual Meeting of Cultural Studies Association, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. March 10-11.

  •  2017 Panel Discussant for Conflict, Justice and Decolonization I: The Legacies of Pax Americana and the Remnants of American Colonial-Empire (by Takashi Fujitani, Lisa Yoneyama, and Hideto Tsuboi), National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan. May 12.

  •  2016 Panel Discussant for the 2nd Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Annual Gathering, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan. May 20.


  •  2023 擔任主持人。「Committing to Love Publicly: Anti-Racist Care, Kinship, and (Love) Notes on Warring Genealogies」,Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association。Le Centre Sheraton Montreal, Montreal, Canada。
  • 2023 擔任主持人。「Militarism and the (Un-)Making of Home」,Intersections and Relations: Asian/American Studies in Global Frames。IEAS, Academia Sinica。Taipei, Taiwan。
  • 2023 擔任主持人。「台灣當代的地方與職業再建構」,韌/任性:2023文化研究年會暨國際學術研討會。國立中興大學,台中,台灣。
  • 2021 擔任主持人。「中港新感覺:發展夢裡的情感政治」,黃宗儀主講。國立中央大學,中壢,台灣。
  • 2021 擔任主持人,「把一切邊界炸得灰飛煙滅 ──非公民論壇 」,2021 台灣社會研究學會年會。線上會議室。
  • 2021 擔任主持人 ,「疫情與社會論述」,2021 台灣社會研究學會年會。線上會議室。
  • 2021 擔任主持人,2021文化研究年會,國立臺灣藝術大學,板橋,台灣。
  • 2020 Panel Moderator for the Asian American Studies in the Twenty-First Century conference, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan.

  • 2019 Panel Moderator for Technically Yours: Technicity, Mediality, and the Stakes of Experience, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  •  2015 Gender/Sexuality: the First 20 Years International Conference

    Taipei. May 16-17.

常開課程 /


Upper Division

  • Introduction to Cultural Studies 

  • Journalistic English

  • Cultural Studies of Science and Medicine

Lower Division

  • Approaches to Literature 

  • Reading Cultural Literacy

  • Writing About Literature

  • English Oral Training


  • Transnational Asian/American Studies 

  • Intimacies of Empire in Ruins 

  • Transpacific Cold War Modernities

榮譽 / Grants and Academic Honors

  •  2022 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award (中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
  • 2022 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award (中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
  •  2021 Recipient, Luo Jialun Outstanding Young Researcher Award(羅家倫校長年輕傑出研究獎)
  • 2021 Recipient, University Outstanding Research Award, NCU(110學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  •  2021 Recipient, College Outstanding Teaching Award of NCU(中央大學院教學優良獎)
  •  2021 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
  •  2021 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellent Award(中央大學英文系教學獎)
  •  2021 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)
  • 2021 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellent Award(中央大學英文系教學獎)

  • 2020 Recipient, Wu Ta-You Memorial Award, Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部109年度吳大猷先生紀念獎)

  • 2019 Recipient, University Outstanding Research Award, NCU(108學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)

  • 2018 Recipient, University Outstanding Research Award, NCU107學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)

  • 2018 Recipient, College Outstanding Teaching Award of NCU(中央大學院教學優良獎)

  • 2018 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2017 Recipient, University Outstanding Teaching Award of NCU(中央大學校教學優良獎)

    Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)

  • 2017 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2017 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2016 Recipient, the 2016 Yasuo Sakakibara Prize(美國研究年會2016榊原胖夫國際學者論文獎)

    Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)

  • 2016 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2016 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2015 Recipient, UCSD Award for Outstanding Service for Students with Disabilities(美國加州大學教學服務貢獻獎)

    Recipient, the Emory Elliott Award of International American Studies Association(美國研究學會年輕學者論文獎)

    Recipient, NCU Outstanding New Hire Award(中央大學新聘傑出獎)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

  • 2015 Fall Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

  • 2015 Spring Recipient, NCU English Department Research Award(中央大學英文系研究獎勵)

    Recipient, NCU English Department Teaching Excellence Award(中央大學英文系優良教學獎)

  • 2013-2014 Recipient, CCK Dissertation Fellowship, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

  • 2013 Recipient, Annette K. Baxter Travel Grant, American Studies Association

  • 2012-2013 Recipient, Visiting Scholar Program, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

    Recipient, Dissertation Fellowship, Literature Department, UCSD

  • 2012 Recipient, Summer Research Award, Literature Department, UCSD

  • 2012 Fall Recipient, Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Taiwan. (Declined)

    Recipient, Mid-Year Research Award, Literature Department, UCSD

  • 2011 Recipient, Summer Research Travel Grant, Literature Department, UCSD

  • 2009-2011 Recipient, MOE Study Abroad Scholarship, Taiwan Ministry of Education, Taiwan


Peng-yi Tai

中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館 C2-410
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33212
Email / pytai@g.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


PhD, Visual Studies, University of California, Irvine.

MFA, Animation, Tainan National University of the Arts.

BA, English, National Sun Yat-sen University. 

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Animation, Film and Media Studies, Critical Theory, Critical Production Studies

經歷 / Experience


  • 2018-       Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University
  • 2013-2018   Assistant Professor, Department of English, National Central University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2023 「《糖果傳奇》:成癮、賭博與新自由主義金融化世界」。《中外文學》52(4), 55-87。(THCI Core)
  • 2023「《冰雪奇緣》:媒體品牌化與迪士尼治理文化」。《文山評論:文學與文化》17(1), 61-92。(THCI Core)
  • 2020  “The New Mass Ornament: World War Z, Crowd Simulation, and Post-Fordism.” Ex-Position 44: 53-79. (THCI Core)
  • 2018 “The Animator as Inventor: Labor and the New Animated Machine Comedy of the 2010s.” Animation 13:3, 238-51. Nov. (A&HCI)
  • 2016 「《怪獸電力公司》:皮克斯的新經濟美學」。《中外文學》45(1), 85-117。(THCI Core) 
  • Monsters, Inc.: The Pixar Aesthetics of the New Economy.” Chun-Wai Literary Quarterly, 45(1), 85-117.
  • 2016 「動畫的補丁匠之夢: 動畫家與操作美學」。《現代美術學報》31: 77-97。(THCI)
  • “Animation as the Tinkerer’s Dream: The Animator and the Operational Aesthetic.” Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum. 31: 77-97.
  • 2013  “The Aesthetics of Keyframe Animation: Labor, Early Development, and Peter Foldes.” Animation 8:2, 1-19. July 2013 (A&HCI)

研討會論文 Conference Papers

  • 2021.05 「除魅的自然:《食破天驚》的環境主義與阿多諾」。中華民國比較文學學會「綠異想」研討會。國立台東大學英文系。線上會議。
  • “Disenchanted Nature: Adorno and the Environmentalism of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.” The 43rd Comparative Literature Conference:  Reimagining Green. 2021. Online Conference.
  • 2020.12  “The Disney Princess Animation and the Disney Logo.” When Anthropology and History Meet Comics and Animation. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2019.10   “Zombies and Technological Mediation in World War Z.” Technically Yours: Technicity, Mediality, and the Stakes of Experience. National Taiwan University, Taipei.
  • 2019.02   “Frozen: Disney Animation in the age of Disney Conglomerate.” The 40th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) 2019, Albuquerque.
  • 2018.03   “The New Mass Ornament: Crowd Simulation in World War Z.” Society of Cinema and Media Studies 2018, Toronto.
  • 2016.06   “Pixar and Knowledge Production in Post-Fordism.” Labor of Animation Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2016.03    “Zombie and the Digital Mode of Production: The Automatic Gameplay of Plants. vs. Zombie.” Society of Cinema and Media Studies Conference 2016, Atlanta.

其他著作 Others

  • 2018.01   「尼古拉德浮的動物奇幻世界」。《台中國際動畫影展特刊》72.
  • 2017.1.13 「皮克斯三十年特展背後藏著什麼真相?」。蘋果日報即時論壇。
  • 2016.08   「不停歇的實驗:逐格動畫的媒材對話」。《台中國際動畫影展特刊》76.
  • 2016.04   「動畫家、動畫與內在的孩童」。《藝術觀點》60: 12-16.

常開課程 Courses

  • Graduate Courses: 
    • The New Hollywood
    • Zombie Cinema 
    • Disney Studies

  • Undergraduate Courses: 
    • Introduction to Film Studies
    • Reading Contemporary Films
    • History of Western Civilization I 
    • Reading for Cultural Literacy
    • Writing Through Media
    • English Composition
    • Oral Presentation and Communication


David Barton

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館 C2-427
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33208
個人網頁 / https://davidbartonvisual.weebly.com/
Email / t121274@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


  • 1988 – 1994 美國 New York University 比較文學博士
    Ph.D. in Department of Comparative Literature,
    New York University, New York City
  • 1985 – 1987 加拿大 University of Toronto 比較文學碩士
    Masters Degree in Comparative Literature
    University of Toronto, Toronto
  • 1979 – 1984 加拿大 McGill University 英文系學士
    Bachelor of Arts with Major in English, McGill University, Montreal

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Avant Garde、Art Criticism、Comparative Literature、Satire、Money Culture、Cultural Studies

經歷 / Experience


  • 2007 –
    Professor, English Department, National Central University
  • 1995 – 2007
    Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University
  • 1994 – 1995
    Assistant Professor, English Department, National Central University
  • 1994
    New York University 講師
    Instructor: “New York in the ‘50’s.”
    Comparative Literature Department, New York University
  • 1991 – 1994
    New York University 研究助理
    Research Assistant (to Kamau Brathwaite)
    Comparative Literature Department, New York University

Selected Publications

  • 2021                   

A Long Shot: Video text. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X16KI7aaEtg&t=1s

  • 2021
    The Deck of Cards: Video text. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSO3khJRfDE

  • 2020
    Taiwan Textament: Video text. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_9CJID4wQA

  • 2018
    Lazard and Leper: End Game, Kuan Ting International Publications

  • 2018
    Lazar and Leper: In Search of Lost Causes, KuanTing International Publications.

  • 2017
    Lazar and Leper: The Book of Time, Kuan Ting International Publications.

  • 2010
    Saskatchewan. Kuan Ting International Publilcations.

  • 2009
    Foreword: William Burroughs and the Beats: First Chinese Edition of William Burroughs’ “Naked Lunch” Complex Chinese Translation, Cite Publishing Ltd.

  • 2008
    Clepsydra: The Fluid Melancholy of ‘What Time is it There’, Asian Cinema, Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall/Winter.

  • 2007
    Time English Center, National Central University Journal of Humanities, Vol.32, NCU Press, October.

  • 2005
    The Pornography of the Emotions, Bookman Books, Ltd.

  • 2005
    Teaching Inghelish in Taiwan, Bookman Books, Ltd.

  • 2002
    “An Excellent Slaughter is like an Excellent Meal, ” Travelling Concepts II: Meaning, Frame and Metaphor, ASCA Press, University of Amsterdam, March, 2002.

  • 2000
    “Home and Native Land,” Literary Studies East and West volume 16: Replacing America: Conversations and Contestations, University of Hawaii Press, p.141, 2000.

  • 1998
    “Sage Man,” (poem) Canadian Literature, Issue 157, p. 79, Summer 1998.

  • 1997
    “Immigrants and Entropy: Don’t Waste Your Energy,” Taiwan National Film Archives, vol. 14. 1997. (translated into Chinese.)

Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2019.02.14
    新書出版報導LAZAR AND LEPER: END GAME ,詳見網頁https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2019/02/14/2003709695

  • 2018.12.20
    新書出版報導LAZAR AND LEPER: SEARCH FOR LOST CAUSES ,詳見網頁http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2018/12/20/2003706440

  • 2017.06.15
    新書出版報導LAZAR AND LEPER: THE BOOK OF TIME ,詳見網頁http://taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2017/06/15/2003672587

  • 2010.03.14
    新書出版報導Saskatchewan ,詳見網頁https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2010/03/14/2003467983

  • 2007.11.25
    專訪報導 “Professor with a fighting chance” ,詳見網頁 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2007/11/25/2003389545

  • 2007.10.28
    新書出版報導Teaching Inghelish in Taiwan ,詳見網頁http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2007/10/28/2003385215

  • 2005 – 2006
    Taiwan Education Ministry Mega Grant Award, “Form and Politics of Modern Emotion.”

  • 2002 – 2003
    National Science Council Award Project: “Time English Center”

  • 2000 – 2001
    National Science Council Award Project: “East Eats West”


Mei-Ya Liang

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館 C2-443
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33205
Email / mliang@ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education



Ph.D. in Language Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA


M.A. in Linguistics, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan


B.A. in Chinese Literature and Linguistics with Foreign Languages as minor, National   Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Socio-cognitive Linguistics、Computer-mediated Communication、Intercultural Discourse Studies、Multimodal Narrative Analysis

經歷 / Experience



Visiting Scholar, Linguistics and English Language, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK


Full-time Associate Professor, Dept. of English, National Central University


Full-time Associate Professor, Lecturer, EFL Program Coordinator, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology


Part-time Lecturer, Dept. of Foreign Languages/Language Center, National Tsing-Hua University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • Liang, M. Y. (in press). Translingual play in networked socialization for transcultural communication: Stylized performance and participatory discourse on YouTube. Language and Intercultural Communication (SSCI)

  • Liang, M. Y. (2024a). Contingent (dis)agreement and emotional expressiveness in online responsive discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 219, 58-68. (SSCI/AHCI)

  • Liang, M. Y., Pan, S. P., & Tsai, I.T. (2023). “I’m not blue or green.
    I’m black.” The participatory entextualization of translingual memes and metapragmatic comments in transnational sociopolitical discourse.
    Discourse & Society, 34(4), 445-461. (SSCI)

    Liang, M. Y. (2022b). Transnational narratives of ecological
    socialization: Exploring multilingual international students’
    sociospatial practices through interview conversations. International Journal of Multilingualism. (SSCI)

  • Liang, M. Y. (2022a). Enregistering emojis in online socialization: Linguaculturally diverse university students’ affective translingual practices. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI)
  • Liang, M.Y. (2021a). Pragmatic socialization through gameplay directives: Multimodal conversation analysis of avatar-embodied interactions. Journal of Pragmatics, 171, 36-48. (SSCI/AHCI)
  • Liang, M.Y. (2021b). Multilingual and multimodal mediation in online intercultural conversations: A translingual perspective. Language Awareness, 30(3), 276-296. (SSCI/AHCI)
  • Liang, M. Y. (2019). Beyond elocution: Multimodal narrative discourse analysis of L2 storytelling. ReCALL, 31(1), 56-74. (SSCI)
  • Liang, M. Y. (2016). Achieving multimodal cohesion during intercultural conversations. International Journal of Society, Culture, and Language, 4(2), 55-70.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2015c). Viewpoints in multimodal storytelling: From sensation to narration. Language and Communication, 42, 23-35. (SSCI)
  • Liang, M. Y. (2015b). Multiple modes of meaning in expository discourse. TESOL International Journal, 10(1), 134-148.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2015a). Play chronotopes: Laughter-talk in peer group conversation. Classroom Discourse, 6(2), 158-172.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2013a). Rethinking authenticity: Voice and feedback in media discourse. Computers and Composition, 30(3), 157-179.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2012b). Foreign ludicity in online role-playing games. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(5), 455-473.  (SSCI/A&HCI)
  • Liang, M.Y. (2012a). Reimagining communicative context: ELF interaction in Second Life to learn EFL. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 11(1), 16-34. (SSCI)
  • 梁美雅(2011). 虛擬遊戲學英語:《第二人生》實例。English Career, 37, 36-41.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2010b). Exploring communicative practices in the blogging of female EFL university students. The JALT CALL Journal, 6(2), 71-84. 
  • Liang, M. Y. (2010a). Using synchronous online peer response groups in EFL writing: Revision-related discourse. Language Learning and Technology, 14(1), 45-64.  (SSCI)
  • Liang, M. Y., & Bonk, C. J. (2009). Interaction in blended EFL learning: Principles and practice. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning, 6(1), 3-15.
  • 梁美雅 (2007)《網路英語文互動教學答問:新典範、新教法之迷思》,英語教育電子月刊,第37期。
  • Liang, M.Y. (2004). Three extensive reading activities for ESL/EFL students using e-books. The Internet TESL Journal, 10 (10). Available online http://iteslj.org/Lessons/Liang-ExtensiveReading.html
  • Liang, M.Y. (2000). Teaching and learning grammar in the communicative EFL classroom. Journal of Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, 16, 127-132.
  • Liang, M.Y. (1999). The second language acquisition of English passives. Journal of Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, 15, 607-612.
  • Liang, M.Y. (1998). The design and investigation of the WWW-based CALL activities. Journal of Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, 14, 57-62.

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • Liang, M. Y. (2012). Developing EFL students’ narrative voices through digital stories. In Proceedings of the fifteenth International CALL Conference (pp. 409-411). Belgium: University of Antwerp.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2009). Second language students’ experiences of Second Life: From text chat to 3D play. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009 (pp. 1339-1344). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2008). SCMC interaction and EFL writing revision: Facilitative or futile? In Proceedings of E-learn 2008 (pp. 2886-2892). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. 
  • Liang, P.H., Liang, M. Y. & Chui, E. M. (2008). Creating electronic storybooks for family and friends: Young children’s playful language learning and early literacy development. In Proceedings of E-learn 2008 (pp.999-1004). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2007). Rethinking blog-integrated EFL curricula: A reflection on participation and learning. In Proceedings of E-learn 2007 (pp.1686-1691). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. 
  • Liang, M. Y. (2007). Blogging about weblogs: A study of online collaborative student projects. In Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Instruction (pp. 79-93). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2006). Exploring interactions in text chat rooms. In P. Isaias, M. B. Nunes, & I. J. Martinez (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2006, Vol 2,(pp. 43-47). Murcia, Spain: IADIS Press.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2006). Web-based interactions on reading and writing. Selected Papers from the 15th International Symposium on English Teaching, Vol 2, (pp. 84-94). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd & ETA-R.O.C
  • Liang, M.Y. (2005). Reading instruction for EFL adults in the information age. In Proceedings of 2005 Hawaii International Conference (p.p. 2423-2438).
  • Liang, M.Y. & Marchese, C. (2004, October). Reading instruction for multicultural elementary ESL students. Paper presented in the 25th INTESOL Conference, Carmel, Indiana, USA.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2004, October). Reading online news stories. Paper presented in Foreign/Second Language Teaching Share Fair. Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2003, March). An effective teacher’s reading instruction in an ESL pull-out program. Paper presented in the Ph. D. Student Forum of the 38th International TESOL Convention, Long Beach, California, USA.
  • Liang, M.Y. (2001, November). A study of web-based English grammar instruction. Paper presented in the 10th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 梁美雅(2013b)〈網路虛擬環境中之言談互動〉,《數位語文學習》,柯華葳編,台北,高等教育出版社,41-66。
  • Liang, M. Y. (2006). Interaction in EFL online classes: How Web-facilitated instruction influences EFL university students reading and learning. Ph.D. Dissertation in Language Education, Indiana University Bloomington, USA.
  • Liang, M. Y. (2006). Blogging in an online Journalistic English course. In Y. N. Leung, M. Jenks & C. S. Hsia (Eds.), New aspects of English language teaching and learning (pp. 381-394). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Company.
  • Liang, M. Y. (1992). Recognition process of idiomatic and compositional words. M.A. Thesis in Linguistics. National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan

翻譯 Translation

  • 樂為良、陳曉開、梁美雅譯 (1999)《新經濟–數位世紀的新遊戲規則》,美商麥格羅.希爾國際股份有限公司台灣分公司。
    (Tapscott, D., Lowy, A., & Ticoll, D. (1998). Blueprint to the digital economy: Creating wealth in the era of E-business. New York: McGraw-Hill.)

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2012, 2015, 2023  NCU Outstanding Research Award

常開課程 Courses

  • 論文寫作與研究方法(Thesis Writing and Research Methods)
  • 論文寫作(Thesis Writing)
  • 第二語言習得(Second Language Acquisition)
  • 語言學專題(Topics in Linguistics)
  • 英語教學概論(Introduction to TESOL)
  • 英語教學專題(Topics in English Education)
  • 線上英語學習(Online English Learning)
  • 簡報與溝通(Presentation & Communication)
  • 專業溝通(Professional Communication)
  • 申論寫作(Expository Writing)
  • 新聞寫作(Journalistic Writing)
  • 翻譯與習作 (Translation & Composition)


Laura Pérez León

中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

墨西哥 National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 哲學博士

PhD in Philosophy (Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences), National Autonomous University of Mexico

Office / 文學院一館A-312
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33211
Email / lauraperez@ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


2013 PhD in Philosophy (Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences)

         National Autonomous University of Mexico

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Philosophy of Perception、Social Ontology、Aesthetics、Translation Studies

經歷 / Experience


NCU, English Department, Assistant Professor: Spring 2020–

Cornell University, Society for the Humanities Fellow & Visiting Scholar: Fall 2017–Summer 2019

Harvard University, Fellow in Philosophy (Postdoctoral Research): Fall 2014–Spring 2017

UAM, Lecturer in Philosophy: Fall 2013–Spring 2014

UAM, Postdoctoral Research Assistant: 2014

ITESM, Lecturer in Philosophy: Fall 2003

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations


  • Spring 2020–Spring 2024: “NCU English Department Conversations,” Organizer and Moderator of 17 conversations with 15 international scholars. Online and in person, National Central University, Taiwan.
  • (2022) Peláez, Álvaro & Laura Pérez (eds.) Lo que el mundo nos ofrece. Ensayos filosóficos sobre affordances o potencialidades de acción [What the World Affords Us. Philosophical Essays on Affordances or Potentialities for Action]. México: UAM, pages 288. ISBN: 978-607-28-2615-1.
  • (2022) Pérez, Laura, “Qué tipo de entidad es una potencialidad de acción gibsoniana?” [“What Kind of Entity Is A Gibsonian Affordance?”]. In Pélaez, Álvaro & Laura Pérez (eds.) Lo que el mundo nos ofrece. Ensayos filosóficos sobre affordances o potencialidades de acción [What the World Affords Us. Philosophical Essays on Affordances or Potentialities for Action]. Mexico: Metropolitan Autonomous University, pp. 88-121. ISBN: 978-607-28-2615-1.
  • (2021) Pérez, Laura, “Two Questions about Social Perception and Reflections Coming from Visual Arts,” Journal of Dialectics of Nature 43: 1-14, Themed Issue: Social Perception, DOI: 10.15994/J.1000-0763.2021.11.001.
  • (2020) Pérez, Laura, “Dirigiendo la atención al contenido social de la experiencia visual” [“Directing Attention to the Social Content of Visual Experience”]. In Peláez, Álvaro & Ignacio Cervieri (eds.) Contenido y fenomenología de la percepción. Aproximaciones filosóficas [Content and Phenomenology of Perception. Philosophical Approaches]. Metropolitan Autonomous University & Gedisa, pp. 145-174. ISBN-13 978-6072816725
  • (2018)  Pérez, Laura & Susanna Siegel, “Los problemas de la percepción” [“The Problems of Perception”] In M. Artiga & M. Jorba (eds.) The Encyclopedia of The Spanish Society of Analytic Philosophy. ISSN: 2605-5449.
  • (2014) Pérez, Laura, “Philosophical Research in Spanish. A Case of Simultaneous Translation into Spanish.” [“Investigación filosófica en español. Un caso sobre traducción simultánea al español”] In S. Siegel (coord.) Reflections on the Use of English and Spanish in Analytic Philosophy. Cervantes Institute, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, pp. 19-25. ISSN: 2373-874x 006-12/2014EN.
  • Translated work:
    (2022) J.J. Gibson, “La teoría de las potencialidades de acción.” In Pélaez, Álvaro & Laura Pérez (eds.) Lo que el mundo nos ofrece. Ensayos filosóficos sobre affordances o potencialidades de acción [What the World Affords Us. Philosophical Essays on Affordances or Potentialities for Action]. Mexico: Metropolitan Autonomous University, pp. 22-51. ISBN: 978-607-28-2615-1. [Version in English: Gibson, J.J. 1977. “The Theory of Affordances.” In Robert Shaw & John Bransford (eds.) Perceiving, Acting and Knowing. Toward an Ecological Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates].
    (2020) S. Siegel, Los contenidos de la experiencia visual (w/A. Peláez). Institute for Philosophical Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 236 pages. ISBN: 978-607-30-2460-0. [Version in English: Siegel, S. 2010. The Contents of Visual Experience. Oxford University Press].
    (2018) S. Haslanger, “Cambiando la ideología y la cultura de la filosofía: No sólo a través de la razón” on Sally Haslanger’s website. Revision by Teresa Bruno, 17 pages. [Version in English: Haslanger, S. 2008. “Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not by Reason (Alone)” Hypatia, Vol. 23, 2 (April-June 2008)].
    (2018) G. Evans, Capítulo 6 “Identificación demostrativa” in Gareth Evans, Las Variedades de la Referencia. Del Rosario University & Metropolitan Autonomous University, pp. 141-200. ISBN Mexico: 978-607-28-1225-3. [Version in English: Evans, G. 1982. Chapter 6. Demonstrative Identification in The Varieties of Reference. Clarendon Press].

常開課程 /


Graduate courses

  • Epistemic Injustice
  • Aesthetics & Philosophy of Perception
  • Philosophy of Photography
  • Corruption and Visual Culture in Mexico

Undergraduate courses

  • Social Ontology
  • Philosophy of Translation
  • Introduction to Cultural and Media Studies
  • Critical Thinking in Writing
  • Critical Thinking in Speech and Communication
  • Literature, History & Philosophy


Grace Hui-chuan Wu

中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN


Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania State University

Office / 文學院二館 C2-411
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33219
Email / gracewu@g.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


2014 Ph.D., Comparative Literature with a minor in English, The Pennsylvania State University, PA

2005 M.A., English and American Language and Literature, National Central University, Taiwan

2001 B.A., Sociology and Foreign Language and Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Literature and Human Rights; Narratives of Labor Migrants; Asian American Literature; Sinophone Literature; Economy and Culture

經歷 / Experience


2020-         Associate Professor of English, National Central University 

2015-2020 Assistant Professor of English, National Central University 

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2023 〈跨太平洋報導文學:《工廠女孩》的文化越界與亞美記者的「返鄉」書寫〉。《中外文學》7月19日有條件接受。(THCI)

  • 2023 〈農民工與中國夢:《城市夢想》的文化情感政治〉。《文化研究》36 (2023): 231-272。(THCI)

  •  2022 〈非虛構文學的情感與社會關係:梁鴻的《中國在梁莊》和《出梁莊記》〉。《中外文學》 51.1 (2022): 55-94。(THCI)
  • 2019   〈文學敘事與人權想像:移民工文學獎〉。《中外文學》48.3 (2019) : 89-132。 (THCI)

  • 2018   〈遷移與障礙:顧玉玲的《我們》與《回家》〉。《中外文學》47.1 (2018): 77-114 。 (THCI)

  • 2017    “The Making of the New Global Middle Class: China’s Workplace Novels.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 43.1 (March 2017): 299-327. (THCI)

  • 2015 “Family Catastrophe and the Making of Taiwanese Modernity.” Journal of Modern Literature 38.4 (Summer 2015): 126-46.

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • 2022 〈農民工敘事的文化情感──幸福與夢想〉,「文學/海洋/島嶼國際學術研討會」,Biannual Meeting of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL), 20-22 June, National Taiwan University.
  • 2022 “The (Im)Mobility of Chinese Migrant Workers in Global Literary Journalism.” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), 15-18 June, National Taiwan Normal University. 
  • 2019    “Rural Migrant Workers’ Narrative in China and its Discontent.” Biannual Meeting of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature, 17-19 July, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China. 
  • 2018    “Asian Migrant Worker Narratives and Human Rights.” Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 12-15 August, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.  
  • 2016    “Migration and Disability: Southeast Asian Migrant Narratives.” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), 17-20 March, Harvard University, USA. 
  • 2015 “Once More, the Chinese and the Inhuman: The Workplace Novel.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), 26-29 March, Chicago, USA.
  • 2014 “The Predicament of Racial Form: Chang-rae Lee’s Aloft.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS), 16-19 April, San Francisco, USA.
  • 2014 “The Transpacific Battles: China’s Workplace Novels.” ACLA, 20-23 March, New York University, USA.
  • 2013 “Other Asian/American Literature: Chang-rae Lee’s Aloft.” Other and Asian American Literature, 27-28 Sept., Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2013 “The Cultural Politics of Retelling Asian American labor.” ACLA, 4-7 April, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • 2012 “State Economies at Home.” China After Comparison Workshop, 7-8 Sept., Penn State, USA.
  • 2012 “Those Miraculous Economies: The Asian American Family and its Transpacific Counterpart.” AAAS, 11-14 April, Washington DC, USA.
  • 2012 “Miraculous Economies and Family Catastrophes.” ACLA, 29 March-1 April, Brown University, USA.
  • 2011 “Rejuvenating Family Values.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies-International Convention of Asian Scholars (AAS-ICAS) Joint Conference, 31 March-3 April, Honolulu, USA.
  • 2010 “Turning Homes into Factories.” Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies: Sustainable Asia: Challenges and Opportunities, 22-23 Oct., Penn State, USA.
  • 2010 “Home Economies.” ACLA, 1-4 April, New Orleans, USA.
  • 2006 “Negotiating Diversity—Challenge to Global Citizenship.” 11th Japan Foundation Asia-Pacific Youth Forum, Okinawa, Japan.
  • 2005 “Double Writing in Three Asian American Women’s Texts: Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter, Patti Kim’s A Cab Called Reliable, and Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meat.Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Student Pre-conference, 21 July, South Korea, Seoul.

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 2020    “(De)humanizing Labor: Southeast Asian Migrant Narratives in Taiwan.” The Subject(s) of Human Rights. Eds. Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, Guy Beauregard, and Hsiu-chuan Lee. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2020. 127-143.
  • 2015    〈亞/美文學的他者──李昌來的《懸空》〉。《他者與亞美文學》。台北:中研院歐美研究所。123-64。
  • 2015 Entries on “Sui Sin Far” and “Bei Dao.” The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Ed. Stephen Ross. London: Routledge, 2016.

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2023-2026 國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫
                    〈絕境(不)逢生:當代貧窮敘事的知識情感生產〉                                              NT $254,6000 (NSTC 112-2628-H-008 -004 -MY3)

  • 2022- 科技部專題研究計畫(人文社會學者國內訪問研究)


“The ‘Cruel’ Chinese Dream: Rural Migrant Workers and Literary Journalism”

NT$144,140 (MOST 111-2424-H-008-001-2R)

  • 2020-2023    科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫


“Multiple “Border” Crossings: Nonfiction and China’s Rural Migrant Workers and Immigrants”

  • 2018-2019     科技部新進人員研究計畫


“Rural Migrant Workers’ Narrative and its Discontent: The Making and Remaking of Chinese Working Class within Global Neoliberalism”                    

  • 2017-2018     科技部一般型研究計畫


“Transpacific Literature: Migrant Narratives and Imagined Communities”

  • 2016-2017   科技部一般型研究計畫


“The Rise of China and the Chinese Workplace Novel”

NT $323,000 (MOST105-2410-H-008-046)

  • 2016/1-12     科技部新進人員研究計畫


“Migration and Disability: Southeast Asian Migrant Narratives in Taiwan”


  • 2023 Spring Departmental Research Award, NCU
  •  2023 University’s Outstanding Research Award, NCU (111學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  • 2022 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2022 Spring Departmental Research Award, NCU 
  • 2022 University’s Excellent Advisor Award, NCU(110學年度中央大學優良導師獎)
  • 2022 University’s Outstanding Research Award, NCU (110學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  • 2021 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2021 University’s Outstanding Research Award, NCU (109學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  • 2020 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2020 Liberal Arts College Outstanding Teaching Award, NCU (108學年度中央大學文學院教學優良獎)
  • 2020 University’s Outstanding Research Award, NCU (108學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  • 2019 University’s Outstanding Research Award, NCU (107學年度中央大學學術研究傑出獎)
  • 2019 Fall Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2019 Fall Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2019 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2019 Spring Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2018 Fall Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2018 University’s Excellent Advisor Award, NCU(106學年度中央大學優良導師獎)
  • 2017 Fall Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2017 Fall Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2017 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2017 Liberal Arts College Outstanding Teaching Award, NCU (105學年度中央大學文學院教學優良獎)
  • 2016 Fall Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2016 Fall Departmental Teaching Award, NCU
  • 2016 Fall College Award for Teachers 文學院獎勵(出席國際會議)
  • 2016 Spring Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2016 Spring 國立中央大學新進教研人員學術研究經費補助計畫, NCU
  • 2016 「邁向頂尖大學計畫」分項計畫「跨國界家庭勞動敘事:台灣移/民工文學」
  • 2015-2017 Outstanding New Hire Award, NCU (新聘傑出教研人員) 
  • 2015 Fall Departmental Teaching Award, NCU 
  • 2015 Fall College Award for Teachers 文學院獎勵(出席國際會議)
  • 2015 Fall 科技部補助專家學者出席國際會議,MOST
  • 2015 Spring Departmental Research Award, NCU
  • 2015 Spring Departmental Teaching Award, NCU 
  • 2014 Bayard Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Achievement, Comparative Literature, Penn State
  • 2013-14 China Times Cultural Foundation Young Scholar Award
  • 2012 RGSO Dissertation Support Grant, Penn State
  • 2010 RGSO Dissertation Support Grant, Penn State
  • 2008-2009 Teaching Mandarin Overseas Scholarship, Cultural Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
  • 2007-2009 Government Scholarships for Study Abroad, the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)

常開課程 Courses

  • 2023 Fall Asian American Literature Seminar, Professional Communication, Presentation and Communication I

  • 2023 Spring 20th Century American Literature, Research Writing, Professional Writing

  • 2022 Spring Presentation and Communication II, Professional Writing

  • 2021Fall Interdisciplinary Seminar—Literary Journalism (Graduate), Professional Communication, Fiction Studies

  • 2021 Spring Asian American Literature Seminar (Graduate),  Presentation and Communication II

  • 2020 Fall        Professional Communication, Fiction Studies , Writing through Media 

  • 2020 Spring    Presentation and Communication II, Professional Writing,  Interdisciplinary Seminar—Human Rights and Poverty   

  • 2019 Fall      Interdisciplinary Seminar—Asian American Literature and Human Rights (graduate), 20th Century American Literature , Professional Communication

  • 2019 Spring     Interdisciplinary Seminar—Literature and Human Rights,  First-year English Composition 

  • 2018 Fall Fiction Studies, Professional Writing 

  • 2017 Fall Fiction Studies, Presentation and Communication I, Advanced Reading (Language Center) 

  • 2017 Spring Asian American Literature Seminar (Graduate), First-year English Composition 


Josephine Ho

中央大學英美語文學系 講座教授/榮譽教授

Chair Professor/Professor Emeritus, English Department, National Central University, Taiwan

Office / 文學院一館A-206
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33557
Email / sex@ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


1992 美國Indiana University英美文學博士

1981 美國University of Georgia語言教育博士

1975 美國University of Pennsylvania語言教育(ESL)碩士

1972 國立政治大學西洋語文學系學士

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Cultural Studies、Theories of Modernity、Feminist Sex/Gender Theory、Thesis Writing、History of Western Civilization

經歷 / Experience


2019- 中央大學專案教授

2016- 中央大學講座/榮譽教授

2012 香港嶺南大學文化研究系客座教授

2011 國立新加坡大學亞洲研究中心訪問教授

2010-13  中央大學文學與文化研究講座教授

2006-09 香港嶺南大學群芳文化教育政策研究中心研究員

2006-09 中央大學特聘教授

2004-07 中央大學英美文學系系主任兼研究所所長

2003 日本東京Ochanomizu國立女子大學訪問教授

2001- 中央大學英美文學系教授

1995- 中央大學性/別研究室召集人

1988-01 中央大學英美文學系副教授



2012-16 Board Member, Association for Cultural Studies

2013-17 國際中華性健康研究會(ISCSH)第四屆理事會理事、常務理事

2009-13 國際中華性健康研究會(ISCSH)第三屆理事會理事、常務理事

2008-18   世界華人性學家協會副會長

2007-13 中華民國文化研究學會監事

2005-07 中華民國文化研究學會理事長

1999-     台灣性別人權協會理事

1997-07 中華民國文化研究學會常務理事

1994-96 女性學會會員

1989-98 中華民國比較文學會會員

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2019 〈性教育是虛假需要嗎?:從聯合國「全面性教育」文件說起〉,短版刊登於《澎湃》思想版,2019年9月5日,https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_4334779。長版〈「需要性教育」是不是個虛假需要?〉刊登於《性研究ing》,2019年9月5日,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fE_SGwwiE2VC_IMuKEZrIA。轉載於《保馬》,2019年9月8日,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LleueR5bXIfcoZd7LPwBJQ

  • 2018 〈從性別平權到性別治理:女性主義的普世話語〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》111期,2018年12月,335-343。同時發表於《人間思想》第十輯(大陸版),2019年11月,386-392。

  • 2018 〈白日追娼:閱讀《我在現場:性社會學田野調查筆記》〉,《上海書評》,2018年2月14日。https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KesKtPz9kPmAygY-T4QKfw

  • 2014 “The Perils of Doing Sexuality Research in Aspiring Democracies,” Sexualities 17 (Sept. 2014): 677-680. (SSCI)

  • 2014 〈2013年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與方剛、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》第六期,2014年3月:5-19。

  • 2013 〈研究社會性/別:一個脈絡的反思〉,《社會學評論》第一卷第五期(性與社會性別研究專號)。北京:中國人民大學,2013年10月。45-53。

  • 2013 “Sex Rights in Greater China, 2012,” World Chinese Sexuality Journal 5.1 (June 2013): 36-40,國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版 (ISSN 1947-2505) ; WACS Newsletter 6.2 (May 2013): 3-7,世界華人性學家協會出版(ISSN 1944-6683).

  • 2013 〈2012年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與方剛、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》第五期,2013年3月。5-26。

  • 2012 “Sex Rights in Greater China, 2011,” World Chinese Sexuality Journal 3.1 (June 2012): 3-8,國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版 (ISSN 1947-2505) ; WACS Newsletter 5.1 (May 2012): 3-6,世界華人性學家協會出版(ISSN 1944-6683) 

  • 2012 〈2011年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與方剛、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》第四期,2012年3月:5-32。轉載於《國際中華性學雜誌》第十二卷第一期(2012): 3-25。國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版(ISSN 1533-1253)

  • 2011 〈台灣性/別權力的浮現:我的三個女性主義領悟〉,《中國女性主義》12(2011年7月):293-301。

  • 2011 〈山寨中國〉,《文化研究》12 (2011):262-267。(TSSCI) (NSC 98-2629-H-008-011-MY3)

  • 2011 “Sex Rights in Greater China, 2010 (Excerpt),” World Chinese Sexuality Journal 3.1 (June 2011): 3-8,國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版 (ISSN 1947-2505) ; WACS Newsletter 4.2 (June 2011): 4-7,世界華人性學家協會出版(ISSN 1944-6683) 

  • 2011 〈2010年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與方剛、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》第三期,2011年3月。5-32。

  • 2010 〈溫情與驚駭:當代台灣刺青的性別與階級位移〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第80期(2010年12月):55-104。(TSSCI) (NSC 94-2411-H-008-001-BH)

  • 2010 〈理論與實踐:一個在具體脈絡中不斷變化的關係〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第80期(2010年12月):181-186。(TSSCI)

  • 2010 “Queer Existence under Global Governance: A Taiwan Exemplar,” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 18.2 (Summer 2010): 537-554.  (A&HCI) (NSC 99-2629-H-008-011-MY3)

  • 2010 〈當代性研究/性運不可迴避的眼界〉,《國際中華性學雜誌》第十卷第一期(2010): 49-51. 國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版(ISSN 1533-1253)

  • 2010 “Sex Rights in Greater China: 2009,” WACS Newsletter 3.1 (March 2010): 2-8. 國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版(ISSN 1944-6683); World Chinese Sexology Journal 2.1 (Dec. 2010): 3-9,世界華人性學家協會出版(ISSN 1947-2505)

  • 2010 〈2009年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與方剛、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》第二期,2010年3月。5-28。

  • 2009 〈性變態重新命名〉(與甯應斌合寫),《國際中華性學雜誌》第九卷第三期(2009): 13-14。國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版(ISSN 1533-1253)

  • 2009 “Sex Rights in 2008: A Report on Greater China (Excerpt),” WACS Newsletter 2.1 (March 2010): 2-5. 國際華人醫學家心理學家聯合會(美國紐約)出版(ISSN 1944-6683)

  • 2009 〈2008年兩岸三地性權報告〉(與王文卿、曹文傑合著),《華人性權研究》創刊號,2009年3月。5-24。

  • 2008 “Is Global Governance Bad for East Asian Queers?” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 14.4 (Fall 2008): 457-479. (SSCI) (NSC 96-2629-H-008-001)

  • 2008 “Asian Modernity and Its ‘Gendered Vulnerabilities.’” Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Asian Insights 1 (June, 2008): 9-11.

  • 2008 〈台灣性革命、性權、性學的歷史互動〉,《華人性研究》世界華人性學家協會會刊創刊號(2008年1月):28-34.

  • 2006 〈色情世界與色情研究〉,《東吳社會學報》20期(2006年6月):173-206。

  • 2006 “Embodying Gender: Trans Body/Subject Formations in Taiwan,” InterAsia Cultural Studies 7.2 (June 2006): 228-242.  (SSCI/A&HCI) (NSC 96-2420-H-610-001-)

  • 2005 〈從反對人口販賣到全面社會規訓:台灣兒少NGO的牧世大業〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第59期(2005年9月):1-42. (TSSCI)。收入《運動作為社會教習》,丘延亮編,台社社會運動讀本03,台北:台社,2008年。215-251。

  • 2005 “The Woman Under the Burial Quilt—Death of a Trans Warrior,” Left Curve 29 (2005): 127-128.

  • 2005 〈一場官司的誕生〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第57期(2005年3月):275-287。(TSSCI)。 收入《異議》下冊,台社思想讀本02,徐進鈺、陳光興編,台北:台社,2008年。229-240。

  • 2005 “In Defence of Academic Research and Internet Freedom of Expression,” InterAsia Cultural Studies 6.1 (March 2005): 147-150.  (SSCI/A&HCI)

  • 2004 “Trans-Sexuality: Bisexual Formations and the Limits of Categories.”  First read at The Fifth International Super-Slim Conference on the Politics of Gender/Sexuality, Chungli, Taiwan.  Journal of Gender Studies (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo) 7 (2004): 1-14. (NSC 91-2411-H-008-001-BC)

  • 1998 〈性/別教育中之偏見:性教育的動力學〉,《教育部兩性平等教育季刊》第三期,1998年,68-73。

  • 1998 〈從左翼到酷異:美國同性戀運動的「酷兒化」〉,《性/別研究》第3-4期合刊,1998年9月。260-299。(NSC 88-2411-H-008-007-)

  • 1998 〈女性主義的色情/性工作立場〉,《性/別研究》第1-2期合刊,1998年6月。200-239。 (NSC 87-2411-H-008-006-)

  • 1996 〈色情與女/性能動主體〉,《中外文學》第25卷第4期,1996年。6-37。(TSSCI) 後收入《色情無價:認真看待色情》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2008年。223-262。同年收入《批判的性政治》,台社性/別與同志讀本05,朱偉誠編,台北:台社,2008年。3-34。

  • 1995 “It’s Difficult for Women to Achieve Sexual Pleasure: The Need for Sexual Emancipation.”  Taiwan Studies: A Journal of Translations 1.4 (winter 1995-6): 73-86.  (《豪爽女人:女性主義與性解放》第五章英譯)

  • 1994 〈女性主義與女性小說〉,《台灣文藝》第5期(1994): 7-11。

  • 1994 〈台灣的麥當勞化:跨國服務業資本的文化邏輯〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第16期(1994年3月)︰1-20。(TSSCI) 收入《身分認同與公共文化︰文化研究論文集》,陳清僑編,香港︰牛津大學出版社,1997年,141-160。收入《流動與根著》,黃麗玲編,台社都市與區域讀本04,台北:台灣社會研究雜誌社,2008年,311-332。收入《中文世界的文化研究》,王曉明編,上海︰上海書店,2012年,1-22。

  • 1994 〈以希望取代知識:記羅逖的五場演講〉,《當代》94 (1994): 22-31。 

  • 1993 〈與解構對話:羅逖的實用主義策略〉,《中外文學》第22卷7期(1993): 29-44。 

  • 1993 “The Locus of Truth/Ideology in the German Debate: A Reappraisal of Lukacs, Benjamin, Brecht, and Adorno,” Journal of Humanities East/West 11 (1993): 125-146. 

  • 1992 “Richard Rorty and the Literary Culture,” Journal of Humanities East/West 10 (1992): 149-164.

  • 1991 “Another Look at the Spread of English,” Journal of Humanities East/West 9 (1991): 237-250. 

  • 1990 〈口述與書寫:一個理論的再思〉,《中外文學》第19卷2期 (1990): 73-91。

  • 1990 〈從讀者反應理論到反理論: 史丹利.費許的新實用主義〉,《中外文學》第18卷12期(1990): 86-109。

  • 1990 “Subjectivity and Belief: Walter Benn Michaels’ Re-Circulation of Classical Pragmatism in the Field of Literary Studies,” Journal of Humanities East/West 8 (1990): 177-186.

  • 1989 “The Quest(ion) of Origin: Freud’s Conception of Effectivity,” Journal of Humanities East/West 7 (1989): 121-30.

  • 1988 〈談政治就是談神:柯克斯的世俗神學〉,《當代》第31期(1988): 43-50。

  • 1987 〈對批評「新批評」的批評:一個歷史主義的觀點〉,《海峽》雜誌第5期(1987): 78-88頁。

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • 2019.10.19-20 〈繁榮盛世下的土味審美(短版)〉,第二屆海峽兩岸「人文學論壇」,中國社會科學院哲學研究所、中國社會科學院台港澳研究中心、廈門海滄台商投資區管委會主辦,廈門海滄

  • 2018.9.7-8 〈從性別平權到性別治理(短版)〉,兩岸「重新認識傳統」會議,廈門海滄

  • 2015.5.16-17 〈性別與情感治理:一個文明化的解讀〉,性/別二十年國際學術研討會,中壢,中央大學 

  • 2015.3.18 “Gender and Diversity in Taiwan: A View Outside the Legal and Policy Framework,” 2014-2015 US Fulbright Grantees Research Workshop,政治大學創新與育成中心

  • 2014.7.29-30 〈以性為芻狗:性別的創傷與脆弱年代〉,第六屆世界華人性學家學術大會,金馬飯店,杭州

  • 2013.10.6 〈小心公民社會〉,第八屆性/別政治超薄型國際學術研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 2013.9.8 “Creative Economy in the Rise of Asia,” Second International Culture Industry Summit,” Lanzhou, Gansu, China

  • 2013.3.23 〈性別/年齡治理與情感公民的形成〉,國科會人文處99-100年度外文學門專題計畫研究成果發表會,政治大學,台北

  • 2012.10.6-7 〈性別治理與公民規範〉,新道德主義:道德保守與道德進步「兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術研討會IV,中央大學,中壢

  • 2012.3.24-25 “Gender/Sexuality Matters: Governance in New Liberal Democracies,” International Symposium on the Future of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • 2011.12.10 〈《華人性權研究》主編經驗談〉,2011年度性與性別事件研討會,林業大學,北京

  • 2011.11.11 〈反教育的青少年性教育〉,2011年全面的性與生殖健康教育專家圓桌會議,浙江省社科院婦女研究中心,杭州

  • 2011.9.24-25 〈性別政治的年齡轉向〉,第三屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 2011.6.25 〈台灣法律中的兒少主體〉,大中華兒童法論壇研討會,樹仁大學跨域法學理論和政策研究中心,香港

  • 2011.6.21-23 〈文明極其嬌貴:新興情感結構與性的法治化〉,第三屆中國性研究國際研討會,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,北京

  • 2011.4.15-17 〈年齡轉向:性別政治的新民粹策略〉, 2011年性/別政治與本土起義研討會,香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系,香港

  • 2009.12.5-6 〈山寨性/別:模組化與當代性/別生產〉,第一屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 2009.1.3-04 〈世俗與驚駭:當代刺青的敘事化〉,中華民國文化研究學會「根源與路徑」2009年年會,台灣師範大學

  • 2008.1.20-22 〈台灣性革命、性權、性學的歷史互動〉,2008世界華人性學家協會成立大會暨性學高峰論壇,中國深圳

  • 2007.12.14-15 “Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan,” A Roundtable: CHINESE GENDER / SEXUALITY in 21st CENTURY, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

  • 2006.5.26-28 “Life of a Parasite: A Survival Story of Cultural Studies,” International Conference on Cultural Studies and Institution, Ling-Nan University, Hong Kong

  • 2005.7.22-24 “Embodying Gender: Transgenderism in Taiwan,” InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference, Seoul, Korea

  • 2004.11.12-13 〈找尋語言/認識生命:與污名主體的訪談經驗〉,華人社會口述歷史工作研討會,香港大學,香港

  • 2004.8.23 “Sex and Power,” 2nd Asian Congress of Sexuality Education, Shu-De University, Taiwan              

  • 2004.7.7-11 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan,” 36th International Institute of Sociology, Beijing

  • 2004.5.22 〈性別壓迫與同志文化〉,同志諮商研討會,中華心理衛生協會、東吳大學合辦

  • 2004.5.21 〈性工作權與產業規範〉,情色工業與倫理思考學術研討會,淡江大學

  • 2004.5.2 〈台灣性工作除罪化的漫漫長路〉,Out in the Sun: Legal Constraints and Possibilities in Protecting the Rights of Sex Workers, An International Conference on the Sex Industry and Sex Workers’ Rights,香港城市大學與紫藤,香港

  • 2004.4.23-24 “Gender Embodiment: Transgender Body-Subject Formation in Taiwan,” Problematizing Global Knowledge: Towards a New Encyclopaedia for a Global Knowledge Archive, National University of Singapore

  • 2003.12.13 “Trans-Sexuality: Bisexual Formations and the Limits of Categories,” 第五屆性/別政治超薄型國際學術研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 2003.11.21-22 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan,”第二屆「華人社會社會排斥與邊緣性問題研討會」,香港理工大學,香港

  • 2003.7.4 “The Em[bodi]ment of Identity: Constructing the Transgender,” Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2003.6.27 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline,” Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2003.6.18 “From Spice Girls to Enjo-Kosai: Formation of Teenage Girls’ Sexuality in East Asia,” Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2003.6.4 “Self-Empowerment and Professional Performativity in Sex Work,” Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2003.5.28 “Pornography and Female Sexual Agency,” Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2003.2.20-21  “Cyber Sex: Sexuality, Youth and Cyber Space,”  Keynote Speech, Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp, Taipei Grand Hyatt

  • 2002.12.14-15  〈性/別壓迫:跨性別主體在台灣〉,「重訪東亞:全球、區域、國家、公民」,文化研究學會2002年會,東海大學,台中

  • 2002.2.25-3.1 “Introduction to Sexuality Studies–A Seminar for the Asian Context,” Understanding Sexualities in Asia: Feminist Reflections on Cultural Production, Consumption and Counter-culture in Asia in the context of Capitalist Globalization, Asian Center for Women’s Studies, Ewha University, Seoul, Korea

  • 2001.11.16-17 〈認同的「體現」:打造跨性別〉,「華人社會社會排斥與邊緣性問題研討會」,香港理工大學,香港

  • 2001.11.2 “From Spice Girls to Enjo Kosai: Formations of Teenage Girls’ Sexualities in Taiwan.”  International Conference on Teenage Girls’ Sexualities and Sex Work in East Asia, Yonsei University, Korea,延世大學,韓國首爾

  • 2001.9.15-16 〈認同的「體現」:打造跨性別〉,第六屆四性兩岸三地學術研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 2000.8.26 “Sex Liberation and Its Impact on Feminism.”  Workshop on Feminism,香港理工大學,香港

  • 2000.4.22-23 〈性、權力與鋼管辣妹︰一個田野的觀察〉,第五屆「性教育﹑性學﹑性別暨同性戀研究」學術研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 1999.10.30 〈非關個人:性(工作)的專業化〉,「女性主體的另類提問」小型學術研討會,清華大學月涵堂,台北

  • 1999.8.23-27 “‘Feminist’ Perspectives on Sexology,” The Fourteenth World Congress of Sexology, Hong Kong

  • 1998.11.8-11 “A Feminist View on Sex Work,” Workshop on Sexuality and the Commercialization of Sex in North East Asia, Soongsil University, Korea

  • 1998.10.3 〈從左翼到酷異:美國同性戀運動的「酷兒化」〉,第二屆「性/別研究超薄型國際學術研討會」,中央大學,中壢

  • 1998.7.14-16 “The Good, The Bad, and The Perverted Sisters: Recent Debates Within Taiwan’s Feminist Discourse,” Problematizing Asia: An InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference,清華大學月涵堂,台北

  • 1997.7.10 “The ‘West’ in Asian Context: The Case of Sexuality,” 「面對亞洲」學術研討會,清華大學月涵堂,台北

  • 1997.11.8 「女性主義的文化分析」,國科會外文學門研究成果會議,清華大學,新竹

  • 1997.7.10 “The ‘West’ in Asian Context: The Case of Sexuality,” 「面對亞洲」學術研討會,清華大學月涵堂,台北

  • 1997.6.6 “Sexuality in Contemporary China,” 1997: Building a Global Civil Society.  Eds. by Lida Nedilsky and Bruce van Voorhis.  Hong Kong: July 1 Link, 1997

  • 1997.5.31 〈邁向多元文化教育視野下的性教育:教育就是性教育,性教育就是教育〉,「多元文化教育的理論與實際」國際學術研討會,台北師範大學教育系。(與甯應斌合寫)

  • 1996.6.29 〈性革命:一個馬克思主義的初步觀點〉,第一屆「性教育﹑性學﹑性別暨同性戀研究」學術研討會,中央大學,中壢

  • 1996.5.17-18 “Shifting Boundaries of Gender Co(llege)- Existence,” International Conference on Envisioning College Coeducation for the 21st Century,延世大學,韓國首爾

  • 1996.5.03 〈色情與女/性能動主體〉,第二十屆全國比較文學會議,東海大學,台中

  • 1994.12.16 “Crisis Discourse and the study of Literature,” Modern Literature/Theories Revisited: an International Conference,中山大學,高雄

  • 1994.1.9 〈方舟之外:論朱天心的近期寫作〉,從40至90年代–兩岸三邊華文小說研討會,台北中國時報

  • 1993.7.11 〈台灣的女性小說〉,第一屆海峽兩岸文學創作與研究新趨勢研討會,南京大學

  • 1993.1.2 “The Cultural Logic of Political Economy: The Case of McDonaldization in Taiwan,” International Conference on Cultural Criticism,香港中文大學,香港 

  • 1991.5.18 “Another Look at the Spread of English,” 第八屆英語文教學研討會,清華大學,新竹

  • 1990.6.3 〈口述與書寫:一個理論的再思〉,第十四屆全國比較文學會議,淡江大學,台北

  • 1989.11.19 “From Reader Response to Anti-Theory: Stanley Fish’s New Pragmatism,” The Third Annual Conference on English and American Literature,中山大學,高雄

  • 1981.7.30-31 “Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers.” 10th Annual Conference on Teaching the English Language Arts, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

  • 1979.5.4-5 “Influences of Children’s Books in Taiwan,” 11th Annual Conference on Children’s Literature in Elementary Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

專書 Book

  • 2018 《援助交際在台灣》(編寫)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2017 《性別治理》(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2016 《性/別二十》(與甯應斌合編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2013 《「性/別」撹乱:台湾における性政治》(Gender/Sexuality Troubles in Taiwanese Gender Politics) Tokyo: Ochanomizu University.  (In Japanese)

  • 2012 《轉眼歷史:兩岸三地性運回顧》(編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2012 《民困愁城:憂鬱症與現代性的黑暗面》(與甯應斌合著),台灣社會研究叢書16(台北:唐山)

  • 2010 《連結性:兩岸三地性/別新局》(編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2009 《酷兒新聲》(編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2008 《色情無價》(與甯應斌合編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2006 《動物戀網頁事件簿》(編寫)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2005 《性政治入門:台灣性運演講集》(甯應斌、丁乃非合著)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)。2007年由北京九州出版社重新發行大陸簡體字版,《台灣性/別研究演講集》,上下兩冊,新增〈性工作與現代性〉一篇。

  • 2003 《跨性別》(編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2003 《性工作研究》(編)(中壢:中央大學性/別研究室)

  • 2001 《性工作:妓權觀點》(編)(台北:巨流)

  • 2001 《同志研究》(編)(台北:巨流)

  • 2000 《從酷兒空間到教育空間》(編)(台北:麥田文化)

  • 2000 《性/別政治與主體形構》(編)(台北:麥田文化)

  • 1999 《青春之性別快報》中小學性別教育漫畫(桃園:桃園縣政府教育局)

  • 1998 《性/別校園:新世代的性別教育》(台北:遠流元尊文化)

  • 1998 《性別校園:中小學教師兩性平權教育基本閱讀材料》(桃園:桃園縣政府教育局)

  • 1998 《好色女人》(台北:遠流元尊文化)

  • 1997 《性/別研究的新視野》上、下兩冊(編)(台北:遠流元尊文化)


  • 1997 《呼喚台灣新女性:豪爽女人誰不爽?》(編)(台北:遠流元尊文化)

  • 1996 《性心情:治療與解放的新性學報告》(台北:張老師文化)

  • 1994 《不同國女人:性別、資本、文化》(台北:自立)

  • 1994 《豪爽女人:女性主義與性解放》(台北:皇冠)

  • 1990 《為什麼他們不告訴你:性政治入門》(與卡維波合寫)(台北:方智)

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 2017 “Gender Governance Through Law: Populist Moralism in Aspring Democracies/Economies.”  New Intimacies, Old Desires: Law, Culture and Queer Politics in Neo-Liberal Times.  Eds. by Oishik Sircar, and Dipica Jain.  New Delhi: Zubaan, 2017.  97-118.

  • 2016 〈小心公民社會〉,《性/別20》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2016,1-20。改題為〈小心公民社會:當代台灣公民政治及其文明情感〉,收入《性別治理》,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2017,129-154。

  • 2015 “Localized Trajectories of Queerness and Activism under Global Governance,” The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South, eds. by Ashley Tellis and Sruti Bala, in the Thamyris/Intersecting 30: Place, Sex and Race Series.  Rodopi, Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi, 2015.  121-136.

  • 2015 “Is Global Governance Bad for East Asian Queers?”.  The Movements Of Movements Part II: Rethinking Our Dance.  Ed. by Jai Sen.  OpenWorld: 2014.

  • 2014 〈文明及其嬌貴:全球治理年代的感性政治兼回應霍米巴巴〉,《從西天到中土:印中社會思想對話》,張頌仁、陳光興、高士民主編,上海:上海人民出版社,2014年。331-342。

  • 2013 〈多元文化主義的陷阱〉,《性/別多元之實踐與挑戰》,世新大學性別研究所主編,2013年。21-39。

  • 2013 〈性別治理與情感公民的形成〉,《新道德主義》,甯應斌編。中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2013年。211-232。(ISBN: 978-986-03-8077-4)

  • 2012 〈文化研究的立場〉(與甯應斌合寫)。《中文世界的文化研究》,王曉明編,上海︰上海書店,2012年。51-69。(ISBN: 978-754-58-0544-4)

  • 2012 〈台灣性別政治的年齡轉向〉,《轉眼歷史:兩岸三地性別政治回顧》,何春蕤編。中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2012年。223-266。(ISBN:978-986-03-3372-5)

  • 2012 “Life of a Parasite: A Survival Story of Cultural Studies,” Creativity and Academic Activism: Instituting Cultural Studies, ed. Meaghan Morris and Mette Hjort, Hong Kong and Durham, NC: Hong Kong UP and Duke UP, 2012.  55-66.

  • 2012 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan,” Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights, Second Edition, edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti Sanghera, and Bandana Pattanaik.  Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2012.  83-107.

  • 2011 〈情感嬌貴化:變化中的台灣性佈局〉,《中國性研究》2011年第六輯(總第33輯),黃盈盈、潘綏銘主編,性學萬有文庫062,高雄:萬有出版社。2011年,262-276。(NSC 100-2410-H-008-063-MY3)。收入《變動社會的性別表達:新時期女性文學與文化研究文獻史料輯》,孫桂榮編,北京:人民出版社,2016,161-175。

  • 2011 〈台灣法律中的兒少主體〉,《中華性/別:年齡政治機器》,趙文宗編,香港:圓桌文化,2011年。189-204。(ISBN: 978-988-8122-70-7)(NSC 99-2629-H-008-011-MY3)

  • 2009 〈捍衛保守性價值:釋字第六一七號與第六二三號〉,《大法官給個說法2:人權關懷與釋憲申請》,民間司法改革基金會,2009年。269-290。

  • 2007 Invited Review of Geetanjali Misra and Radhika Chandiramani, eds., Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia, New Delhi: Sage, 2005, in Sexualities 10.3 (July 2007): 389-391.

  • 2007 “Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan,” in: Jens Damm and Gunter Schubert (eds.), Taiwanese Identity from Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives (Chinese History and Society/Berliner China-Hefte 32/2007), LIT: Münster 2007, 123-139.

  • 2006 〈性工作權與產業規範〉,《性政治》,游靜編。香港:天地圖書,2006年。48-59。

  • 2005 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan,” Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights, Edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti Sanghera, and Bandana Pattanaik.  Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2005.  83-105.

  • 2003 〈性/別壓迫:跨性別主體在台灣〉,《跨性別》,何春蕤編,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2003,73-122。收入《異議》下冊,台社思想讀本02,徐進鈺、陳光興編,台北:台社,2008年。59-98。(NSC 90-2411-H-008-012-BC)

  • 2003 “From Spice Girls to Enjo-Kosai: Formation of Teenage Girls’ Sexuality in East Asia,” InterAsia Cultural Studies 4.2 (Aug. 2003): 325-336. (NSC 89-2411-H-008-022-BC)(SSCI/A&HCI)

  • 2002 〈認同的「體」現:打造跨性別〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第46期(2002年6月):1-44。收入《跨性別》,何春蕤編,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2002年。1-48。同時收入《華人社會中的社會排斥與邊緣性》,古學斌、李明琨主編,香港理工大學應用社會科學系政策研究中心,2002年。209-244。再收入《批判的性政治》,台社性/別與同志讀本05,朱偉誠編,台北:台社,2008年。133-172。(NSC 89-2411-H-008-022-BC)(TSSCI)

  • 2001〈性、權力與鋼管辣妹Pub:一個田野的觀察〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第44期(2001年12月):167-199。收入《性工作研究》,何春蕤編,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2001年。59-94。 (NSC 89-2411-H-008-008-B12)(TSSCI)

  • 2001 〈自我培力與專業操演︰與台灣性工作者的對話〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第41期(2001年3月):1-52。收入《性工作研究》,何春蕤編,中壢:中央大學性/別研究室,2001,1-54。  (NSC 88-2411-H-008-014-)(TSSCI)

  • 2000 “Self-Empowerment and ‘Professionalism’: Conversations with Taiwanese Sex Workers”,InterAsia Cultural Studies 2 (Aug. 2000): 283-299。  (NSC 88-2411-H-008-014-)(SSCI/A&HCI)

  • 2000 “‘Feminist’ Perspectives on Sexology”,Sexuality in the New Millennium: Proceedings of The 14th World Congress on Sexology.  Bologna, Italy: Editrice Compositori, 2000.  31-34.  (NSC 89-2411-H-008-007)

  • 2000 〈邁向多元文化教育視野下的性教育:教育就是性教育,性教育就是教育〉(與甯應斌合寫),《從酷兒空間到教育空間》,何春蕤編,台北:麥田,2000年。373-398。

  • 1997 〈性革命:一個馬克思主義觀點的美國百年性史〉,《性/別研究的新視野:第一屆四性研討會論文集》,何春蕤編。台北:元尊文化,1997年。33-99。 

  • 1997 “Sexuality in Contemporary China.”  1997: Building a Global Civil Society.  Eds. by Lida Nedilsky and Bruce van Voorhis.  Hong Kong: July 1 Link, 1997.  94-103.

  • 1996 〈性道德及其不滿:賴希的《性革命》〉,《站在巨人的肩上》,聯經文學,1996年。73-84。

  • 1994 〈方舟之外:論朱天心的近期寫作〉,《從40年代到90年代:兩岸三邊華文小說研討會論文集》,楊澤編,台北:時報,1994年。335-344。  

  • 1991 〈多元開放的文學教室:史丹利.費許的務實作風〉,呂正惠編,《文學的後設思考》。台北:正中書局,1991年。182-204。

  • 1988 〈女性主義文學批評的死胡同〉,《風起雲湧的女性主義批評》,子宛玉編,台北:谷風,1988年。77-94。

  • 1987 〈比較文學的興起與衰落〉(上)(中)(下),《中國時報》人間副刊1987年9月15-17日。

其他著作 Others

  • 2014  〈老者安之〉,《男男正傳:香港年長男同志口述史》,江紹祺,香港:進一步多媒體有限公司,4-7。

  • 2011  〈說情道慾〉,《12P情慾相談室》,同志諮詢熱線編,台北:基本書坊,10-13。

  • 2010  〈青春的肉體之路〉,《性路無疆:深圳男性性工作者口述歷史》,香港午夜藍,4-6

  • 2010  〈忌性的當代道德絕對主義〉,《宗教右派》,羅永生、龔立人編,香港:Dirty Press與香港基督徒會,ix-xii。

  • 2009  〈陰影中的人客〉,《好客之道:十一位「恩客」的真情剖白》,香港:紫藤,4-8

  • 2005  〈都市之愛〉,《情色都市》,李偉儀,香港:天地圖書,6-9

  • 2005  〈性活點滴〉,《我的性活:性工作者攝影》,香港:紫藤,3-5

  • 2003  〈為什麼要掃黃廢娼?:從研究倡妓到研究反娼〉,何春蕤編,《性工作研究》,中央大學性/別研究室,iii-xiii

  • 2002  〈從個人奮鬥到社會運動〉,《神啊!為什麼不給我一個孩子?-陳昭姿挑戰不孕命運》,陳昭姿,原水出版。

  • 2002  〈序〉,《亞洲性坊聞》,香港:紫藤,7-8。

  • 2002  〈放心藥解放〉,與卡維波合寫,《迷幻異域:快樂丸與青年文化的故事》,Matthew Collin & John Godfrey原著,台北:商周,7-15。

  • 2001  〈反思與現代親密關係〉,《親密關係的轉變》,Anthony Giddens,台北:巨流,iii-xvii

  • 2001  〈如何把自己長成同性戀〉,《拉拉基基站起來》,台北:巨流,5-7

  • 2000  〈拒絕被淨化的手淫〉,《自慰》,Betty Dodson,台北:永中國際,26-34

  • 2000  〈跨性別之歌〉,《藍調石牆T》,Leslie Feinberg,台北:新新聞,5-8

  • 1999  〈女性有了選擇的權力〉,《改變世界的藥丸》,Bernard Asbell,台北:天下遠見,1-5

  • 1999  〈花痴同志〉,《花痴》,許佑生,台北:時報出版,6-10

  • 1998  〈期待更平等自由的虛擬世界〉,《虛擬性愛》,Cleo Odzer原著,張玉芬翻譯,台北:新新聞,9-15

  • 1997  〈世紀末的同性戀〉,《看見同性戀》,林賢修,台北:開心陽光,7-14

  • 1995  〈高潮的情慾文化〉,《海蒂報告:性愛歡愉》,Shire Hite,台北:張老師,5-10

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2016-     中央大學講座/榮譽教授

  • 2013-16 中央大學文學與文化講座教授

  • 2012      中央大學101學年度教學優良獎

  • 2010-13 中央大學文學與文化講座教授

  • 2009-10 中央大學特聘教授

  • 2006-09 中央大學特聘教授

  • 2005      中央大學學術研究傑出獎


Katherine ,Hui-ling, Chou

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 人文社會科學大樓LS-318
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33206
Email / abcd.talk@gmail.com

學歷 / Education


1997 美國紐約大學表演研究所博士

1989 美國紐約大學表演研究所碩士

1986 私立輔仁大學英語系學士

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty




Theatre Historioagraphy, Cultural Policy & Performing Arts, Gender Performance and Performativity, Histories of Chinese Films and Modern Theater, Performanc Studies, Theater Composition and Directing

經歷 / Experience







國立中央大學英美語文學系教授兼系主任, 2010-13

國立中央大學英美語文學系副教授兼系主任, 2010-11

國立中央大學英美語文學系副教授, 1998-2011






著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2019年7月。〈青年劇作裡的泛華容顏〉,《戲劇暨影視評論》第32期,南京大學文學院戲劇影視藝術系主編。南京:南京大學出版,頁112-117。CNKI期刊。
  • 2018年3月。〈誰需要傳統與現代的對立?兼論梨園戲新編〉,《戲劇暨影視評論》第23期,南京大學文學院戲劇影視藝術系主編。南京:南京大學出版,頁19-24。CNKI期刊。
  • 2016年 8月。〈他山之石:以台灣為例看現當代戲劇發展規律〉,《上海藝術評論》第四期。上海藝術研究院編輯,頁61-65。
  • 2014年. “Striking Their Own Poses: The History of Cross-Dressing on the Chinese Stage,” in Gender and Sexuality: A Batch from TDR, ed. by Richard Schechner (ISBN 978-0-262-75779-9). MIT Press Journals: 2014, pp. 1076-1639. (美國A&HCI學術期刊TDR-The Drama Review ISSN 10542043) 
  • 2014年1月。〈臺灣現代劇場的產業想像:一個「參與觀察者」的劇場民族誌初步書寫〉,《戲劇研究》(國科會人文處補助創新學術期刊)第十三期,頁145-174。(THCI Core)
  • 2011年3月。〈是不是個角兒?──行當之餘,角色創造〉,《中國文哲研究通訊:新世紀,新京劇專輯》第21卷第一期,頁51-60。
  • 2009年12月。〈顧曲三疊:顧正秋的三度傳記、女性的戰爭傷痕與聊癒〉,中央研究院近代史研究所主編《近代中國婦女史研究》(Research on Women in Modern Chinese History)第17期,頁1-30。(國科會人文類一級學術期刊外審通過出版)
  • 2009年1月。〈不只是表演:明星過程、性別越界與身體表演──從張國榮談起〉,《戲劇研究》(國科會人文處補助創新學術期刊)第三期,頁217~248。(THCI Core)
  • 2006年,9月。〈缺乏現實感的男性觀點──斯堪地女作家對易卜生的百年回應〉《聯合文學》,頁71-73。
  • 2005年。〈網路表演:建置「台灣現代戲劇暨表演影音資料庫」〉,《福建藝術》第二期,頁34~40。(國科會國家型數位典藏內容發展分項計畫NSC94-2422-H-008-001部份成果)
  • 2002年9月。〈田野書寫、觀光行為、傳統再造:印尼峇里與台東布農部落文化表演的歷史過程比較研究〉,《台灣社會學刊》第28期(增刊),2002年9月﹐頁77-151。(88學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H- 008-011部份成果)(外審)
  • 2002年9月。〈田野書寫、觀光行為、傳統再造:印尼峇里與台東布農部落文化表演的歷史過程比較研究〉,《台灣社會學刊》第28期(SSI),頁77-151。(88學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H-008-011部份成果)
  • 2001年8月。〈「性感野貓」之革命造型:創作、行銷、電影女演員與中國現代性的想像, 1933-1935〉,中央研究院近代史研究所主編《近代中國婦女研究》第9期,頁5-62。(國科會特優期刊;89學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H-008-014部份成果)
  • 2000年9月。〈寫實表演與疏離劇場的性別辯證〉,《聯合文學》第191期,頁80-88。台北:聯合文學出版社。(89學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H-008-014部份成果)
  • Summer 1997.  “Striking Their Own Poses: The History of Gender Performances on Traditional Chinese Stage.” The Drama Review 41, 2   (T154). Cambridge: MIT Press Journal, pp 130-152.
  • 1996年8月。〈女演員、寫實主義、「新女性」論述--晚清到五四時期中國現代劇場中的性別表演〉。中央研究院近代史研究所主編《近代中國婦女研究》 (Research on Women in Modern Chinese History,國科會特優期刊), 第4期,頁87-133。

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • 2020年10月24-25日。〈糾纏的歷史:國際藝術節作為全球化時代戲劇史書寫的方法與策略初探〉,《我們時代的戲劇:2020臺大劇場國際學術研討會》。國立台灣大學戲劇系主辦。
  • 2020年4月3日。 〈糾纏的歷史:亞洲國際藝術節暨全球戲劇美學板塊移動〉,《邁向新台灣戲劇史論壇》。國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室主辦,台北華山文創園區中3館栱廳。
  • 2019年12月5~6日。〈亞洲折射與(跨)區域美學網路形構與移動II:冷戰後國際藝術節與全球化戲劇生產模式的啟動〉,《全球視野下的表演作為方法:歷史記憶、主體技藝、文化生產》國際學術研討會。國立中山大學戲劇系主辦。
  • 2019年7月12-14日。〈從研究資料庫到產業現象:戲劇暨表演影音資料庫發展脈絡中的產學問題〉,《跨域借鏡產學對話:想像下一波台灣現當代戲劇史》國際研討會,國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室主辦。科技部/文化部專案補助。
  • 2019年6月17~23日。〈現當代戲劇理論與創作實踐〉。廈門大學人文學院中文系主辦。
  • 2018年11月27日。〈從話本改編到歷史創作:以《少年金釵男孟母》與《簡吉奏鳴曲》為例〉,「2018戲劇的傳統與創新學術論文:創作元素與美學構成」,國立中山大學文學院/戲劇藝術系主辦。
  • 2018年5月4-6日。〈全球化世代的戲劇史書寫:資料庫與研究策略初探〉,《臺灣當代劇場發展軌跡四十年論壇》。文化部主辦,遠流出版社承辦,台北市華山文創園區。
  • 2016年11月12日。〈邁入數位轉向的劇場〉,《2016中國江蘇原創小劇場戲劇雙年展高峰學術論壇:劇場空間:戲劇與後戲劇,史詩與虛擬》。南京大學文學院主辦。
  • 2016年10月29-30日 。〈數位媒介的表演藝術:論述與操作〉,《臺大劇場國際學術研討會》。國立台灣大學主辦。
  • 2016年9月。〈千年以後〉《印刻文學專號:給未來文學(人)的備忘錄》,頁。
  • June 18, 2015。發表論文 “Writing Technology and Reading Design: A Case Study on Performing Taiwan,” at 2015 PR: Show and Tell. The 13th Edition of the Prague Quadrennial. 
  • April 18-23, 2014。發表論文〈女色救國:夏衍話劇《賽金花》與三〇年代左翼戲劇〉,《第九屆華文戲劇節學術研討會》,華文戲劇節委員會,浙江大學,中國話劇理論與歷史研究會聯合主辦。
  • Nov. 10-11, 2013。發表論文〈臺灣現代戲劇曁表演影音資料庫及數位加值應用〉,浙江大學《數字戲劇小型國際學術研討會》,浙江大學數字未來與媒介社會研究員/人文學部戲劇研究中心合辦。
  • 〈企業搭臺?: 21 世紀中國「話劇產業」 與政策變革初探〉, 《「轉捩點上的劇場」深度論壇》。臺北藝術大學戲劇學系主辦,2013年5月4日。
  •  “On Tian Qinxin: An Era of Director or Producer?” International Symposium of Performing China on the Global Stage, University of Leeds. UK, March 26-7, 2013。
  •  Oct. 27, 2012. “Changing Cultural Policy in Taiwan and New Model of Theatre Imagined,” 2012 Modern British and American Drama Association of Korea Conference, Sungkyunkwan Univ.南韓成昀館大學, Republic of South Korea, Oct. 27, 2012。
  • 2012年10月16-17日。 “Performing Arts Cluster on Experiment: A Participant-observer’s Report on Modern Theatre in Taiwan,” The 10th Canada-Taiwan Conference in Higher Education Conference, by National Central Univ. 
  • 2012年10月20-21日。〈臺灣現代劇場的產業想像:一個「參與觀察者」的民族誌初步書寫〉,《歷史,記憶,再現:2012NTU劇場國際學術研討會》,國立臺灣大學主辦。
  • May 6-9, 2011. “Art as Industry?: a Participant-Observer’s Account of the Changing Concepts of Theatre in Taiwan,” at International Symposium on Staging the Modern: Theatre, Intermediality, and Chinese Drama, held at Harvard University, sponsored by CCK Foundation, Harvard-Yenching Institute, and the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, USA。
  • 2010年7月3日。〈是不是個角兒?──行當之餘,角色創造〉,「新世紀新京劇──二十一世紀台灣京劇新美學與國光劇團」,美國哈佛大學東亞語言文明系,中央研究院中國文哲所,台灣大學台灣文學研究所,台灣大學戲劇聯合主辦,台北:台灣大學文學院。
  • 2009年12月12-13日。〈劇場為什麼是產業?──台灣與英國劇場的「藝術」條件與「市場」想像,「視覺與文化識讀」2009國際學術研討會。國立中央大學視覺文化研究中心主辦。
  • 2008年12月10-12日。〈顧曲三疊:顧正秋的三度傳記、女性的戰爭傷痕與療癒〉,「從性別看現代戰爭」國際學術研討會。中央研究院近代史研究所主辦。
  • 2008年6月25-7日。〈不只是表演:明星過程、華語電影之性別辯證與表演研究〉,「聚焦女性:性別與華語電影」國際學術研討會。美國Brown Univ.與南京大學舉辦。中國:南京市。
  • 2006, 10, 7-10〈中國百老匯的他山之石:從一齣觀光劇場反思全球化中台灣文化政策的產業想像〉「台灣現代戲劇研討會,2006」台灣大學戲劇系主辦。
  • 2004年7月15、16日。〈菁英論述與官方政策的共生與悖離:台灣現代劇場論述的跨文化挪用問題初探〉,《正典的生成:台灣文學國際研討會》,中研院文哲所/美國哥倫比亞大學蔣經國基金會中國文化制度史研究中心主辦。(92-93年國科會研究計畫NSC-92-2411-H-008-014,93-2411-H-008-008部分成果)。
  • 2004年3月27、28日。〈協商革命:台灣戲曲編劇的現代化進程問題──從王安祈劇作中的「曝屍」的身體策略談起〉國立台灣大學《兩岸戲曲研討會》學術研討會。(國科會研究計畫NSC91-2411-H-008部分成果)。【其他參考資料】
  • 2001年9月5-6日。〈性別想像、視覺再現與中國現代性:二十世紀上半中國攝影圖像中的表演行為與性別論述初探〉中研院近史所《近代中國的視覺表述與文化構圖,1600迄今》學術研討會。
  • 2001年8月23~25日。〈投射好萊塢、想像熱女郎:三十至四十年代中國與美國大眾電影的文化交涉〉,《近代中國的婦女、國家與社會, 1600-1950》國際學術研討會,中研院近史所主辦。(90學年國科會研究計畫NSC90-2411-H-008-009部分成果)
  • 2001年2月16-17日。美國。紐約。”Marketing Film, Performing Modernity, 1920s~1930s,” Conference of New Directions in Chinese Women’s History, sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Center for Chinese Cultural and Institutional History, Columbia University. 
  • 2000年12月16~17日。台灣交通大學。〈表演、觀光、認同:「傳統」儀式與歌舞在印尼與台灣的比較研究〉,《2000年文化研究研討會》。(88學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H-008-011部分成果)
  • 2000年7月24-31日。中華民國,台北市。〈寫實表演與疏離劇場的性別辯證〉,《第三屆華文戲劇節(台北.2000)學術研討會》,中華戲劇學會主辦。(89學年國科會研究計畫NSC89-2411-H-008-014部份成果)
  • 2000年8月2-5日。美國,華盛頓特區。 “Impersonating `New Woman:’ Feminist Actress, Socialist Warrior and the Wartime Performance Reform (抗戰時期中國話劇的女性主義意涵與社會主義教條) 2000 ATHE (The 14th Annual Conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, 2000年戲劇高等教育學術研討會)。國科會出席國際學術會議補助。
  • 1999年7月28-31。加拿大,多倫多市。”Gender, Magic and the Yuan Acting.” 1999 ATHE (13th Annual Conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education,1999年戲劇高等教育學術研討會)。國科會出席國際學術會議補助。
  • 1998年10月。中華民國,台北市。〈中西方劇場中的性別扮演與表演理論--兼論文化借用或挪用〉。《第三屆國際文學與宗教學術研討會議》。輔仁大學外語學院主辦。
  • 1998年8月19-23。美國,紐約市。〈戰後台灣文藝政策的建構與轉變:以表演藝術為例〉。《第三屆台灣歷史文化研討會》,台灣歷史文化研究學會、國立清華大學外語系、美國哥倫比亞大學東亞語言與文學系、及哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所主辦、中華民國教育部協辦。教育部出席國際學術會議補助。
  • 1998年1月2-3日。中華民國,台北市。〈粉墨登場搞革命:四○年代中國現代表演中的新女性論述 〉。《文藝理論與通俗文化國際學術會議》,中央研究院中國文哲研究所籌備處主辦。
  • 1997年4月10-12日。 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. “Technology & Ideology of the Gender Performance in Modern Chinese Film: 1922-1934.” Third Annual Conference of Performance Studies by the National Association of Performance Studies.  
  • 1996年5月25日。台灣,台北。〈現身說法:三、四十年代中國女演員與寫實主義運動〉。《文藝理論與通俗文化研討會》, 中央研究院中國文哲研究所籌備處主辦。

專書 Book

  • 2020年10月(預計)。主編專書《2019跨與借鏡產學對話:想像下一波台灣現當代戲劇史論文集》。
  • 2020年10月。《魂顛記—台灣在地魔幻事件》(The Apocalypse of Fudingjin)。台北:時報出版社出版。
  • 2019年7月。主編專書《第四屆全球泛華青年劇本競賽得獎作品集》。國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。(ISBN 9789869821520)。
  • 2018年11月。《簡吉奏鳴曲-零落成泥香如故》。高雄市文化局出版(ISBN9789860581065)。
  • 2018年10月。周慧玲著。《少年金釵男孟母》第三版修訂版。國家文藝基金會審核通過補助出版。
  • 2018年9月。主編《第三屆全球泛華青年劇本競賽得獎作品集》(ISBN9789860553765)。國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。
  • 2016年12月。主編《第二屆全球泛華青年劇本競賽得獎作品集》(ISBN9789860526684)。國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。
  • 2015年12月。主編《第一屆全球泛華青年劇本競賽得獎作品集》(ISBN9789860473858)。國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。
  • 2014年9月-。主編《表演臺灣彙編:劇本,設計,技術,1943》系列叢書,編輯出版《塵埃》、《大神魃》、《無獨有偶經典偶劇選:降靈會、最美的時刻》、《江佶洋燈光創作作品集》、《劇場黑衣人》、《帝女・萬歲・劫》《無獨有偶親子偶劇選:快樂王子、最美麗的花、小潔的魔法時光蛋》、《西夏旅館.蝴蝶書》《無獨.遊偶:無獨有偶與臺灣當代偶戲十五年》,《林摶秋劇作選:閹雞》,《詩意的人偶同臺:飛人集社作品集,2004-2014》,《一睡一醒之間》三部曲》共計十二部專書。國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。.
  • 2013年7月-。主編《表演臺灣彙編:劇本,設計,技術,1943》系列叢書,編輯出版《逆旅》(ISBN 9789860402551)、《三顆頭》(9789860402513 )、《踏青去》(9789860400823)、《林摶秋劇作選》(9789860402520)、《少年金釵男孟母》(9789860402568)、《亂紅》(9789860402797)六部專書。國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心出版,文化部專題計劃審查通過補助。
  • 2013年7月-。《表演臺灣彙編:劇本,設計,技術,1943》 《少年金釵男孟母》修訂版 。文化部專題計劃出版。
  • 2004年6月。《表演中國:女明星,表演文化,視覺政治, 1910~1945》,國立編譯館學主編。台北:麥田出版社。(外審通過出版:本書出版獲2004年「國立編譯館學術著作出版合作計畫」審核通過補助)。

專書論文 Book chapter

  • 2018年12月。〈全球化世代的戲劇史書寫策略:國際藝術節作為資料庫初探〉,《臺灣現當代劇場四十的發展軌跡》,台北:遠流出版社,頁115-136。
  • May 2017. “1942, January 22, 2014, In War She Writes,” A New Literary History of Modern China, ed. by David Der-Wei Wang et al. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press: 484-488. ISBN 9780674967915
  • 2016年7月。〈台灣劇場歷史軌跡上的個人創作歷程:文化養成與創作背景,1960s~〉,《跨越時空的歌聲舞影-2014女性戲劇國際研討會專書》(2014 International Conference of  Female Drama)。台南:成大藝術中心,頁146-150。ISBN 978-986-04-9706-9
  • March 2016. 〈女色救國?夏衍《賽金花》的歷史想像〉,《戲劇與媒介》,胡志毅、周靖波主編。杭州:浙江大學出版社,頁289-299。ISBN9787308154222
  • Feb. 2016. “Modern Theatre in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and North Korea,” Routledge Handbook of Asian Theatre, Canada: Routledge: 333-339. ISBN: 9781415821551
  • Nov. 2015.  “Staging a New Venture: Tian Qinxin and the Policy Change on the ‘Spoken Drama Industry’ in China,” Eds. By Li Ruru & Suan Daniels. Staging China: New Theatres in the 21st Century (Chap. 8). London: Palgrave Press: 159-76. ISBN: 9781137567475
  • 2012年9月。〈田野書寫、觀光行為與傳統再造:印尼峇里與台灣台東「布農部落」的文化表演比較研究〉,收錄於《旅行的視線:近代中國與台灣之觀光文化》,頁365-434。臺北:國立陽明大學出版。
  • 2008年1月。〈中國百老匯的他山之石:從一齣觀光劇場反思全球化中台灣文化政策的產業想像〉,《眾聲喧嘩之後:2006台灣現代戲劇論集》(After the Heteroglosia: 2006 Conference on Modern Theater in Taiwan)。國立臺灣大學戲劇學系編輯, 臺北:國立臺灣大學戲劇學系:頁11-35。(論文原為學術會議論文,會議部份論文通過外審後共同集結出版)(2007年國科會專題研究計畫部份成果)。(外審通過出版)
  • 2004年10月。〈協商革命:台灣戲曲編劇的現代化進程問題──從王安祈劇作中的「曝屍」的身體策略談起〉,《兩岸戲曲研討會論文集》,頁181~200,國立台灣大學戲劇系主編。(91年國科會研究計畫NSC91-2411-H-008部分成果)
  • 2003年5月出版。〈投射好萊塢、想像熱女郎:1930s中國與美國「電影女明星」的文化互涉〉,羅久蓉主編 《無聲之聲:近代中國的婦女與文化 (1600-1950)》第三冊,頁243~300。中央研究院近代史研究所出版。(90學年國科會研究計畫NSC90-2411-H-008-009部分成果)(外審通過出版)
  • 1999年12月。〈粉墨登場搞革命:陳波兒與中國現代表演中的「新女性」運動, 1934-1945〉。《文藝理論與通俗文化》。頁603-648。台北: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所籌備處。◎獲國科會89學年甲種研究獎勵。(該獎勵最後一年舉辦。)

其他著作 Others


  • 2020年12月11-13。編劇導演《魂顛記—台灣在地魔幻事件》(The Apocalypse of Fudingjin)。衛武營國家表演藝術中心主辦節目特邀戲劇原創節目主創。
  • 2019年1月~12月。擔任導演《蔣公的面子》3.0版President Chiang Kai-shek’s Invitation,巡迴演出南京,北京,廣州,武漢,蘇州,廈門,福州,天津,杭州,晉江,成都,太原,濟南,深圳,石家莊,重慶等城市共55場。(自2015年至今共演出271場)
  • 2018年11月24-25日。國家表演藝術中心高雄衛武營戲劇院首演2場,《簡吉奏鳴曲——零落成泥香如故》特約編劇。高雄市文化局專案製作計畫/高雄市愛樂文教基金會製作/衛武營開幕藝術節戲特選劇目。
  • 2018年10月19-20日。高雄市大東劇場公演2場。《少年金釵男孟母》He’s My Wife, He’s My Mother編劇導演。台北創作社劇團製作主辦,國家文藝基金會製作補助。
  • 2017年4月15-30日。台北市水源劇場公演12場。《少年金釵男孟母》編劇導演。台北創作社劇團製作主辦,國家文藝基金會製作補助。台北市文化局長銷型演出獎勵補助。
  • 2015年4月-2018年12月。《蔣公的面子》3.0版改版導演。陸續於泉州劇院(2018/10/3)/南京棲霞區政府(2018/10/5)/北京海淀劇院(2018/10/20-21)/深圳南山聚澄劇院(2018/11/16-17)/廣東研議中心大劇院(2018/12/8-9)/武漢琴台劇院(2018/4/14-15)/寧波文化廣場大劇院(2018/5/11)/杭州劇院)2018/7/28)/浙江話劇藝術中心(2018/11/24)/北京國家大劇院(2018/11/27-12/1)/成都/重慶/昆明/(2017年5/19, 20, 24, 28)揚州(2017年2月)/北京喜劇院(2017.4月)蘇州大劇院(2017.3月)/烏鎮大劇院(烏鎮春季藝術節2016.5月)/天津大劇院(第三屆曹禺國際戲劇節2016.2月)/北京喜劇院(2016.4月; 2017.4月;2018/3/14-18)/北京國家大劇院小劇場(2015.9月)/北京保利劇院(2015.12月)/紹興大劇院/湖南大劇院/廣西省立藝術館/南昌紅谷灘會展中心/青島廣電影視劇場/北京國家大劇院(第一屆國際戲劇季)/南京江南劇院常駐演出(2015.4~2019)/浙江話劇院(杭州國際戲劇季)/安徽大劇院(合肥城市舞臺戲劇節)等地演出逾160場。
  • 2014年10月-迄今。策劃主辦《全球泛華青年劇本創作競賽》第一至四屆,與九所國際重點大學簽署合作協議,並擔任競賽主席。每年均獲文化部藝發司專案補助。
  • 2016年12月。《表演臺灣彙編:劇本、設計、技術,1943~》叢書主編20冊。中壢:國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心出版。文化部專案計劃補助。
  • 2014年10-11月。主持策劃國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心《第三屆破殼藝術節》,文化部文創司專題計劃補助。
  • 2013年10-11月。主持策劃國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心《第二屆破殼藝術節》,文化部文創司專題計劃補助。
  • 2013年9月。開發並發表國內第一個表演藝術行動服務軟體@Theatre,完成公開上架。文化部文創司專題計劃補助。
  • 2012年10-11月。主持策劃國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心《第一屆破殼藝術節》,文化部文創司專題計劃補助。
  • 2012年5月。主持策劃國立中央大學黑盒子表演藝術中心《開幕藝術節》。
  • 2013年9月。開發並發表國內第一個表演藝術行動服務軟體@Theatre,完成公開上架。文化部文創司專題計劃補助。
  • 2011年4月22-24日。台北城市舞臺首演。《百年戲樓》,特邀編劇。文建會指導/國立台灣傳統藝術總處籌備處主辦/國立國光京劇團製製。2013/11/17香港文化中心大劇院邀請演出。2014年4月20日上海大劇院演出。2016年2月14日新加坡濱海藝術節演出。
  • 2010年12月20日-2011年1月1日。台北國家劇院實驗劇場。《百衲食譜》編劇/導演,創作社劇團主辦;台北市文化局、國家文藝基金會贊助。
  • 2010年12月。《周慧玲小戲大做實驗劇集:記憶相簿、不三不四到臺灣、百衲食譜》三部劇作選集。台北:書林出版社,2011。
  • 2011年8-11月;2010年8-11月。國家文學館國家文學獎戲劇創作[金典獎]評審。
  • 2010年7月29-31日。台北城市舞台。《少年金釵男孟母》(He is My Wife, He is My Mother.) 編劇/導演,創作社劇團主辦;台北市文化局、國家文藝基金會贊助。同時公開發行演出作品DVD。
  • 2009年12月12-14日。台北國家劇院實驗劇場。《玉茗堂私夢》編劇,中正文化中心(國家戲劇院)主辦,拾念劇集製作。劇本出版獲國家文藝基金會創作出版補助,台北:大可出版,2009年12月。
  • 2009年5月14-17日。台北市城市舞台。《少年金釵男孟母》(He is My Wife, He is My Mother.) 編劇/導演,創作社劇團主辦;台北市文化局、國家文藝基金會贊助。劇本出版台北:大可出版,2009年5月。
  • 2008年10月25-6日、11月19日。嘉義市文化中心、新竹交通大學演藝廳演出。《不三不四到台灣》編劇/導演,創作社劇團製作。
  • 2007年第四十四屆台灣地區華語電影金馬獎評審委員。
  • 2007年11月13-4日。【上海亞洲戲劇節】邀請演出。《不三不四到台灣》編劇/導演,創作社劇團製作;台北市文化局、國家藝術文化基金會贊助;上海話劇藝術中心主辦。
  • 2007年3月21-4日。【致敬中國話劇百年2007首屆亞洲城市青年戲劇節】邀請演出。北京.朝陽文化館。《不三不四到台灣》編劇/導演,創作社劇團製作;台北市文化局贊助、北京市劇協/國家話劇院等主辦。
  • 2006年11月15-18; 22-25日。台北‧國家戲劇院實驗劇場;台南‧誠品書店藝文中心。《不三不四到台灣》編劇/導演,創作社劇團主辦;台北市文化局、國家藝術文化基金會贊助。
  • 2006年9月19-20日。中國.北京大學百年紀念講堂。《驚異派對》導演,創作社劇團主辦;台北市/北京市政府「雙城藝術節」特邀演出。
  • 2006年4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/20。台南至德樓,高雄,台中中山堂,清華大學藝文中心。《驚異派對》導演,創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會「精華再現」特選演出。
  • 2005年5月6~12日。台北:國家劇院實驗劇場。《影癡謀殺》導演,創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會【藝企平台】特選贊助。
  • 2004年4月30日-5月2日。台北,新舞台。《Click,寶貝兒》編劇/導演,演出四場。創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會贊助。劇本出版台北:麥田出版社。
  • 2003年11月20-23日。台北,新舞台。《驚異派對》導演,創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會、台北市政府贊助。
  • 2002年5月9-12日。台北,國家劇院實驗劇場。《記憶相簿》編劇/導演,演出6場。創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會、台北市文化局補助。
  • 2000年2月。台北,新舞臺。《天亮以前我要你》編劇/導演,創作社劇團主辦;國家文藝基金會、台北市政府贊助。劇本出版台北:稻香出版社,2002。

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 國立中央學特聘教授,2017-2019

  • 指導博士論文獲思源人文社會科學博士論文獎傳播學門首獎,2014

  • THCI-Core《戲劇研究》編輯委員,2008-

  • THCI-Core《戲劇學刊》編輯委員,2014-

  • THCI《藝術評論》編輯委員,2012-

  • 英國里茲大學漢學研究中心中國戲劇研究顧問(Consultant for “Staging China, the White Rose East Asian Center” at U. of Leeds, UK),2012-

  • 全球泛華青年劇本創作競賽發起人/競賽主席,決審委員2015-

  • 國家文學館「臺灣文學奬」創作類劇本劇本創作金典獎評審委員,2010-12, 2014, 2016, 2018;評委會複審主席,2014。

  • 台北文學獎劇本類複審委員,2011,2012

  • 國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎,2005, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2020。

  • 國立中央大學教學傑出獎,2009。

  • 國立中央大學文學院教學傑出獎,2007, 2008, 2013, 2015, 2020。

  • 104年度國家電影優良劇本獎評審委員,2015。

  • 第四十三屆金馬獎評審委員,2007。

  • 國科會甲等研究獎勵,1997, 1998, 1999。

  • 美國紐約大學傑出博士論文獎,1997。


Yau Ching

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院一館 A-317
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33231
Email / yauching@ncu.edu.tw

個人網頁 / http://www.yauching.com

學歷 / Education


Rockefeller Postdoctoral Humanities Fellow, University of Hawaii
PhD in Media Arts, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London (ORS Award)
Whitney Museum Independent Study Program in Studio Art, New York
MA Media Studies, New School for Social Research
BA (Hons.) English and Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Creative writing、Media production、Gender/Sexuality、Film and Media Studies、Cultural Studies、Hong Kong、Sex work、Literature and colonial modernity

經歷 / Experience


Writer/poet, filmmaker and video artist

2021-2022 中央研究院中國文哲研究所訪問學人
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Chinese Literature
and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

2019-2022 香港大學比較文學客席教授
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literature,
University of Hong Kong

2017-2019 香港大學人文學院(比較文學)名譽教授
Honorary Professor, School of Humanities (Comparative Literature), University of Hong Kong

2006-2015 香港嶺南大學文化研究系副教授
Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies,
Lingnan University, Hong Kong

2005-2006 國立政治大學廣播電視系助理教授
Assistant Professor, Department of
Radio/TV, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

代表著作/Selected Publications

  • 2021        《史前紀》香港:石磬文化 https://www.monsoon2016.com.tw/product-detail-3000351.html
  • 2021        “‘Women such as the Dan’ and a Hong Kong Colonial Modernity.” In Sumei Wang (ed.), The East-Asian Modern Girl: Women, Media, and Colonial Modernity in Interwar East Asia. Leiden: Brill, 148-167.
  • 2020        “A Hong Kong Modern in the 1980s trilogy It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World.” In Natasha Wong (ed.), A Different Brilliance: The D & B Story. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 99-108.
  • 2017        《游動的影:游靜影評集1987-2016》, 香港:文化工房
  • 2014        《我從未應許你一個玫瑰園––香港文化政治生態》, 香港:文化工房
  • 2011        “Masochist Men and Normal Women: Tang Shu Shuen and The Arch (1969).” In Lingzhen Wang (ed.) Chinese Women’s Cinema: Transnational Contexts. New York: Columbia University Press, 66-88.
  • 2010        As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong (ed.). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
  • 2006        《性/別光影:香港電影中的性與性別文化研究》, 香港:香港電影評論學會
  • 2006        《性政治》(編), 香港:天地圖書
  • 2004        Filming Margins: Tang Shu Shuen, a Forgotten Hong Kong Woman Director. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
  • 2000        《不可能的家》The Impossible Home [雙語詩集Bilingual Collection of Poems], 香港:青文書屋; 香港: dirty press, 2017復刻
  • 1999        《裙拉褲甩》, 香港:珍熊靜出版社; 臺灣:蜃樓, 2011 復刻
  • 1996        《另起爐灶》, 香港:青文書屋; 香港:香港文學館,2020 復刻

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2020        Winner, Words Without Borders–Academy of American Poets Poems in Translation Contest
  • 1993        日本視像論壇評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize, Image Forum Festival, Japan
  • 1997        香港獨立短片展紀錄片銀獎 Silver Prize, Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (Documentary)
  • 1998        Silver Prize, Brno 16 Film Festival, Czech Republic
  • 2002        葡萄牙費加拿霍斯電影節影評人大獎Prémio de Ficção (Grand Prix for Fiction from International Critics’ Jury), Figueira da Foz International Film Festival, Portugal

常開課程 Courses

  • EL 5002 Methods and Issues in Film Studies


Yu-Ching (Louis) Wu

中央大學英美語文學系 專任助理教授

Assistant Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN


State University of New York at Buffalo, English, PhD

Office / 文學院一館A-310
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33210
Email / yuchingw@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


美國紐約州立大學水牛城分校英國文學博士 2019

美國紐約州立大學水牛城分校英國文學碩士 2011 

台灣天主教輔仁大學英國語文學學士   2008

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



European Medieval Literature、Chaucer、The History of Emotions

經歷 / Experience



著作目錄 / Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2024/3 “‘Woful Custance’: Female Sanctity and the Poetics of Pity in The Man of Law’s Tale.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 50.1. National Taiwan Normal University, pp. 141-80, ISSN 1729-6897. (A&HCI) https://doi.org/10.6240/concentric.lit.202403_50(1).0007 
  • 2023/6 “The Familiar Stranger: The Paradox of Neighborly Love in The Miller’s Tale.” Review of English and American Literature 42. English and American Literature Association, pp. 31-73, ISSN 1024-2856 (THCI Core) https://doi.org/10.6711/REAL.202306_(42).0002
  • 2022/9 “The Travail of Travel: Compassion as Emotional Labor in Ancrene Wisse.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 48.2. National Taiwan Normal University, pp. 5-20, ISSN 1729-6897. (A&HCI) https://doi.org/10.6240/concentric.lit.202209_48(2).0002
  • 2021/8 “Feeling ‘Jalou,’ Feeling Ill: Rethinking the Jealous Husband Trope in the Chaucerian Tradition.” Journal of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance English Literature 31.2. The Korean Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance English Literature, pp. 223-242, ISSN 1738-2556. (KCI, Korean Citation Index) http://doi.org/10.17054/jcmrel.2021.31.2.223

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • 2023/10 “The Odor of Sanctity in the Second Nun’s Tale.” The 17th Annual International Conference of Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Taipei (Taiwan).
  • 2022/10 “The Neighbor Next Door.” The 30th Annual Conference of English and American Literature. Kaohsiung (Taiwan). virtual conference
  • 2021/11 “The Road Not Taken: Enclosure as an Alternative Travel in the Middle English Prose Ancrene Wisse.” The 15th Annual International Conference of Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Taipei (Taiwan). virtual conference
  • 2019/11 “Feeling Jealous, Feeling Ill: The Pathologization of an Emotion in the Chaucerian Tradition.” The 13th Annual International Conference of Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. XinZhuang, New Taipei (Taiwan).
  • 2018/10 “Two Ways of Feeling Angry in the Middle Ages.” The 12th Annual International Conference of Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Puli, Nantou (Taiwan).
  • 2017/5 “Where the Wild Things Are: Rethinking Childhood Anger and Romance.” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan (U.S.A.)
  • 2016/8 “Feeling Optimistic in the Middle Ages: Rethinking the History of Emotions and Romance.” The 15th Biennial Romance in Medieval Britain Conference. Vancouver, British-Columbia (Canada)
  • 2016/4 Scrambling A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Bvffalo Bard 2016: 400 Years Since Shakespeare. Buffalo, New York (U.S.A.)
  • 2015/3 “Two Ways of Getting Lost: Rethinking Mourning and Grief in Woodland.” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
  • 2014/5 “Forget About the Beginnings and Endings: Investigating Digressions and Events in Medieval Romances.” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan (U.S.A.).

常開課程 Courses

  • 語言訓練:
    • 英文口語訓練 (English Oral Training)
    • 文獻蒐集及申論寫作(Documentation and Argumentation)
  • 專業課程:
    • 英國文學研究(English Studies 1)
    • 亞瑟王文學(Arthurian Literature)
    • 伊莉莎白一世的文學鏡射(Mirrors of Elizabeth I); 情感識讀與大眾文化(Emotional Literacy and Popular Culture)


Yi Peng

中央大學英美語文學系 榮譽教授

Professor Emeritus, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN


Ph.D. of the Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan

Office / 文學院二館C2-420
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33220
Email / pengyi@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education



Ph.D. of the Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University


M.A. of the Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature National Taiwan University


B.A. of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


英國文藝復興,精神分析,現代手稿研究,文本生成學(genetic criticism),史賓賽

16th-century and 17th-century English literature, modern manuscript study, genetic criticism, Edmund Spenser, psychoanalysis,

經歷 / Experience



中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University 


中央大學英美語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University



  Chair and acting Chair, 


交通大學外國語文學系 專任副教授

Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University


實踐大學外國語文學系 專任講師

Full-time Instructor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shih Chien College

1988-1991 清華大學外國語文學系、淡江大學英文學系 兼任講師

Part-time Instructor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsin-hua University and Department of English, Tamkang University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 〈花心動:周夢蝶賦格手稿初探〉。《中山人文學報》, vol. 37, 2014, pp. 41-62.
  • “Marquer un temps, avant d’aboutir :les manuscrits de Wang Wen-hsing”[“To Pause, before It Ends: A Study of Wang Wenxing’s Manuscripts”]. Genesis:Revue internationale de critique génétique, , vol. 38, 2014, pp. 163-178. 
  • “From the Nature of Myth to the Myth of Nature.” Interlitteraria, vol. 13, No. 1, 2008, pp. 26-39.
  • 〈始作俑者:從《科學心理學大綱》到譚嗣同,康有為與章炳麟〉。《文化研究》,vol. 4, 2007, pp. 135-173 。
  • 〈背向完美語言:《背海的人》芻論〉。《中外文學》,vol. 30, no. 6, 2001, pp. 138-60。(”Backed Against the Perfect Language: A Preliminary Study of Bei hai de ren”)
  • 〈變幻速度:閱讀史賓賽 “Two Cantos of Mutabilitie”〉。《英美文學評論》,vol. 4 , 1999, pp. 79-121。
  • 〈巨變私史:王文興的《家變》〉。《中外文學》,vol. 27, no. 10, 1999, pp. 134-173.
  • 〈獻金:雅伯拉罕﹑齊克果﹑卡夫卡。〉。《中外文學》,vol. 26, no. 7, 1997, pp. 43-74。

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • “‘Square One’: Observations on Yang Mu’s Weichen Manuscripts”,〈爬格子:楊 牧《微塵》手稿〉,國際手稿學會議(202 1 International Seminar Manuscript Studies 2021)上海交通大學以及東北師範大學,(線上與線下會議),上海與 長春,2021年11月21-22日。
  • “Grids and Space: Writer’s Journal and Beyond”. International Symposium on Manuscript Science, Shanghai, Shanghai Jiaotung University and Shanghai Lu Xun Museum. Dec 13th-14th, 2020.
  • “書籍與手稿研究”。「澄定堂古籍與手稿座談會暨手稿捐贈儀式座談會」。臺 北。國家圖書館。2020年10月31日。(“From Books to Manuscripts”. Chengdingtang Ancient Books and Manuscript Symposium and Manuscript Donation Ceremony, National Central Library, 30th, October, 2020.)
  • “On Wang Wenxing’s Reading Notes”, A Workshop on Modern Manuscript Studies in Transit: Terms and Translatability (II), Institute of Modern Texts and Manuscripts, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, École Normale Supérieure and National Central University, 8th of January, 2020.
  • “Marginalia and Reading Notes on Tao Yuanmin (365 CE-437 CE), A Collection of Prose and Poems, An Observation”. Modern Manuscript Studies in Transit: Terms and Translatability (II). Paris, Institute of Modern Texts and Manuscripts, (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, École Normale Supérieure), National Central University, and National Sun Yat-sen University. January 7, 2020.
  • “Writer’s Journals and the Unfinished”〈作者筆記與未完問題〉2019年10月25 日。中山大學與中央大學。「移動中之現代手稿研究:術語與翻譯性」工作 坊 (I)〈謄寫與現代手稿研究的兩地〉,上海魯迅博物館,2019年中國手稿學學術座談會,2019年7月6日。
  • 〈謄寫與現代手稿研究的兩地〉,上海魯迅博物館,2019年中國手稿學學術 座談會,2019年7月6日。
  • 〈類型,史例與文本〉。「中國作家手稿与文本研究国际学术研讨会(2018)」。上海交通大學。2018年,9月6-7日。
  • “Pointing Is Not Pointing: A Look at the Translation of Wang Wenxing’s Clipped Wings, a History”,中山大學,「文化跨界中的人文研究國際學術研討會」。2017年12月14日-15日。
  • 〈阿克比底司的主題世界〉。「古典詩學文獻的當代詮釋學意義」,臺灣大學外文研究所,2017年6月10-11日。
  • 〈合著問題〉。上海魯迅博物館。第三屆中國現代作家手稿及文獻國際研討會。 2016年9月19-20日。
  •  “The Idea of Manuscript”. 「未來的過去:現代手稿研究的回顧與未來應用」,中央大學與中山大學。2016年12月2-4日。
  • 〈林海音「城南舊事」:從版本談起〉。上海魯迅博物館。中國作家手稿研究國際學術研討會。 2015年9月21日。
  • 〈周夢蝶,王文興與魯迅《奔月》〉。上海魯迅博物館。中國現代作家手稿與文獻國際學術研討會。2014年8月15-16日。
  • 〈《兩地》——林海音與《城南舊事》〉。「復旦臺灣電影節 / 電影符號學講座」。復旦大學中文系比較文學與世界文學教研室。2014年4月7日-12日。
  • 〈花心動:周夢蝶《賦格》手稿初探〉。「觀照與低迴:周夢蝶手稿、創作、宗教與藝術國際學術研討會暨手稿展」(2013年3月23日-24日,臺大文學院演講廳),臺大臺文所,高師大中文系,中央英文系主辦。國科會與教育部輔助。,臺北,臺灣大學文學院演講廳。
  • “The Art of Affect in Modernist Manuscripts”.「情感,政治,精神分析」國際研討會 Affect, Politics, Psychoanalysis: International Conference。臺大外文系,臺灣大學。2013年,6月21日至23日。
  •  “To Pause before It Ends: A Study of Wang Wenxing’s Manuscripts”. Works in Progress: Chinese Manuscripts and Genetic Criticism. Artois University an ITEM, Artois and Paris. April 2-4, 2013.
  •  “When Text Becomes Book”. “‘From Text(s) to Book(s)”. University of Lorraine. June 21st -23rd,, 2012. Nancy, France.
  • 〈聖像:從聖經翻譯到作品直譯〉。中央大學歷史研究所與香港中文大學合辦 「基督教在華史研究的新面向」工作坊,2012.3.20。
  • 〈嚴復的施萊爾馬赫詮釋學〉。第一屆閩商國際研討會。福州,福州大學閩商文化研究院主辦。2010年5月17–20日。
  • “[S]ecretly he saw, yet note discoure . . .”: The Alchemical and the Theatrical in The Faerie Queene, Book III. Renaissance Society of America. Venice, 8th -10th, April, 2010.
  • “‘To Have and Nothing Use’:_The Faerie Queene, Book II”. The Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, March 19-21, 2009.
  • “惡之華:家變的日常顯像”。 中文敘事語言的藝術: 王文興國際研討會
    加拿大卡加利大學,2009年2月19-21日( “Art of Chinese Narrative Language: International Workshop on Wang Wen-hsing’s Life and Works”)University of Calgary, February 19-21, 2009。
  • 〈自然,命名與思辯:荀子《天論》〉。中國比較文學學會第九屆年會暨國際學術研討會:多元文化互動中的文學對話。北京,中國比較文學會,北京語言大學主辦。2008年10月12—14日。
  • “Dream and Action: A Reading of The Faerie Queene, Book II.” The Second International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS): Dream and Dreamworld. National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 18-19, April. 2008.
  • 〈必然(Necessity)與可行(Probability):手稿學與記憶研究。〉國立中央大學,「第二屆兩岸三地人文社科學論壇:典範移轉,學科的互動與整合」。2007年11月17日-18日。
  •  “‘State of Nature’: Shaftesbury and Others”. Departmental presentation at PAW (People at Work) meeting. November 14. 2006.
  • “Confabulation and Soliloquy”. Persuasion and Dissuasion. The 6th International Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). The University of Amsterdam. June 27 – June 30, 2006.
  • 〈名正言順:科學心理學大綱與康有為之《實理公法全書》與《大同書》。〉2004年中國精神分析年會(2004 China Annual Meeting for Psychoanalysis)。上海。2004年九月。中國心理衛生協會與心理諮詢與心理治療專業委員會。
  •  “That Oceanic Feeling We All Have: Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents and Tan Sitong’s Renxue, An Outline.” ISP 2002 (International Symposium of Psychoanalysis). 國際精神分析研討會2002。成都,四川大學心理研究所主辦。2002年4月15日至18日。
  • “ The Table, The Encyclopedia, and the Archive: A Reading of The Peroidical Table.”The Eighth Quadrennial International Conference on Comparative Literature. Reading the Fin de Siecle, Writing the Millennium: Comparative Literature at the Crossroads. 27-29, Aug. 1999. Tamkang University.
  • “The Goodfellow Poet: Fulke Greville’s Caelica, Later Sonnets.” Conference paper presented at “Fulke Greville is a good boy”: A Symposium on the Life, Times and Writings of Fulke Greville. Shrewsbury School, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. 3rd- 5th April 1998。
  • “「圖書館場景」–An Adolescent Reading of The Faerie Queene,  Book VI.” 。佛光人文社會學院籌備處舉辦,「『文學學』學術研討會」,1995年6月3-4日。會議論文

專書 Book

  • 《文本與現代手稿研究》。書林, 2019年。(預計2019年11月出版)

專書論文 Book Chapter

  • 〈不可能手稿與記憶〉。張漢良主編。《符號與記憶: 海峽兩岸的文本實踐》,行人文化實驗室,2015年,33-48頁。
  • 《觀照與低迴:周夢蝶手稿、創作、宗教與藝術國際學術研討會論文集》。〈花心動:周夢蝶賦格手稿初探〉。學生書局,2014年12月,271-290頁。
  • 〈惡之華:《家變》之日常顯象〉。《慢讀王文興》(七卷)。黃恕寧,康來新主編。《嘲諷與逆變:〈家變〉》專論(第一卷)。臺大出版中心,2013年12月,90-105頁。
  • 〈「盡在文字」:王文興研究觀察〉。易鵬主編。《臺灣現當代作家研究資料彙編。王文興專卷》。臺灣文學發展基金會,2013年,67-96頁。
  • 〈易義, 書-王文興《家變》手稿〉。。《開始的開始》。易鵬主編。收於《王文興手稿集:家變、背海的人》(精裝本)。行人文化試驗室,臺大出版中心,2011年,(Wang Wenxing shougao ji: Jia Bian, Bei hai de ren(Wang Wenxing’s Manuscripts: Family Catastrophe and Backed Against the Sea). General Editor, Peng YI. Taipei: Xingren Wen hua shi yen shi),153-178頁。
  • 〈問之初〉。《家變手稿》(平裝本)。行人文化試驗室,臺大圖書館,臺大出版中心,2010年,無頁數。
  •  “Thinking between Passions and Deliberation.” Dialogue Analysis XI , Proceedings of the IADA 11th Conference on‚ Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric’. Volume 2 (IADA (International Association for Discourse Analysis) on-line series. Ed. Edda Weigand. U of Munster, 2009. 379-391 (http://www.uni-muenster.de/Ling/iada/download/iada.online.series_volume02.pdf). 8.“‘In Proper Form’: Xunzi’s Theory of xiner. Traditions of Controversy. Eds. Marcelo Dascal and Han-liang Chang. John Benjamins, 2007, pp. 101-123.
  • 〈譯序:薩依德,寓言不止〉。易鵬譯。《佛洛依德與非歐裔》(Freud and the Non-European)。愛德華‧薩依德(Edward W. Said)。行人出版社,2003年。
  • “ Paraphrase! 欲力論,從新批評典律談起。”《方法:文學的路》。張漢良主編。台大出版中心,2002年,87-115頁。
  • 〈異鄉的我們:從《異鄉客的我們》談起〉。《文化研究在台灣》。陳光興主編。巨流,2000年,75-96頁。
  • “Renaissance Imitations: Theatre and Ruins of Memory.” 英國文藝復興時期文學研討會。中山大學外文系主辦。2000 年4月。會議論文集出版中。
  • 〈燭上華三首。《鄭在東作品集》〉。大未來,1998年,58-69頁。
  • “The New World of The Faerie Queene, Book III: From Apposition to
  •  Compassing.” The Mutual Encounter of East and Westt, 1492-1992  Edited by Peter Milward. Sophia UP, 1992, pp. 145-91. And a slightly different version in Fu Jen Studies , vol. 25, 1992, pp. 87-100.
  • 呂正惠主編。《文學的後設思考︰當代文學理論家》。〈完整即及多樣— 威廉
  • 斯的一些基本觀念〉。正中書局,1991,104-129頁。


  • 〈徐冰專題〉。《中央大學人文學報》,61期 (National Central University Journal of Humanities. No. 61),2016年4月(October 2016)。
  • 《音樂與手稿研究》 (Manuscript and Music Study),《中央人文學報》,60期(National Central University Journal of Humanities. No. 60),2015年10月(October 2015)。副主編(客座編輯連憲升)。
  • 《文本發生學)》(Genetic Criticism,《中山人文學報》,37期 (Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities. No. 37),2014年7月(June 2014)。客座編輯。
  • 《王文興》(臺灣現當代作家研究資料彙編:48)。易鵬編選。國立臺灣文學館,2013。


  • 2017-2021

    GDRI- DIGEN,GDRI「國際研究合作網路」(GDRI, International Research Network,),「文本生成學與數位人文」(DIGEN, Genetic Criticism and Digital Humanities)計畫。


  • 2020年2月7日,“A Workshop on Modern Manuscript Studies in Transit: Terms and Translatability (II)”, 7th of February, 2020 , Institute of Modern Texts and Manuscripts, (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, École Normale Supérieure), National Central University, and National Sun Yat-sen Universiy.(專題研究計畫–自由型擴充加值(add-on)國際合作研究計畫輔助)
  • 2019年10月25日,“A Workshop on Modern Manuscript Studies in Transit: Terms and Translatability (I)”,25th of October, 2019「移動中之現代手稿研究:術語與翻譯性」,中央大學,中山大學。
  • 2016年,12月2-4日(Dec. 2nd-4th , 2017),中央大學與中山大學。「未來的過去: 現代手稿研究的回顧與未來應用 國際學術研討會 」(“We Look Before and After”, An International Conference on Modern Manuscript Study: Retrospect and the Prospect of Its Applications)
  • 2013年4月2- 4日(April 2nd -4th, 2013),雙邊研討會 (台法幽蘭計畫–研討會) 「從文本發生學看中文手稿」,University of Artois, ITEM.
  • 2010年9月24-26日,「手稿,文本與數位文獻國際會議」。中央大學與臺灣文學館。

常開課程 Courses

  • 文藝復興與手稿研究
  • 現代主義與歷史
  • 精神分析專題
  • 文學批評 Ⅱ 
  • 進階會話
  • 文學分析寫作
  • 演說與溝通II


David M. Stewart

中央大學英美語文學系 榮譽教授

Professor emeritus, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館C2-433
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33223
Email / dstewart@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


1997 Ph.D. University of Chicago, Department of English (United States)

1990 M.A. Dalhousie University, Department of English (Canada)

1988 B.A. Dalhousie University, Department of English (Canada)

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Literary and Cultural History of the United States; Theory and Culture of Criticism; History of the Book; Education; Affect

經歷 / Experience


2019 – Professor Emeritus, Department of English, National Central University

2012 – 2019 Professor of English, National Central University

2007 – 2012 Associate Professor of English, National Central University 

1997 – 2007 Assistant Professor of English, National Central University 

2002 – 2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania 

1996 – 1997 Lecturer, McGill University, Department of English

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2017 “New Criticism and Value in Taiwanese College English,” American Literature, special issue “Pedagogy: Critical Practices for a Changing World”, 89: 2 (June 2017), 397-423. (Duke University Press) A&HCI
  • 2014 “Aesthetic Education in an Era of Diminishing Expectation,” Tamkang Review 45.1 (December 2014), 73-79, in “An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization: A Forum,” with Duncan Chesney, Chi-she Li, and Guy Beauregard, 55-79. THCI Core
  • 2008 “Consuming George Thompson,” American Literature 80:2 (June 2008), 233-263. (Duke University Press) A&HCI 
  • 2007 “The Disorder of Libraries,” The Library Quarterly 76:4 (October 2006; appeared March 2007), 403-419. (University of Chicago Press) A&HCI 
  • 1998 “Cultural Work, City Crimes, Reading, Pleasure,” American Literary History 9: 4 (Winter 1998): 676-701. (Oxford University Press) A&HCI

研討會論文 Conference Paper

  • 2018 “Bartleby in the White House,” Reading Now: Practices, Pedagogy, Profession, Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, June 26-28.
  • 2016 “The Reading We Teach,” Books, Reading and History: A Conference in Honor of Barbara Hochman, Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, January 12, 2016.
  • 2015 “Print Culture and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century America,” Dept. of Western Languages and Literature, National University of Kaohsiung, November 18, 2015.
  • 2015 “New Criticism and Value in Taiwanese College English,” Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, April 28, 2015.
  • 2013 “An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Diminishing Expectations,” “After the World:
  • New Possibilities for Comparative Literature,” Conference of the Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China, Tamkang University, Taiwan, December 13-14, 2013.
  • 2013 “What We Teach: Literature and Value in Taiwanese College English,” “The Return of the Text: A Conference on the Cultural Value of Close Reading,” Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, Sept. 26-28, 2013. 
  • 2013 “American Literary Studies in the 21st Century: Problems and Challenges,” roundtable presentation at National Taiwan Normal University, February 26, 2013.
  • 2013 “Canonical Sentiments, Noncanonical Sensations,” Taiwan National Science Council Conference for Research on Foreign Languages and Literatures, 2010-2011, National Chengchi University, March 23, 2013.
  • 2012 — Modern Language Association Annual Conference, Seattle WA, USA, January 5-8, 2012. (Session organizer: What do we talk about when we talk about sensationalism?)
  • 2011 — American Literature Association Annual Conference, Boston MA, USA, May 26-29, 2011. 
  • 2012 “What We Teach: Reflections on the Taiwanese Future of College English,” Canada- Taiwan Conference in Higher Education, Taoyuan, Taiwan, October 16-17, 2010.
  • 2010 “Is Cheap Reading Proletarian Literature?” Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association Annual Conference, Working Class Studies Area, Alexandria VA, USA, Oct. 28-30, 2010.
  • 2010 “Sex and Sexual Innuendo in Antebellum Reading,” Australia and New Zealand American Studies Association Conference, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, July 1-4, 2010.
  • 2010 — Institute for European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. May 11, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.
  • 2009 “Sex and Innuendo in Antebellum Illustration,” Destined for Men: Visual Materials for Male Audiences, 1750 – 1880, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA, October 16-17, 2009.
  • 2009 — International Conference on Visuality and Cultural Literacy, Dec. 12-13, National Central University, Taiwan, 2009.
  • 2009 “Walking, Working, Reading: the Workingman as Body and Text,” Presentation to the Memory and Knowledge Production project, National Central University, May 27, 2009.
  • 2008 “Reading Bodies and the Uses of Text Interpretation,” Literature, Book History, and the Anxiety of Disciplinarity, Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, July 1-3, 2008. 
  • 2008 “Walking, Working, Reading,” Rethinking Labour: Labour, Affect and Material Culture, Clinton Institute of American Studies, University College Dublin, April 18-20, 2008.
  • 2006  “Bartleby Depressed,” NCU Humanities Center, December 2006.
  • 2006 “Critical Bodies: Moralism, Charisma, and the Trouble with Affect,” Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 206.
  • 2007 — PAW presentation, Department of English, NCU, Chungli, Taiwan, May 2004.
  • 2004 “Recreating Men in Antebellum America,” Missouri Americanist Group, University of Missouri-Columbia, May 2004.
  • 2003 “The Wages of Charisma,” Sixth Congress of the Americas, University of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, October 2003.
  • 2002 “Interdisciplinarity of the Barricades,” McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, October 2002.
  • 2002 “Consuming George Thompson,” McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, September 2002.
  • 2001 “Consuming Working-Class Masculinity,” Fifth Congress of the Americas, University of the Americas, Puebla, Mexico, October 2001. (Session Chair: Food and Culture)
  • 2001 “Film English: Using Films to ‘Teach’ Conversation,” Seminar on College English, National Central University, Taiwan, March 2001.
  • 2000 “Reading the Republic,” Cultural Studies Workshop, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, December 2000.
  • 1999 “Reading, Feeling, Gender, and Sex,” American Studies Association, Montreal, October 1999. (Session Organizer: Reading and Emotional Life in America)
  • 2001 “Reading Violence: Affect and Identity in 19th-Century Men’s Recreational Culture,” English & American Literature Ass., National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, December 2001. 
  • 2000 — Material Cultures of the Book Conference, University of Edinburgh, July 2000. 
  • 1999 — American Antiquarian Society, Worcester MA, February 1999.
  • 1998 — American Studies Association Conference, Seattle 1998.
  • 1997 “Reading the Erotic: Reconstructive Paradigms,” MLA Conference, Toronto, Canada, December 1997. 
  • 1998 “Print, Pleasure, and the Disorder of Books,” ROC Comparative Literature Association Conference, Taipei, May 1998.
  • 1996 — Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) Conference, Worcester MA, July 1996.
  • 1995 “Fast Living, Fast Writing: The Autobiography of Geo. Thompson,” Knox College, October 1995.
  • 1995 — American Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, November 1995.
  • 1994 “City Crimes: Violence, Pleasure, and Antebellum Urban Sensationalism,” MLA Annual Conference, San Diego, December 1994. 
  • 1994 — Chicago Humanities Institute, February 1994.

專書 Book

  • 2011 Reading and Disorder in Antebellum America. Columbus: Ohio State

    University Press. Reviewed in: SHARP News 21:2 (Spring 2012); American Literature 84:4 (December 2012); Times Literary Supplement 5685 (May 16, 2012); Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 5:1 (2013); American Literary History 26:2 (Summer 2014).

專書論文 Book Chapters

  • 2016 “Working Away, Writing Home,” The Edinburgh Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Letters and Letter-Writing, Eds. Celeste-Marie Bernier, Judie Newman, Matthew Pethers, Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 185-197.
  • 2014 “Cheap Reading and the Rise of a Proletarian Print Culture in the United States,” Created Unequal: Class and the Making of American Literature, ed. Andrew Lawson. New York: Routledge, 59-78.
  • 2011 “Sensationalism,” in U.S. Popular Print Culture, 1860-1920 (History of Popular Print Culture Series), ed. Christine Bold. New York: Oxford University Press, 375-393.

書評 Book Reviews

  • 2013 Review: Nineteenth-Century Literature 68:1 (June 2013) 119-122: Gillian Silverman, Bodies and Books: Reading and the Fantasy of Communion in Nineteenth-Century America. A&HCI
  • 2009 3 Reviews: American Literature 81:4, 836-838:  Leon Jackson, The Business Of Letters: Authorial Economies In Antebellum America; Ben Railton, Contesting The Past, Reconstructing The Nation: American Literature And Culture In The Gilded Age, 1876-1893; and Trish Loughran, The Republic In Print: Print Culture In The Age Of U.S. Nation Building, 1770-1870. A&HCI
  • 2009 Review: Resources for American Literary Study 32 (2007; published 2009) 321-324: Scott E. Casper, Jeffery D. Groves, Stephen W. Nissenbaum, and Michael Winship (eds.), A History of the Book in America: Volume III: The Industrial Book, 1840-1880. A&HCI
  • 2008 3 Reviews: American Literature 80:3, 627-629: John Vacha, From Broadway to Cleveland: A History of the Hanna Theatre; Thomas Augst and Kenneth Carpenter (eds.), Institutions of Reading: The Social Life of Libraries in the United States; and Les Harrison, The Temple and the Forum: The American Museum and Cultural Authority in Hawthorne, Melville, Stowe, and Whitman. A&HCI
  • 2002 Review Essay: “Neo Poe: How to be Hip but Stay Legit,” minnesota review 55/57 (fall 2002) 331-336: on Jonathan Elmer, Reading at the Social Limit: Affect, Mass Culture and Edgar Allan Poe (Stanford UP, 1995), and Terence Whalen, Edgar Allan Poe and the Masses: The Political Economy of Literature in Antebellum America (Princeton UP, 1999). A&HCI
  • 2001 Review Essay: “Reading the Republic: Interdisciplinarity on the Barricades,” Connecticut History 40: 1 (Spring 2001) 147-159: on Laura Rigal, The American Manufactory: Art, Labor, and the World of Things in the Early Republic (Princeton UP, 1998).

其他著作 Others

  • 2012 Commentary: “Confessions of an Unrepentant Non-Comparativist,” Newsletter of the Comparative Literature Association of Taiwan, Inaugural Issue (December), 9-13.
  • 2006 Education: “Film English,” Electronic Journal of English Education 24 (May). http://english.ncu.edu.tw/stewart/Research/Research.html
  • 2005 Reference Article: “American Literature to 1900,” Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics (Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2005) v.1 33-35.
  • 2001 Digital Resource (education): “From American Survey to American Studies: Using History and Films to Expand the Traditional Disciplinary Approach to Teaching American Literature” http://english.ncu.edu.tw/stewart/Research/AmericanSurvey/AmericanSurvey.html

榮譽 /

Grants and Academic Honors


  • 2013 NSC Outstanding Research Award / 國科會傑出研究獎
  • 2014 – 2017 National Science Council Research Grant
  • Project Title: “Reading, Writing, and Technologies of Affect in Nineteenth-Century America”
  • 2013 – 2014 National Science Council Research Grant 
  • Project Title: “What We Teach: Literature and Value in Taiwanese 
  • College English”
  • 2011 – 2012 National Science Council Research Grant 
  • Project Title: “What do we talk about when we talk about sensationalism?”
  • 2010 – 2011 National Science Council Research Grant 
  • Project Title: “Cheap Reading and the Rise of Proletarian Print Culture in the United States”
  • 2002 NSC Humanities Center (NTU) Research Fellowship (declined)
  • 2000 – 2001 National Science Council Research Grant
  •       Project Title: “Men on Men: Print Culture and Male Relations”
  • 1999 – 2000 National Science Council Research Grant
  •       Project Title: “Reading and Emotional Life”
  • 1998 National Science Council Merit Award 
  • 1998 – 1999 National Science Council Research Grant
  • Project Title: “The Autobiography of George Thompson: Toward an Aesthetics of Working-Class Reading”


  • 2002 – 2004 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania 
  • 2000 American Antiquarian Society Research Fellowship 
  • 1999 American Antiquarian Society Research Associate (funded by the National Science Council)
  • 1998 Huntington Library/Mellon Foundation Research Fellowship 
  • 1994 Library Company of Philadelphia Research Fellowship 
  • 1992 – 1993 J. William Fulbright Scholarship (University of Chicago)


  • 2009 Institute for European and American Studies, Short Term Fellowship


  • 2017   NCU Outstanding Research Award / 研究傑出獎
  • 2014 – 2015  NCU Distinguished Research Award / 學術研究傑出特聘教授
  • 2012   NCU Outstanding Research Award / 研究傑出獎
  • 2012   NCU Outstanding Teaching Award / 學傑出獎
  • 2010   NCU Outstanding Research Award / 研究傑出獎 
  • 2007   NCU Outstanding Teaching Award / 學傑出獎
  • 2008   NCU Humanities Project: Memory and Knowledge Production
  • 2006, 09, 11  NCU Department of English Teaching Award 
  • 2006 NCU Excellence in Teaching Project: American History and Film http://english.ncu.edu.tw/teachingforexcellence/filmhistory/index.html
  • 2007 NCU Excellence in Teaching Project: American History and Film http://english.ncu.edu.tw/teachingforexcellence/filmhistory/index.html
  • 2006   NCU Humanities Center Research Fellowship


  • 1994 – 1995 Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Scholarship 
  • 1994 Andrew W. Mellon Summer Research Scholarship 
  • 1991 – 1993 International House Scholarship 
  • 1991 – 1994 University of Chicago Scholarship

常開課程 Courses

  • Introduction to the History and Culture of the United States
  • America’s Spiritual Strivings 
  • History and Film
  • Expository Writing 
  • Writing about Literature
  • Thesis Writing and Methodology (MA)


Wenchi Lin

中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

美國 紐約州立大學石溪分校 比較文學 博士

Ph.D Graduate Program in Comparative Literature, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA

Office / 文學院二館C2-426
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33209
Email / wenchi@cc.ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education


美國 紐約州立大學石溪分校 比較文學 博士

Ph.D Graduate Program in Comparative Literature, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Film Studies, Taiwan Cinema, Chinese-English Translation, English Teaching

經歷 / Experience


2022.01 – 國立中央大學視覺文化研究中心 主任

2020.02 – 國立中央大學文學院院長

2012.09 – 《藝術學研究》編輯委員

2011.08 – 國立中央大學 教授

1998.08 –   國立中央大學英文系電影文化研究室 召集人

2016.10 – 2020.12 《中央大學人文學報》 主編

2017.07 – 2020.05 國家電影中心 常務董事

2017.08 – 2014.08 金馬獎 初審評委

2016.08 – 2018.07 國立中央大學文學院 副院長

2016.12 – 2019.02 國立中央大學視覺文化研究中心 主任

2014.08 – 2016.07 國家電影中心 執行長 

2013.08 – 2014.07 國家電影資料館 館長

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • 2019    “Country City: The Representation of Taipei in the Urban Comedies by Hou Hsiao-hsien and Chen Kun-how.” Monde Chinois, Nouvelle Asie (57) 2019: 25-34.
  • 2013 〈音樂夢–《最好的時光》的歌曲調度與歷史回訪〉。《電影欣賞學刊》10.1 (2013): 7-19。
  • 2012   〈鄉村城市:侯孝賢與陳坤厚城市喜劇中的台北〉。《藝術學研究》11 (2012): 1-49。
  • 2012   〈《大地兒女》:一位導演的誕生〉。《電影欣賞》151(2012): 62-66。
  • 2011   〈《彩雲飛》、《秋歌》與《心有千千結》中的勞動女性與瓊瑤七0年代電影的「健康寫實」精神〉。《電影欣賞學刊》第8卷第1期,2011。4-19。
  • 2010    “More than Escapist Romantic Fantasies: Revisiting Qiong Yao Films of the 1970s.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 4.1(2010): 45-50.
  • 2009   〈《意外的春天》與《珈琲時光》的「套層密藏」詩學〉。《藝術學研究》第5 期,2009。81-112。 
  • 2007    〈「醚味」與侯孝賢電影詩學〉。《電影欣賞學刊》第130 期,2007。104-117。

專書論文 Book Chapter

  • 2019〈從〈寄生〉到《四季花開》:《花為媒》改編版本的敘事比較〉。王海洲编。《中國藝術傳統與中國電影》。北京市:中國電影出版社,2019。297-315。
  • 2016 “Of female spies and national heroes: a brief history of anti-Japanese films in Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1970s.”  Eds. Michael Berry and Sawada Chiho.  Honolulu : University of Hawai’i Press, 2016. 
  • 2016 〈《大地兒女》與《吾土吾民》比較研究:兼論20 世紀60 與70 年代港、台抗日電影〉。《跨世紀定格:香港電影100年 》。中國電影出版社。

專書 Book

  • 2021 《台語片第一女主角:小豔秋回憶錄》。林文淇策劃主編。台北市:雙囍,2021。
  • 2021 《我的鑽石人生:林沖回憶錄》。林文淇策劃主編。桃園市:國立中央大學,2021。
  • 2018 《妖姬、特務、梅花鹿:白虹的影海人生》。林文淇策劃主編。台北市:一人,2018。
  • 2015 《戲夢時光:侯孝賢電影的城市、歷史、美學研究》。林文淇、沈曉茵、李振亞編。台北市:台灣電影中心,2000。
  • 2011 《我跟電影一國:林文淇影評集》。林文淇。台北市:書林,2011。
  • 2010    《台灣電影的聲音》。林文淇、王玉燕編。台北市:書林,2010。
  • 2010    《華語電影中的國族寓言與台灣認同》。林文淇。台北市:台灣電影資料館,2010。
  • 2009 《觀展看影:華文地區視覺文化研究》。林文淇、吳方正編。台北市:書林,2009。
  • 2006    《生命的影像:台灣紀錄片的七堂課》。林文淇、陳德齡編。中壢市:國立中央大學電影文化研究室,2006。 
  • 2001 《戲戀人生:侯孝賢電影研究》。林文淇、沈曉茵、李振亞編。台北市:麥田,2000。

翻譯 Translation

  • 1997 《電影的社會實踐》。台北市:遠流出版社,1997。

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors

  • 2013  國立中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 2012  發行與主編之《放映週報》獲台北電影節「卓越貢獻獎」
  • 2011  國立中央大學研究傑出獎
  • 2011  國立中央大學文學院優良教師獎

常開課程 Courses

  • 翻譯理論與習作
  • 電影編劇理論與實作
  • 閱讀與文化常識
  • 台灣電影


Claudio Sansone

中央大學英美語文學系 專任助理教授

Assistant Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / 文學院二館C2-423

Email: cldsnsn@ncu.edu.tw
分機 33217
WEBSITE: cldsnsn.com

學歷 / Education



2021 Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of Chicago


2021 M.A. Classics, University of Chicago


2014 B.A. Hons. English, Trinity College Dublin

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty


Ancient Literature (Greco-Roman, Indian, Mesopotamian); 19th-20th c. Literatures (Anglophone, European); Labor; Marxism; Philology; Affect Theory; Myth; Reception Studies


經歷 / Experience


  • 中央大學英美語文學系專任助理教授

    Full-time Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, National Central University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

專書 Book

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • “The Poetics of the Ostrakon: N. H. Pritchard’s ‘Mundus’ at the Whitney Museum. Jacket2 (March 9, 2023) [LINK]
  • “Pasolini’s Greeks and the Irrational” Clotho 4.2 (Dec 2022) 181-208. [LINK]
  • “Salvadori’s Orfeo: Going ‘Astray / Amid the Flowers’” Translation Ireland 20.1 (Nov 2017) 43-53.
  • “A Poet’s Italian: A Few Remarks on Translating Pound’s Contributions to Broletto” and “Ezra Pound’s Contributions to Broletto: Three Articles in Translation” Make it New (Ezra Pound Society Publication) 2.2 (Sep 2015) 76-91.
  • “‘Lolita, light of my life. My sin, my soul’ and Psalm 38” Nabokov Online Journal 8 (2014/15)Link to Article        

專書論文 Book chapter

  • “Blank Space: Akkadian Metapoetics in the Bel-eṭir Narrative” In The Shape of Stories: Narrative Structure in Cuneiform Literature, ed. Sophus Helle and Gina Konstantopoulos. Brill. 258-281. Link to Publisher’s Site.
  • “Berryman’s ‘Poundian Inheritance’ and the Epic of ‘Synchrisis’” in John Berryman: Centenary Essays, eds. P. Coleman and P. Campion. Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang, 2017. Link to Publisher’s Site.


研討會論文 Conference Papers

  • “Keeping the Past the Past: Structures of Containment in the Sumerian Death of Gilgamesh.” The Unforgotten One: Where Next for Gilgamesh? Freie Universität Berlin. July 22-23.
  • “The Sublimation of Violence Against the Enslaved in the Odyssey.” “You Better Work”: Queer Labour, Queer Liberation (QATC 2022). Classical Association & Johns Hopkins University. April 8-9.
  • “Comparative Mythology: Indo-European Gods?” Illinois Junior Classical League Convention 2022. February 26 2022.
  • “Manufacturing Gods in the Rigveda: The Ṛbhus and their Labors.” Theory and Practice of South Asia Workshop. University of Chicago. January 24 2022.
  • “Pasolini’s Greeks and the Irrational.” A Proletarian Classics? University of St. Andrews. October 23-24 2021.
  • “Petronius’ Ajax.” CAMWS. April 9 2021.
  • “Disobedient Allusion: Middle Irish Receptions of Classical Mythology.” Bad Intertextuality Workshop. NYU. December 3 2021.  
  • ““Venite, adeamus”: Friedrich Rosen’s Latin Rigveda” ACLA 2020 Chicago. 19-22 Mar 2020. [Accepted. Conference cancelled due to COVID-19.]
  • “The Burial of Gilgamesh’s Two Bodies: King and Text” Excavations. 26th Annual McGill Graduate Conference. McGill. 14-15 Feb 2020.
  • “Philology and its Discontents: The Case of Agamemnon’s Sceptre.” Rhetoric & Poetics Workshop. University of Chicago. 7 Nov 2019.
  • “Sic Notus Ulixes?: Parody and the Persistence of Ideology [Old Irish, Latin, Akkadian].” VIU Advanced Seminar in the Humanities 2018-19: Classics and the Ancient Near East. 6-11 Apr 2019.
  • “The Barren Cow Disasters of the Odyssey.” Animals Seminar, ASCSA Whitehead Seminar. March 2019.
  • “Contemporary Sumerian Literature and Religion: From Charles Olson’s Literary Reactionism to a Religious Schism in the Internet-Based Sumerian Reconstructionist Movements.” 46th Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. University of Louisville. 22-24 Feb 2018.
  • “Comparative Poetics in Understudied Corpora: Sumerian, Hittite, Avestan” Comparative Literature Departmental Colloquium. University of Chicago. 1 Dec 2017.
  • “Mursili’s New Voice: Hittite Ethnopoetics” International Congress of Hittitology, Chicago. August 2017.
  • “Cassandra’s Eyes: Obscurity in Pound and Lycophron.” 27th Ezra Pound International Conference. University of Pennsylvania. Jun 21-23 2017.
  • ““as the fish-tails said to Odysseus”: Ezra Pound’s Anti-Odyssean Myths” 45th Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. University of Louisville. 23-25Feb 2017.
  • “Dead Puppet’s Society: Mass Sacrifice at Ur, Gilgamesh’s Theatre of Cruelty, The Sumerian King List, Comparativism and Ideology.” Comparative Literature Departmental Colloquium. University of Chicago. 2 Dec 2016.
  • “Pound and Lycophron: Distant Modernisms” 44th Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. University of Louisville, 18-22 Feb 2016.   
  • “A Case of Strange Parentage: Ezra Pound’s Sophocles” 26th Ezra Pound International Conference. Brunnenburg Castle, Italy. 7-11 Jul 2015.
  • “Why Canto XIII?: Berryman and the Epic Tradition.” John Berryman Centenary Conference. University of Minnesota. 24-25 Oct 2014.


翻譯 Translation

  • The Greek Hexametrical “Kiln Poem” Trinity Journal of Literary Translation 10.2 (2020)
  • “Homeric Hymn to the Dioskouroi (XXXIII)” Trinity Journal of Literary Translation 4 (2016)
  • “The Boxing Match in Apollonius of Rhode’s Argonautica” David Scott Project (May 2015) (www.thedsproject.com)
  • “The Reconstructed Iphimede Fragment from Hesiod’s Ehoae” Trinity Journal of Literary Translation 2 (2014)
  • “Sappho’s Prayer for Charasos” Trinity Journal of Literary Translation 2 (2014)
  • “Fins” [Boris Vian, “Á Nageoires”] Alchemy: a journal of translation 5 (2013)
  • “Desert Island” [Boris Vian, “Île déserte”] Alchemy: a journal of translation 5 (2013)
  • “In order to live I do not want” [Pedro Salinas, “Para vivir no quiero”] Alchemy: a journal of translation 5  (2013)
  • from So What Are you Spain” [Jean Sénac, “Espagne Que’es-tu Donc”] Trinity News 60.3 (Nov 2013)
  • “The Honeymoon” [T.S. Eliot, “Lune de Miel”] Trinity Journal of Literary Translation, 1 (2013)
  • from Death will come and it will have your eyes” [Cesare Pavese, “Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi”] Trinity Journal of Literary Translation, 1 (2013)

其他著作 Other

常開課程 Courses

  • Comparative History of Ideas
  • Journalistic English (Conspiracy Theories)
  • The Emergence of Literature
  • Capital Affects

榮譽 Grants and Academic Honors


Committee on South Asian Studies Dissertation Fellowship. University of Chicago.


Committee on Advanced Studies Research Grant. University of Chicago.


Fowler Merle-Smith Fellowship. American School of Classics Studies at Athens.


Ryerson Fellowship in Archaeology. University of Chicago.


Ephron Scholarship in Classics. University of Chicago.

2016, 2017

Paul Shorey Scholarship in Classics. University of Chicago.


Graduation Gold Medal Recipient. Trinity College Dublin.


Scholar of the University in English Studies. Trinity College Dublin.


Lee, Wan-Hsin

中央大學英美語文學系 專任助理教授

Assistant Professor, English Department, National Central University, TAIWAN

Office / C2-435
Tel / 03-422-7151 ext:33203
Email / annlee@ncu.edu.tw

學歷 / Education



2020 Ph.D. The Division of Linguistics, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University


2012 M.A. The Division of Linguistics, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University


2008 B.A. Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

專長領域 / Fields of Specialty



Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis

經歷 / Experience



Full-time Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, National Central University

著作目錄 /
Publications and Presentations

期刊論文 Journal articles

  • Su, Hsi-Yao & Lee, Wan-Hsin. 2022. Metadiscourse of impoliteness, language ideology, and identity: offense-taking as social action. Journal of Politeness Research. https://doi.org/10.1515/pr-2019-0013 [A&HCI, SSCI, EBSCO, SCOPUS]

  • Lee, Wan-Hsin Ann. 2021. Online metapragmatic discourse on “English as Taiwan’s second official language”: Multilingualism and ideological contestation. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 19.2: 119–160. https://doi.org/10.6519/TJL.202107_19(2).0004 [THCI Core]

  • Lee, Wan-Hsin. 2020. What does guojijiegui mean?: Language ideology, intertextuality and indexicality in online metapragmatic discourse. Monumenta Taiwanica 19: 53–89. https://doi.org/10.6242/twnica.202004_(19).0003

  • Lee, Wan-Hsin & Hsi-Yao Su. 2019. “You are in Taiwan, speak Chinese”: Identity, language ideology, and sociolinguistic scales in online interaction. Discourse, Context & Media. 32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2019.100339 [SSCI]

專書論文 Book Chapters

  • Lee, Wan-Hsin. 2021. “Some questions are sophisticated, so I have to answer them in sophisticated English”: On Quality Talk in low-achieving EFL classes. In Chao-Chen Chen & Mei-Lan Lo (eds.), The Theory and Practice of Group Discussion with Quality Talk. Learning Science for Higher Education 23–43. Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1409-5_2

常開課程 Courses